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Sick jacken

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Sick jacken last won the day on May 29 2017

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  • Alias
    =F|A=Sick Jacken
  • Admin
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    Silent #1
  • Gender
  • Location
    Athens, Greece


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  1. Come back :(

    sad feelings GIF

    1. Kurre


      we need you pal 😃

  2. sick jacket :D

    1. Sick jacken

      Sick jacken

      Hahahaha omg laughed so hard st this

  3. I am still here guys I haven't forgotten my FAmily

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sick jacken

      Sick jacken

      Hehehe laughed hard xD

    3. RedBaird


      You laughed in the faces of the Police?

    4. Sick jacken

      Sick jacken

      No sir it must a misunderstanding :P

  4. Got a haircut ladies and gentlemen as shown in the first picture, at the second I do some "tricks" with my vape As for the words written in Greek don't mind em, just instagram idiocy
  5. Nahh I bet u were too lazy to shoot a normal selfie after all u are lazyhippo, but u don't seem as a hippo though
  6. Hello oxi welcome, i am curious about ur alias, oxi in Greek means no , is it related?
  7. Here in Greece we tend to say "When man plans something god laughs" that' describes my life atm

    1. RedBaird


      I think that the Greeks have been saying that for thousands of years of recorded history, which can make us smile like it did our ancestors.

    2. Sick jacken

      Sick jacken

      You are always right, wise redbaird

  8. Indeed unacceptable, police trying to prevent people from voting, Spain government didn't handle this right, I lost hope for humanity after this inhuman incident
  9. it's been a long time since someone made a gift to me, new vape ladies and gentlemen

    1. LazyHippo


      Well enjoy, I prefer bongs lately :P

    2. RedBaird


      Vape to quit cigarettes, I do approve of that very much!

    3. Sick jacken

      Sick jacken

      @lazy bongs are cool too

      @Red it is very helpful indeed

  10. Hey mate thanks, I'll try to get on server as fast as possible, I'm still on at forums though(thanks to phone ), see you soon
  11. Hello mate welcome to the forums enjoy your stay here
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