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wh!rlw!nd last won the day on September 13 2024

wh!rlw!nd had the most liked content!


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  • Occupation
    ICT Infrastructure Engineer

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  • Location
    England, UK


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  • T-M
    ET: 3-2

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  1. wh!rlw!nd

    Band Game

    (S) is next
  2. Firstly, Welcome back. 😀 I too have recently returned after some time out, and also have lost a parent. Here if you ever want to chat, and if you are in F | A or not, know that you are not alone. Look forward to seeing you in game.
  3. I'll rally the troops I still have contact with, since the death of Xfire it might be difficult, but we'll get there! Hey hey! Look forward to seeing you in game.
  4. Awesome! Look forward to it pal
  5. Just want to say huge thanks and 'grats for the Facebook page / feed. Having seen a few posts, I realised I had somehow forgotten my gaming roots as Real life got in the way. Back active again on the forums and have played a handful of games in the ET servers. With any luck it will do the same for other inactive / old members and also bring new ones, too!
  6. Welcome back!


    I just changed your group back to ET Member from Inactive Member.  😄 



    1. RedBaird


      Credit goes to @Leatherface 😄 

    2. Leatherface


      You can now go jay 1, then i will set your level 😉


    3. wh!rlw!nd


      definitely credit to @Leatherface! :wub:

  7. Hey guys, Very long time no speak. Isn't it annoying when real life gets in the way? Trying to work out some times to get back to gaming, so will be hitting up the ET servers with my rusty skills over the next couple of weeks. Hope everyone is doing well, and to see you all in game / Discord. Cheers, ~Wh!rlW!nd
  8. Looking good old friend. Just doing a re-install and setup, hopefully will be available to feature in your next Vid (getting pwnt) 😄 🍻
  9. @daredevil - It's been some time since my last active spell, but after seeing stuff pop up on FB I am 100% making an active come back. I was actively playing in the servers back in '08, but ran with -EB- back then. Joined =F|A= in 2012 and then real life got in the way of all things gaming (don't you hate it when that happens?!) I'll sort out my discord etc in the next couple of weeks and then come have a chat / few games soon. is @Stryder still kicking butt on the Hardcore server ?
  10. Thanks guys - I'll look at getting 2.60b up and running here and maybe test the difference. Any ideas on Config? Are there any CVARS to modify / avoid. Especially those related to OpenGL given my new GPU. I looked for Lakes config builder but I am thinking that Website is now redundant! 😳
  11. Thanks Dare! Hope life has been good to you! That Classic server sounds great, I'll be sure to hit that up. And deffo jump on Discord and join you for a game soon.
  12. Can I still play with an old version of ET rather than ETL ? Game seems much slower than I remember - so that could be the trick. Thanks Buck
  13. Hi Guys, After a long time away I recently got back into PC gaming and was pleasantly surprised to still see so many guys playing ET. So looking for to create a custom config. Main thing for me is the shooting element - my reactions are nowhere near what they once were! And I figured with Legacy there may be some new CVARS I'm not familiar with 😕 My setup is as follows: CPU - Ryzen 5 2600+ GPU - Aorus GTX 3070 RAM - 32 GB DDR4 @ 3000Mhz Monitor - 27" 1920x1080 with 75hz refresh. Mouse - Razer Death Adder 3500 dpi Internet - Wired network - 300Mbps D/L 150 Mbps U/L Thanks in advance. Any questions just shout. Cheers, Wh!rlW!nd
  14. Good Afternoon all, Its with Great pleasure that I can say I am finally back in world of the master race at long last! And it wouldn't be PC gaming without getting back in touch with the F|Amily! :) Hope everyone is healthy and well, and had a good few years whilst I have been AFK. Look forward to seeing some of you in game soon. Cheers, Wh!rlW!nd
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