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Mid pandemic



I’m honestly not sure what to write about but here I go. I just need to vent. Just wanted to write a little something about how things are going with me. But that’s kinda hard given the state of the world right now. Things are shit. It’s been such a f***ed up time this past almost year and a half with the pandemic. It’s literally killing people all over the world. We have people on the streets in some countries like India, not getting into hospitals. What a mess. I used to work in healthcare, now I’m out of it, but I’m working to get back into it now and work my way up. I just need to help out and make a difference wherever I can. That’s how I feel anyway. We all need to be wearing our masks if we are to get out of this thing. We don’t even need to all get vaccinated. Just the mask and hand washing would rid of it. But not everyone wants to wear it. Pisses me off. People have such little minds when it comes to the health and safety of communities. Like what’s the big deal? We would be out of this by now and back to living in less fear for ourselves and one another.


I hope this blog post finds you healthy and well mentally and physically. Please comment about your experiences with this pandemic. I know my mental health has been going to shit. I started a new medication for it and I think its helping. IDK. That stuff is a mystery to me. I’d love to hear how it’s been for you and what you think of this pandemic. Do you work in healthcare? Has your work been affected? Are people wearing masks? Where in the world are you at?


But yea, I’ve been well. Joined FA 4 years ago and I’ve had some good times. Finally got a new laptop so I can now play sandstorm. Probably starting school in the fall so my play time will drop again while I study and try and pass everything. I hope we can have some more parties like the old times again tho. Cheers to summer gameday starting tomorrow! Take care. Thanks for reading. Love ya. ❤️ 

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I totally feel you. I always get very annoyed when I see people ignoring corona measures. I don't understand why people don't take them seriously. It's not just annoying but also really egocentric. 


I've been struggling with the whole situation as well. Mentally have experienced some downs. I still need to finish my study, but can't find any motivation to do it. I just have that empty feeling. I read an very interesting article about this feeling, you should check it out.


Everybody should remember: you are not alone in this. Many people did struggle, or are still struggling with some mental health issues due to the pandemic.  During these times of isolation it's difficult to look out for each other.. but talking to others about how you feel, is the best thing to do. 


I'm glad that it's getting better in my country (the Netherlands). From next week, the old normal is almost back after 1.5 years. This Monday I get my first vaccine shot, and I'm really excited about it. Can't wait for everything to be normal again,  and hopefully I'll get back to feeling normal again as well.


Keep ur head up mate. If you ever want to talk about something, feel free to reach out to me. Again; we're not in this alone ❤

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People been taking "India" as example of shit covid can do to you. But tbh just after a week of "restrictions lifted"  everything is same. Even when today I went to market , I saw so many people without masks . I tried to talk to a guy , who was not wearing mask . He couldn't understand me clearly because of distance and me wearing double mask so he said "dude covid is over"  . He wanted me to know I'm stupid for wearing mask . 

   Fkng people are so fkng dumb. and its been in news day and night, "3rd covid wave is evitable in 3-8 weeks.  But ppl don't give a fk.  

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We have lockdowns which takes months to slow the spread only for it to rise back to what it was pre lockdown within a week of removing the lockdown....Open the world i say and get on with it..


I'm with Tipsy tbh, as long as people out there do as they please or are not educated enough to understand the use of masks etc then overall we are fighting a losing battle.
Open the world and get on with life ffs, we don't shut the world when flu is due each year etc. I know many people have died due to covid but many die from cancer and other illnesses on a daily basis and in some cases at higher death rates than CoVid, add all those who ahve had treatments stopped etc because of covid and the death toll ge far quicker..


I've had both my jabs (Astrazenica and no i didn't have blood clots or any other BS being pushed in the news) but even when you've had both jabs your still in lockdown along with everyone else as you can still carry Covid whether your vaccinated or not.


Free the world, let us all out

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  • Platinum VIP
On 6/19/2021 at 7:44 PM, tipsy said:

People been taking "India" as example of shit covid can do to you. But tbh just after a week of "restrictions lifted"  everything is same. Even when today I went to market , I saw so many people without masks . I tried to talk to a guy , who was not wearing mask . He couldn't understand me clearly because of distance and me wearing double mask so he said "dude covid is over"  . He wanted me to know I'm stupid for wearing mask . 

   Fkng people are so fkng dumb. and its been in news day and night, "3rd covid wave is evitable in 3-8 weeks.  But ppl don't give a fk.  


You're not wrong but it's also no surprise that 3 out of 4 important new strains were from countries with a questionable health care system

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All in all this will probably ince again take longer than people think. From what is researched so far AZN has less than 50% efficacy against the delta strain which means that possibly these people need to get vaccinated again (at some point at least), or at least I wouldn't be surprised. Unfortunately the people that got AZN were mostly the people that need protection the most...

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unfortunately in some circles the lack of informed people and rumours can also cause damage




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5 hours ago, Dest!Ny said:

All in all this will probably ince again take longer than people think. From what is researched so far AZN has less than 50% efficacy against the delta strain which means that possibly these people need to get vaccinated again (at some point at least), or at least I wouldn't be surprised. Unfortunately the people that got AZN were mostly the people that need protection the most...

The thing we care about the most in the UK is hospitalisation rate so we don't overwhelm the NHS like we did at the start of the pandemic. AZ has like a 90% effectiveness for this which is why it's not the end of the world for our vaccination program. Unfortunately we have absolute morons in charge who've proven time and time again that they don't know what they're doing. Delta arrived because of failure to close the borders from India in time despite all the news reports of what's going on over there before the variant arrived here which has set back our lockdown easing schedule by 4 weeks. I've missed out on a year and a half of my life because of these same mistakes the useless government are making time and time again.


Over 40s who had the AZ jab are likely to get booster jabs in autumn and booster jabs were something that have been planned for a long time so that's not really a problem. The cases we're seeing increase in the UK are primarily from under 30s who have low risk of hospitalisation and extremely lower risk of death. I have no doubt that our government is going to f*** things up again and we'll be in lockdown once more in winter. All the groups most vulnerable to the virus are fully vaccinated. We should have been out of lockdown once that happened. It's not pleasant to think about but deaths are just a part of life, there is a point where we have to say that people dying to this virus are now around the same as the amount that die to the flu every year and allow people - the same people who sacrificed some of the best years of their life - to get on with actually living and not being stuck in limbo.

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More people are dying from this than the regular flu. It's totally a different beast. Again, if everyone just wore masks for sometime, the viruses wouldn't have anywhere to go and we'd be done with it. No more crazy numbers of deaths from covid, we'd be done and back to normal. No more fear either. 

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7 hours ago, Neuro said:

More people are dying from this than the regular flu. It's totally a different beast.

In the UK - not anymore.


This is from official government numbers.

All of the priority age groups have been double vaccinated. The people most likely to die from Covid are as safe as they could possibly be. Why are the young STILL making sacrifices given these figures?


81% of adults have had 1 vaccine shot, 60% have had 2. These numbers are only going to rise as time goes on. Covid is going to be around for years and we're just going to accept that it's here just like the flu and other diseases. I think it's entirely reasonable to be angry that I still can't enjoy my early 20's because the idiot that so easily allowed the delta variant in is the same one making the decision to delay lockdowns time and time again. 

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Also we cant Ignore the mental impact of prolonged lockdown measures. In the UK at least I think we are ready to go freeeeeee.

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3 hours ago, CheepHeep said:

Also we cant Ignore the mental impact of prolonged lockdown measures. In the UK at least I think we are ready to go freeeeeee.


You can go free within your borders but pls keep the delta variant away from us 😅 PT is already having it rough after opening the borders with UK for only a small amount of time

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3 minutes ago, Dest!Ny said:

You can go free within your borders

This is all we want :(


I want to be able to go out to karaoke and nightclubs again.

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I want the choice of going out freely and then not actually going out! No but for me,  the damage had already been done, my last year at university just sucked big time. Online classes are just bad and not being able to network and socialise which is part of the uni experience just disappeared 

Edited by CheepHeep
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3 minutes ago, CheepHeep said:

my last year at university just sucked big time. Online classes are just bad and not being able to network and socialise which is part of the uni experience just disappeared 


Jup same for me. I'm still struggling with finishing my Master's thesis. I just can't find any motivation during these times. I just want to get drunk with fellow students again :(

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Got both dose... now gov pushing for booster shots. After 6 month or less we will maybe need a booster shot for the booster shot. If that makes sense.

Well overall ( vac is a money grabbing for the big guys )In our small island which were alright until delta introduce itself, people started dying everyday now like flies. we only have a population  of 1.3mil. Most of which is already vaccinated. 


In these time you can only pray. God bless.


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First of all... I feel your and everyones pain, the start of this virus was a total blow to all of us. It was a major shock when my Grandmother passed away just before the shut down in my state I live in, which meant it was going to be a very sad and memorable time, for one when the virus made everyone go into lockdown so to speak there wasnt a decent funeral for my Grandmother, and to top it all off the crap that went on we couldnt have anyone but immeadiate family. That was a total shock to the family. Now that I say all that and share my most heart wrinching moment that still brings a tear to my eyes, I think this Covid-19 pandemic made tons of people nuts when it comes to wearing masks, I say that because what good does a little piece of fabric/cloth do when it comes to a virus. i.e when a person wears the mask and winds up getting the virus or a common cold anyways.  And as far as I am concerned with the vaccine keep that away from me when governments are telling you to get the shot or lose your job ( KISS MY ASS ) I am a strong believer in my body my rights I am not against it but do NOT force people to take something that they dont feel that it will help or god forbid will cause a health issue just from the vaccine and has been reported in cases that it has caused issues and even death.    So I ask you and everyone please respect others and their wishes  cause you never know what will happen do you trust science that much or do you have faith.



         Always end the day with a positive thought and a greatful heart




The Clown


P.S I apologize if I made anyone upset on my beliefs, for it was not intentional just my opinion 

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It seems that the pandemic is slowing down and soon to be gone. I got worried it was going blood borne. Has Wuhan, China done an apology yet?

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