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    W:ET, gaming, sports
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  1. Happy Birthday @AnG3L
  2. try to copy ur etkey and put it in fresh install folder and run that way sometimes a download gets corrupted and u cant connect or play. If the fresh install works then copy over ur scripts if u use any and try again. If it works the download was corrupt, if the transfer gives the same issue its something with the script
  3. i tought it was smth like that, usually when u have faulty Gpu/Cpu u get Bsod or game crashes
  4. it looks to me like a bad connection to ur graphics card or onboard display connector
  5. This is something we can barely control, some maps have exploits and its hard to keep them all in mind. If we see abusers we act and make them aware that they r abusing, but some players r just too hardheaded and keep ruining the game for others like this. In the end admins r players aswell and sometimes we like to play instead of always looking out for them. greets, VegitO
  6. Vegito

    ET Server Suggestion Panzer server

    Hi all, Recently i have been thinking about this and maybe its a good idea to set up a panzer server. This server could be fun for some ppl and maybe an voting option it for fastpanzer (spam fire panzer). Best mod to run this on would be nitmod in my opinion cuz i saw one a while ago with those settings and it was pretty amazing. what do u guys think of it?
  7. is he a raid poke or not? i didnt play for a while
  8. Vegito


    metal zinking, thats treating oxidated metal in acid baths and afterwards adding a layer of zinc to them in a bath to ensure they wont oxidate again (cheaper then using stainless steel) its rlly hard work if u load and unload like i do xD
  9. Hi F|A addicts I like to give an explaination for my absence this week. Since last week i got a new job with diff hours. This week i got late shift from 14.00 to 23.00 so i cant rlly play at all. I will try my best to come online but prolly i will be able to play in the weekend. greetz Vegito
  10. hi and welcome on forum, im from belgium aswell but moved to netherlands a year ago
  11. this game went downhill since they got their famous radar bug... i have it 2 but barely play it anymore, its just boring... If they would add trainerbattles and other features they might get their old players back
  12. Vegito

    New Italy

    that glitch is indeed a bad thing but u cant fire from it so it wont do good
  13. Vegito

    New Italy

    Hi ppl, Recently i saw a new design of the map Italy. From my perspectif it looked very nice and also has alot more ground u can play on, more rooms etc. I would like to see it in servers and hope our leaders consider the update. map link: http://et.trackbase.net/map/6741
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