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    Cow city.


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    ET: 1-1

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  1. devil*

    ET Server ETPRO Club

    We can always hope
  2. Hi I've been inactive for quite a while, but I'm going to start playing more often and visiting forums. My time is slightly limited with A-levels but I'm no longer going to be completely inactive. Apparently tracker died (RIP) so I should post here instead so I can get my group changed. Thanks
  3. devil*


    Might need a whole new topic for "Donald trump gifs"
  4. This is really good tutorial as I didn't really have much idea of how to spot stackers after a shuffle. So thank you&good Job!
  5. I'm lost why would she keep her dragons there
  6. Wow, that is really beautiful. Do you live near there or just holidaying out there? Brac that is
  7. Pff. You're blocking the fabulous view move out the way audrey. Where is that anyway- looks amazing.
  8. Yes! Definitely reduce the amount I think that amount of bots is just a pain.
  9. Are you the devil I pwn'd on ETPro the other night ? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SkuLLc0LLector
    3. devil*


      make sure you come to the etpro gamenights tho, so i can start beating you again ;)!

    4. SkuLLc0LLector


      Roger that, Sir!

  10. devil*

    ET Pro

    wellll would be nice to arrange a date, OBVIOUSLY on fa's etpro server anyone have a date in mind where peoples are free to come play? we can do just like 3v3s 6v6s or just an all out normal pub game

  12. Wow this is amazing from these replies, I didn't realize so many people post on here haha thank you! I'll definitely take some notes from all these replies and when I hopefully do well in my exams my secret will be tens of people On fearless assassins giving me good studying tips !
  13. So I'm 17 and I'll have exams soon *sigh*, so when I don't spend my time at college on on et I usually have to study/revise for my exams. Any other students out there who are sitting exams? Doesn't even have to be in this age group could be older or younger How do you revise? what technique suits you best? I like to sit there and write out the key points of my revision guide depending on what bit I'm revising, then usually do past paper questions...or groan at it and go on et I mean not everyone In this clan looks down on me as a minor, so if your out there come out and tell me your revision techniques- i'd love to know! p.s not revising doesn't count
  14. devil*

    ET Pro

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