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    Silent #1
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    Liege, Belgium


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  1. Unikkatill

    Return from Inactivity Odyssey ==>> Unikkatill

    Yeaah it s change very very much 😱😱
  2. I m happy to play with you man !! 😀
  3. HOOOWWW i can t with headshot you gave me 😅😅 I m impatient to play with you
  4. Naaaaaa don t be affraid 😉
  5. Unikkatill

    Return from Inactivity Odyssey ==>> Unikkatill

    HI people, I come back from a long time, i was inactive, beacaus i ve done an accident with bike, and a month in coma etc etc, back from the death, now i enjoy the life. And happy to talk with old friends and news. Ps: I forget the email and password pf the older account, if can someone can help me 😁
  6. Aaaaah the next month i will do a trip with a litle ship. 😁 Yes it'my account older account, i will create a topic about that.
  7. HI PEOPLE, I m unnikatill, i m back after a bike accident, and after wow some years i m back, i was a absent for years and i forget the email what i use for the old account, now i use the facebook sign it's more good. 😅 So i restart to play in silent server et, and say hello and play with oldfriend. Renegadepig forget me buuuutt lazyyyy noooo ! I m happy to be back in the clan for news adventure.
  8. Welcome !!
  9. For my comeback Ok it s an older song but beautiful, no ? Hello it s me Unikats
  10. Congratz Sis, I M VERY HAPPY FOR YOU
  11. Congratzzzz
  12. HELLO EVERYBODY :D Salut les loulous et loulouttes i m back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xernicus


      Damn it's been a longtime since I've last seen you. Welcome back!

    3. CheepHeep
    4. Unikkatill


      Thaaanks verrrry much :D yes a longtimeeee. Now i m back. ;)

  13. I come back and banned by a admin xD

    1. Tobi


      Welcome back :D xD

    2. RedBaird


      Are you unbanned now?

    3. Mulan


      banned ?

  14. Come back guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBaird


      I will be sending you an Important PM :D

    3. Mulan


      Contente de te revoir !!! :)

    4. Unikkatill


      Sorry friends i need just a break. But now i m goo. Sorry to be not in the game :(

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