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Aft3rmath last won the day on October 30 2024

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    Silent #1
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  1. I killed 22 as a sniper as my personal best. still figuring the rest out lol
  2. I need some Epic Games accounts to add for you all. Mine is Aft3rmath-
  3. its HARD lol. but fun. playing in a squad with at least one person that knows what to do is so helpful.
  4. So glad I didnt buy this the other day lol. Downloading now.
  5. Aft3rmath

    ET Ingame Videos

    @HarryAimpotter I only toggle the FPS to snipe, otherwise all my settings stay the same for all gameplay.
  6. Aft3rmath

    ET Ingame Videos

    lol this is the first time I've tried to edit a demo and it shows.
  7. My 7900X CPU definitely appreciates the AIO cooler I've got on it, but its definitely a case by case basis based on CPU load, how quiet you'd like the system to be, and case compatibility/space. I've always run AIO coolers and have had no problems with any of them. The one I sent @captnconcrete was an antique by all definitions and still worked without issue lol.
  8. 🍻🍺
  9. I'd have to agree with the other comments. The refurbed PC you mentioned will likely run ET just fine, however it provides little to no room to upgrade. I did a quick search on facebook market place and I can find plenty of PCs with much better specs and dedicated graphics in the $300 to $500 range. I'm not sure if the market is similar outside of the US, but I would strongly recommend saving a bit longer and purchasing something that will serve you better moving forward. I have always enjoyed purchasing individual components and building my own which is really much easier than you think. You could probably save a little money going that route as well.
  10. This one was recommended by my collector friend. On the cheaper side at $42. I will update once I taste it, but its a bit early in the day for all that lol.
  11. Got a few more from Kentucky.
  12. Nice! I'm gonna try the monkey shoulder if I come across it.
  13. I need to get my hands on some of those japanese whiskeys. I see a few Blantons and an Elijah Craig in your collection @knw. Not sure which varieties, but I've tried the Blanton Gold and I've got a bottle of Elijah Craig Straight Rye.
  14. To be honest, I have a hard time collecting them and not finishing the bottles lol. My dad is a bigger scotch fan than I am, but I do enjoy them as well. I like the aberlour, glenlivet, glenfiddich and macallan varieties I've tried. I usually try to buy myself a nice bottle and a cheap bottle to make the expensive one last longer 🤣
  15. Any whiskey/bourbon collectors here? I've got a few friends that are avid collectors and I'm just getting into it. Here are a few of my "uncommon" bottle purchases. Please add your favorites and recommendations!
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