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milli vanilli

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milli vanilli last won the day on May 4 2012

milli vanilli had the most liked content!

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    Pittsburgh PA

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  1. You alive? I’m calling all the zombies up from the grave!

  2. Happy Birthday milli vanilli!

  3. Happy birthday newbie!

  4. Happy Birthday milli vanilli!

  5. Hey Milli, it's been ages since I have seen you. How are you? How's the new little one? Anyways hope all is well and wanted to wish you and your family all the best in 2013.

  6. Just dropping to say hey...havent seen you in long time. Hope you and the family are good.

  7. yo i'm on 1.7 cod now. how've u been...

  8. when you get that, run win MTR and post results on forum
  9. next time you talk to that nub, tell him he's an uncle.
  10. yeah, i dunno who anyone but you, baska, and TC is
  11. Marcus Petrisek...yes you do
  12. thanks all. theres pics up on my facebook
  13. be safer this time around, would ya
  14. best burger place is Burgatory in Pittsburgh. best ribs are at High Cotton in Kitty Hawk
  15. You can thank every President since Carter for how we have become involved in 'the war on terror.' Oh and that little sub section you were talking about? You better thank every member of the Senate and Congress that was in office and voted for the Patriot Act, as well as Bush for signing it into law. When they signed a knee jerk reactionary piece of shit, they condemned we the people to have more and more liberties and rights taken away. www.costofwar.com That's just the tax cost of Bush finishing daddy's war and us not getting out of Afghanistan.
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