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Duckie last won the day on November 20 2010

Duckie had the most liked content!

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    Minneapolis, MN

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  1. Yo mike, You alive? I’m calling all the zombies up from the grave!

  2. Quack Quack i miss you guys

  3. congrats milli... just got sick of wrapping it up huh
  4. I'll try to make it... thanks for organizing.. I think if our TF2 got going that it would be pretty fun
  5. Duckie

    Nfl Wk #1

    McNabb did terrible and I blame him for the vikings loss.
  6. So what game are you playing now days (if any)... I am hopping between LoL... GW... BC2... COD4... and AoE Online... WTF? Where are the good games??

  7. there should be like 150 invites from this link... so enjoy: https://plus.google.com/i/VkA07lIDLj8:ZjdGkFVJap8
  8. still using oovoo funny stuff.. reminds me of old times
  9. Officially married.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Wifestein
    3. Duckie


      haha wow i didn't know how to view comments until now but thank you all :)

    4. GI-JOE


      Really late to the party...but Congrats to you both :D

  10. What is on my mind? Seriously? Comon facebook... I thought you could figure this stuff out by now

  11. The 13th amendment to the constitution would overturn the moral validity of a military draft for any involuntary individual, however, the 13th amendment is just another play on words, because the government then goes to state that rejecting the draft is a crime, and therefore it is not slavery.

  12. domain name doesn't mean anything... you think the ceo of "google.com" thought that it was a bad ass domain name when they found it? lol sounds like facebook... sorry to burst bubble but don't waste your time and get a new idea.
  13. lol cool. always nice to have some new goal to work toward.
  14. feel free to prick me off... i'm a gd noob, plus the wedding is coming up so i'll probs be afk like 95% of the time.
  15. I have the best grapes so stop asking

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