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RaY aka Exploid

Fallen Heroes
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    ET: 21-12

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    1. D..X


      wow 9 years already missing you bud.

    2. RedBaird


      Yes, it is still hard to believe! 

  2. I'm thinking about you brother, miss you 

  3. thinking of you today buddy forever loved forever missed 

    1. RedBaird


      I will be wearing the name of =F|A=RIP-Ray tomorrow. 


      I hope that your girlfriend is doing well these days. 

    2. D..X



    3. RedBaird


      His "last visited" here of 2015 is hard to believe. :( You made marks of Joy & Sorrow on all of us, Ray. 

  4. Son of a b***,  I am so sorry to hear about this. Was going through some hard times. I feel bad I never saw the post. He was a very good guy. We used to play together on HC And Jay1. Hope the family is doing ok with it. Sad that he felt that there was no option. I hope he found the peace he wanted. RIP, Leave no man behind.

  5. Never gonna forget you bud.

  6. Hard to believe that it has almost been three whole years. Not one day goes by that I don't think of you buddy.

  7. Can't believe it has been 2 years. Seeing that time you were last active makes me sad deep down. Wish you would come back man. We all miss you.

  8. Wish you would come back bro :"(

  9. RIP buddy. Just wanted to say it out, we all miss you.

  10. I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad anytime, I really sorry bro, please comeback.

    1. BaRbWiRe*


      I wish he comes back too :'( i can't stop thinking about him everyday, always hoping the last date he was online change.... Damn, this is so painfull

  11. Rip we will all miss you ;(

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