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Hi Guys, I would like to play ET with some friends via Lan Server. It works so far, but it would be nice to have all the weapons that are also available on the FA servers (like PPSH and so on). Is there a possibility for me to include additional weapons by downloading a mod or something? Thanks in advance! polarbear
As requested by Daredevil: What would you like to see if =F|A= were to host a DayZ server? Please use the following form to explain your choise: What I'd like to see the server run (standalone/mod): Reason why I'd like to see this: Possible pro's: Possible con's: For example (and my entry) What I'd like to see the server run (standalone/mod): DayZ: Mod - Epoch Reason why I'd like to see this: This is currently the most popular version of DayZ as I am aware of, and played this for quite some time and had tons of fun playing it. Possible pro's: Possibility of lots of players as this is the most popular version thus far. General gist of the mod is easy to understand and not hard to master if you know how to play basic DayZ. Possible con's: As this is one of the most popular mods for DayZ currently it also means there are a lot of servers that run it currently, and could make it difficult to get a decent player base and thus would require some input from members/friends and etc to get the server running. might prove more difficult to set up as it is highly advised to add some custom locations and maybe events to the rotation in the server to make it stand out from other Epoch servers. I'm looking forward to seeing what you all would like to see if this is going to happen
Titans are fairly central to Titanfall. They’re right there in the name–that’s what the game calls it when your honking great mechs plummet from orbit to the battlefield. I actually preferred the plain old manshooting though, darting about, double-jumping, and wall-running as a regular supersoldier with a jetpack. Well gosh golly, the next Titanfall update will introduce a new mode with simple 8v8 manfights, no Titans and no AI battlefield buddies. Which makes me wonder: if we can remove the Titans from Titanfall, what titular elements can we remove from other games and still have something interesting? Cut SimCity’s Sim to make City, an urban counterpart to Mountain. Remove the Craft from Minecraft and we’ll go exploring procedural tunnels and caverns in Mine. It’s possible that, at the end of a long week, I am longing for quiet and peaceful and relaxing games. Anyway, that Titanfall update. The ‘Pilot Skirmish’ mode will be the new Featured Game Mode, developers Respawn explain in the patch notes, a temporary fixture that’ll get rotated out for something new after a while. Or maybe not. Respawn have turned their first featured mode, Marked For Death, into a permanent fixture as folks liked it so much. The update, which hasn’t been dated yet, will also bring improved matchmaking, with faster search and better team balancing. That’s certainly needed. It also optimises performance, adds colorblindness options, and brings other good things. It’s all in the notes. via:
Hola! ^.^ I see that we are getting a Left 4 Dead 2 server so I wanted to show people how to use mods. This will allow you to not only make things look neat or fun, but give you access to even more maps! There is a lot of content out there for Left 4 Dead, ranging from weapon and character skins, vehichle skins, soundpacks, and even custom maps and campaigns. I have seen neato things like a Legend of Zelda recreation of the Forest Temple from OoT, I have seen Silent hill and Resident evil mods, and have seen some really unique campaigns that beat even the regular campaigns! First you need three things! 1: A comfy chair. 2: Winrar. 3: Mod Stuffs One of the best sites to get mods is They have tons of stuff to use. There are other sites such as that are just as useful! When all else fails use the Steam Workshop! Tip: For gamemaps please register. You will get access to better download mirrors. Let's Begin! First go get yourself some mods. For this tutorial I picked up: Map/Campaign: We Don't Go to Ravenholm 2 Nick: Deadpool French maid Outfit Coach: Duke Nuken Coach (I even got a Duke voice pack for coach ^^ Rochelle: Princess Zelda Common Infected: Mob of the Dead Infected Spitter: Glowing One Boomer: Abomination Boomer Jockey: Diddy Kong jockey Smoker: Chain Smoker Hunter: Xenomorph (Aliens!) Charger: William Birkin 1 (Resident Evil <3) Items: Pills: Mcdonalds Fries Baseball Bat Frostmourne(Sword) Pistols: Duke's Gold pistols Rifle: FN 200 Assault Rifle Pipe Bomb: Pipe Bobomb **Sometimes some skins will conflict with each other, so you will have to turn one or two off. Keep this in mind.** Installing: Once you download your mods, place all of the rar files into a folder of your choice. A fresh folder for just mods would be a good idea. ^.^ Extract all of your mods with winrar into that folder. Once extracted you will be left with a bunch of source files aka .vpk files. These are what you need to make the mods work in your game. Make sure you exit out of steam completely before installing these mods. NOW: Navigate to your steam installation folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam From there you want to go to SteamApps/common/Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons Move all of your source files/vkp's into this folder. They should be officially installed! Now launch Steam and then launch Left 4 Dead 2. Once into the main menu, you should see an option called addons just above the Extras Menu. If you open this, you should now see all of your new skins and maps! By checking or unchecking each box you can turn individual items off or on. Sometimes you will get conflict warnings. For example you can't have 2 ellis skins active at one time... So you must turn one of them off. Generally conflicts will show up red in the addons menu, so turn them off one by one until they turn white again To access maps, when you choose your campaign, scroll to the bottom and click addon campaign. Then you can choose which one you want to play. Sometimes people will be playing the same campaigns you have downloaded so you can find games online as well. Here is a small video I made (thanks for the help editing siddy) to show what my resulting mess of mods looks like. There are tons of mods! Not only can you find fun or scary skins, but you can also find hi rez texture packs as well. There are even mods like realism mod to make the game more atmospheric. Here is a Steam Workshop link to a textures and realism collection: Have fun and good luck!
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File Name: silEnT MOD version 0.6.0 File Submitter: Chuckun File Submitted: 16 Oct 2012 File Category: Mods The guys at have released a brilliant update to the ever improving silEnT MOD for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory; this time bringing some superb new features! Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client. What's New in Version 0.6.0 (See full changelog) * Added: New dialog window under silEnT menu for screen resolutions. This dialog has autodetected possible resolution and includes widescreen resolutions. * Added: ETPro compatible access to sess.aWeaponStats (a GET by weapon index returns a 5-element table of numbers), from pheno of ETPub. * Added: Optional aliases database. New commands !aliases, !aliasesdel, !aliassearch and !userinfo now has an option to show the stored aliases. New server cvar g_dbMaxAliases. * Added: Mute information is displayed in with the !finger command. This includes time left, mute reason and who muted. * Added: Players can freely choose the type of hit sounds they prefer. This is controlled with cg_hitSoundType cvar. Related to this, server admins can configure the type of hit sounds the players default if they do not specifically select any type. By defult, the cg_hitSoundType is 0, which means server configured hit sounds and allowing custom hit sounds in custom pk3 files. Read documentation about g_hitsounds, g_defaultHitSounds and cg_hitSoundType. There is also an additional paragraph about adding custom hit sounds. * Added: g_misc flag 256. Setting this flag disables the "First Blood" announcement. * Added: g_logOptions flag 1024. This flag allows logging every player drop. It can be usefull for inspecting the server operation, but it will also cause lot of needless log writes. * Added: g_realPlayTime cvar. Used to show additional real play time of the payer (without spec time) in the debriefing screen. * Added: Flag 8 to g_playerCounting. Bots are not included into the player count. * Added: Cvar based enabling of both Thompson and MP40 to the limbo menu selection regardless of the team (g_classWeapons, flag 8) * Added: cg_effectDistance client cvar which can be used to control the maximum distance to draw the bullet effects. * Reworked: Class skills can be freely enabled/disabled in any order using 0 and -1 in the skill_(x) server cvars. * Reworked: The !finger command now shows the client operating system, again. This information was removed in the 0.5.2 because of unreliability in the full string. * Reworked: PPSh first person view model. * Reworked: The commands !gib, !lol, !pip and !pop no longer do it to everyone if target is not specified. * Fixed: Statistics bug with satchel charge. * Fixed: Shrubbot commands !useredit and !usereditpb didn't allow editing players with level higher then 32 when attempted with rcon. * Fixed: A bug in the player name cleaning allowed empty names using spaces. * Fixed: Player name doesn't change anymore everytime the name edit field loses focus. OK button must be clicked for the changes to take effect. * Fixed: Persistent SMG kills and deaths were getting lost if the player reconnected during the map. * Fixed: Dropping the helmet multiple times when repeated hits to the head. With antilag enabled. * Fixed: g_inactivityOptions flag 4 was not moving players to spectator. Fix from pheno of ETPub. * Fixed: Lagometer transparency (couldn't change lagometer transparency) * Fixed: Fireteam window transparency (improper drawing) * Fixed: Fireteam member information going over the window edge when latching to another class. * Fixed: g_noSkillUpgrades now locks the skills to the enabled ones, instead of changing every skill to 0. * Fixed: !readadmins command did not add admins correctly into the database. Versions affected on various levels from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2. * Fixed: Client inactivity timer ETPro compatible. Fix from pheno of ETPub. * Fixed: animation timing bug mainly for weapalts (switch to/from) * Fixed: reverted back (removed) fix for thrown knife dodging introduced in 0.5.2 version. Click here to download this file
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I was wondering if anyone can send me a Mod Warfare folder (.zip or .rar) Im on my mac laptop and want to watch demos on it I just can't seem to find a Mod Warfare download. Thanks, Ghost.
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File Name: Rotu2 Beta File Submitter: Jopa File Submitted: 28 Feb 2013 File Category: Mods A totally new co-op based zombie mod. This mod will stand out from all the other zombie mods for several reasons, as most zombie mods focus on mindless shooting this zombie mod will be going deeper into the survival horror. - See more at: Click here to download this file
A totally new co-op based zombie mod. This mod will stand out from all the other zombie mods for several reasons, as most zombie mods focus on mindless shooting this zombie mod will be going deeper into the survival horror. - See more at: -
File Name: britmod File Submitter: Jopa File Submitted: 27 Feb 2013 File Category: Mods Brit-mod replaces the Americans with British troops, all flags, symbols and weapon sounds are complete, all that is needed to do is to change soldier models and complete the voice chat sounds. Click here to download this file
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- britmod
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File Name: elitemod File Submitter: Jopa File Submitted: 27 Feb 2013 File Category: Mods Elite Mod for Enemy Territory Servers. Click here to download this file
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Hello, for Halloween why not put maps and mod. For the mod here is the link I do not know maps Halloween
The guys at have released a brilliant update to the ever improving silEnT MOD for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory; this time bringing some superb new features! Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client. What's New in Version 0.6.0 (See full changelog) * Added: New dialog window under silEnT menu for screen resolutions. This dialog has autodetected possible resolution and includes widescreen resolutions. * Added: ETPro compatible access to sess.aWeaponStats (a GET by weapon index returns a 5-element table of numbers), from pheno of ETPub. * Added: Optional aliases database. New commands !aliases, !aliasesdel, !aliassearch and !userinfo now has an option to show the stored aliases. New server cvar g_dbMaxAliases. * Added: Mute information is displayed in with the !finger command. This includes time left, mute reason and who muted. * Added: Players can freely choose the type of hit sounds they prefer. This is controlled with cg_hitSoundType cvar. Related to this, server admins can configure the type of hit sounds the players default if they do not specifically select any type. By defult, the cg_hitSoundType is 0, which means server configured hit sounds and allowing custom hit sounds in custom pk3 files. Read documentation about g_hitsounds, g_defaultHitSounds and cg_hitSoundType. There is also an additional paragraph about adding custom hit sounds. * Added: g_misc flag 256. Setting this flag disables the "First Blood" announcement. * Added: g_logOptions flag 1024. This flag allows logging every player drop. It can be usefull for inspecting the server operation, but it will also cause lot of needless log writes. * Added: g_realPlayTime cvar. Used to show additional real play time of the payer (without spec time) in the debriefing screen. * Added: Flag 8 to g_playerCounting. Bots are not included into the player count. * Added: Cvar based enabling of both Thompson and MP40 to the limbo menu selection regardless of the team (g_classWeapons, flag 8) * Added: cg_effectDistance client cvar which can be used to control the maximum distance to draw the bullet effects. * Reworked: Class skills can be freely enabled/disabled in any order using 0 and -1 in the skill_(x) server cvars. * Reworked: The !finger command now shows the client operating system, again. This information was removed in the 0.5.2 because of unreliability in the full string. * Reworked: PPSh first person view model. * Reworked: The commands !gib, !lol, !pip and !pop no longer do it to everyone if target is not specified. * Fixed: Statistics bug with satchel charge. * Fixed: Shrubbot commands !useredit and !usereditpb didn't allow editing players with level higher then 32 when attempted with rcon. * Fixed: A bug in the player name cleaning allowed empty names using spaces. * Fixed: Player name doesn't change anymore everytime the name edit field loses focus. OK button must be clicked for the changes to take effect. * Fixed: Persistent SMG kills and deaths were getting lost if the player reconnected during the map. * Fixed: Dropping the helmet multiple times when repeated hits to the head. With antilag enabled. * Fixed: g_inactivityOptions flag 4 was not moving players to spectator. Fix from pheno of ETPub. * Fixed: Lagometer transparency (couldn't change lagometer transparency) * Fixed: Fireteam window transparency (improper drawing) * Fixed: Fireteam member information going over the window edge when latching to another class. * Fixed: g_noSkillUpgrades now locks the skills to the enabled ones, instead of changing every skill to 0. * Fixed: !readadmins command did not add admins correctly into the database. Versions affected on various levels from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2. * Fixed: Client inactivity timer ETPro compatible. Fix from pheno of ETPub. * Fixed: animation timing bug mainly for weapalts (switch to/from) * Fixed: reverted back (removed) fix for thrown knife dodging introduced in 0.5.2 version.-
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That’s right, this is actually happening - DayZ will be developed as a standalone game, with me as project lead, by Bohemia Interactive. This is the fairy-tale outcome for a mod that many would have said impossible four months ago. Development and updates of the mod will continue in parallel with the development of the game, so anyone who is playing the mod now will be able to continue to do so. The project will follow the Minecraft development model; fast iterations with the community alpha available for a heavily discounted price. I realize people will have many, many questions - but we wanted to let everyone know the announcement now. Over the coming weeks, these questions will be answered. The game will have it’s own site, and the mod will continue at it’s present link. “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning .” - Winston Churchill Concept art by Ivan Buchko By rocketkiwi Source: For those who don't know dayZ: it's a zombie survival mod for arma II which caused a giant increase of sold arma II copies (more info here: )
I'm wondering, is there a pue German sound mod for ET? I miss the old RTCW mod. Currently partial German for AXIS really sux...
I have updated silent server to new version 0.3.0. There are few new things in new version. Spree display counter. You can enable spree, death and total kills display counter from HUD. Example 1 Example 2 All new spree counters, weapon bank display, etc is customizable and can be enabled/disabled from HUD editor. New weapon bank display. It can be enabled/disabled as per client likes. Settings for weapon bank: HUD editor now comes with 15+ preloaded HUD's. More optimizations. Stable 125 FPS with PB On. New Model for gun. Old option but still posting so new users know it. Feel free to change fonts as per your likes. This are just visual changes. New version has few more things for admins and new gametypes. If you have any suggestions regarding mod, feel free to suggest on mod forums.
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We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.