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Pabbatt Blue

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    INS 7-5
    DOI: 5-4

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  1. hey, where are you? hope you are doing well!!

  2. i plugged in my gps and realized it wasnt mine when it auto routed to poland chappelle-chappelle-show.gif

  3. Christmas Eve! Hope everyone has a good day/night! And a happy holidays you filthy animals!!!!!

  4. yeah what an inclusive community. Guess stuff changes 😃

  5. SSD just shit the bed, good timessss. 2 terabytes gone. 

  6. Gruuge! It's good too see you here and the more the merrier!! Played with you yesterday with Lou silver and i think the day before? 4 tours and some experience you got on ya, I hope to see you around more! and most importantly; Welcome 😃 edit: Im PBR.
  7. Good tip for anyone wanting to still try this game as leon said above its entirely free on epic. Two quick things I would recommend are in the settings tab of the game there are presets from various pro players old and new, way better then trying to run default cause you'll most likely build bad habits. Second thing is a Psyonix developer developed (crazy right?) a plugin that's entirely safe called Bakkesmod. It comes with a bunch of better training packs, allows you to see in game MMR as in losing and gaining and bunch of other useful things.
  8. Happy Friday! Have a good weekend everyone!

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