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    Dirt biking, snowboarding, jet skiing, mt. biking, body surfing, girls, and killing nubs on Wolf ET.
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    Southern California


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  1. So I know I've been very inactive here lately and I figured I give my reason why. For the last 17 years I've been dealing with a very rare auto-immune disease called Wegeners Granulomatosis which effected my kidneys and lungs. Well the lungs have healed but my kidneys are a different story. Up until last year about this time I was doing ok until I found out I was officially going thru renal failure and had to start dialysis. So I decided to try and get on a donor list at one of my nearby hospitals and after going thru all their various tests and Dr. visits they told me news I already knew about but was still surprised that I had to do it. My left kidney had a mass in it that was cancerous, so they wanted to remove it and did at the beginning of August. Good news is that the cancerous mass was contained and removed and I am no longer having to worry about that issue. Needless to say that the last few months I have been in recovery mode and have been trying to get myself healed up and in a healthier state of mind and body. This is obviously my main reason for my inactivity throughout the last few months/summer. Besides when you're doped up with having to take Vicodin every day it makes it challenging to try and stay focused let alone awake to play a video game. I've been trying to jump on every week or so but I've since recently developed a stronger case of carpal tunnel which makes it tough to play for an extended time. Anyways, I am gonna try and play a bit more. It's always good to see some old faces/screennames when I jump on. Oh yea and Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday F|A!!! Rexinator..............
  2. I'm gonna say Helsen and his constant shotguning me. Besides him RU Victim is owning me quite often.
  3. I'm also curious if the summer Fueldump map I requested is gonna make it into the rotation. And also where is flameguards?
  4. Who and who doing what?
  5. This may be a bit off topic but still related to it. And it's just an idea. How about adding some fun/stupid commands to admins, say when they hit lvl 14. I'm talking about !pants !pop and !pip. Simple, fun/stupid commands. I never see anyone using those anymore. Let's bring em back just for some added enjoyment. I miss seeing people running around in their undies (hehehe!)
  6. You are incorrect sir, axis are on offense. If you click the map link it tells you/us. Your welcome.
  7. Axis plays offense on Flameguards Dare http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/727-flame-guards-warzone/
  8. Please don't forget about this map. I think it would be good since it allows the axis to attack and allies defend. That way we have a better mix of maps that switch up who gets to attack.
  9. Alright so here are my map suggestions. Resurrection: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/750-operation-resurrection-resurrection-finalpk3/ Tiger Final: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/722-tiger-final-tiger-110pk3/ I remember ppl liked Flameguards, maybe we can replace beer run with it. Beer run isn't a very popular map when I'm on. Anyways Flameguards: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/727-flame-guards-warzone/ And how about swapping FuelDump with this summer version of it that switches allies to the defending team. http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/681-fueldump-revenge-final-fueldump-revengezip/ I don't mind Venice, even though I'm burned out on playing it. Just mix it up in the rotation so its not after Goldrush. It's kinda funny actually. I notice on various occasions that Goldrush is on and the server picks up, then Venice comes next and ppl drop off. But OFC there are the other times that ppl join and populate the server when it's on. So this obviously indicates that its still a liked map. I usually play covert on it when I do.
  10. OK so with summer coming up we all know there is gonna be more kids/people on to play ET. I think we are in desperate need of a new map rotation. With this I mean that the current rotation has been on here for some time now. I think it would be a good idea to add some not so used maps and possibly shuffle up the maps so people don't get bored or tired of the same ol stuff. I for 1 am tired of having Venice right after Goldrush and the same goes for some of the other maps. I'm just throwing this idea out here so we can keep our server fresh. Personally IMO running the same map rotation gets a bit old real quick. Yea I understand some ppl like/love certain maps and are perfectly content with the way things are. But for me being a J1 regular I like to have a bit of variety. So don't be shy people, let your voice be heard. Are any of you game for a new rotation? And if so what maps would you like to see added? I know of a few I can add in here. Let's see what you guys want.
  11. Wassup NoCell/MP40?! I think I remember you as well, welcome back.
  12. I'm not too sad about this. I seemed to always get lag when I had it connected, maybe it's a good thing this happened.
  13. I'm all about playing allies, blowing up barriers, fixing tank/truck and mortaring nubs. When I feel lazy then I go axis cause it seems like the rest of my team is owning everyone and I get the scraps. But honestly it's all about keeping the teams fair IMO so I go wherever I'm needed. If not me then Mr. Top fragger gets asked to switch.
  14. Nice pics Audrey. I'm totally gonna borrow/steal that sunset pic over the water and add it to my screensavers.
  15. Does not look appealing at all....
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