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*this is a long post, I hope you have the patience with me* There are times where people embody themselves in others, could be people - could be things (such as ideas). Where they idealized a concept based on whatever merit. These people in this kind of community, is where a lot of the frustration, ripens. Some really become martyrs and set as examples for something – unknowing that considering of all sides is helpful when dealing with problematic people. However, this could happen to anyone, or even anything else. If you are part of the community, you are part of the family, and you are supposedly seen as part of a belonging, a sense of purpose – not withstanding, how they treat outsiders – They believe that outsiders, would be easier to handle as they are not in the collective entity. They pay no attention to them, but as soon as they get personal with an individual of that community, now it becomes tribalism – you talk shit of one, you talk shit of all. The individual, is symbiotic, with the collective. It’s the people that look for such individualistic traits, a sense of purpose within themselves. They look for a sense of guidance – and in the pursuit of individual freedom. I don't mean to condescend, its sometimes a reason to be in a gaming clan. They embody the idea of family, purpose, order, structure, and subordination. I'm often confused at the way some members of the community treat each other, and how being ostracized can really hurt. I think that the sense of individuality in being a part of a community, especially online, where there's a power structure in place - that sense of individual freedom can be skewed. Honestly, I've personally seen high members of this community treat their own like shit. However, the worst part of this, i think its complacency, and silence around it. Perhaps its lack of transparency because it becomes clan business, but sometimes it just is blatant disregard for feedback that is constructive criticism. I’ve seen this before. I'm sure some would agree and I have personally spoken to people that have been at the other side of this, and I frankly mean no bad intentions from it. Over 2 months ago, I've seen a very close friend of mine get treated badly here out of a situation that could've been handled differently, to the point where it caused real harm. This person was treated to the point of gaslighting, and people around started to take notion of whatever rumors may have spread, which led to a skewed perspective. I felt that it damaged a lot of this person and led to them leaving the community entirely, and I've heard that in the midst of it - a high-ranking member decided to ban the person for an egregious part of time, even though they had already quit. I just find it messed up that the person didn't even get a chance to defend themselves. Yet, there's still some scrutiny behind that lingers - even if this person now doesn't want anything to do with FA anymore. Whilst some may never understand what goes through a person's mind, I think this is something that needs to be addressed because it goes deeper than this. It isn't just treating someone like shit because of a person's character, its more of the perceived notions of who or what things seem to be, versus things that are. I didn't want to interfere because I felt like that wasn't really my business, yet I felt like since there are things that have been twisted and warped to misinterpretations - It eventually just ended up being for what it is: wrong. it only exhibits more of the behavioral patterns I've seen before - It's just sad to see how people can act in this way, and I just think it can be a power trip. Even more so before, for example - some members of the community have just been neglected and dismissed to "go on forums" by your admins, which doesn't really help the issue at first hand. Dismissing it, only to have it be ignored or put off on forums, doesn't also look good. I understand that ET shouldn't be a second job, i get it. Yet, Additionally muting, or even banning for way more time than necessary - i think it just makes it seem like an ego power trip. Some clan members had a bad reputation before because of this abuse. Sure, the one thing at hand is keeping the community in check, but then its turning the other cheek as well when it's someone that is convenient for them to mess around with. It isn't just admins and clan members, just in general everyone piling on certain people because they're "the bad guy, because <rumor>". To be really honest, I've said some shit to some FA members in the past, but only when it was needed (so you can call me a hypocrite there) - yet my role is very different here, as I don't have admin privileges. I don't mean that it isn't without its good days, and it becomes pleasant and a pleasure to experience this first hand. The patterns of what's considered abuse are becoming more prominent, and I feel like if someone doesn't say anything, then it becomes normalized. I've delayed on talking about this, but it just feels like it just needs to be said. I wanted to approach this the right way. There's a lot of cherry picking and blatant disregard of people that want to say things, especially regarding admin abuse, and neglect. I don't want to stir the pot by naming names or whatever, but yeah - its just not good - and I hope its been addressed internally. No, I'm not putting an agenda, nor was i told to make a post about it by someone - this is by my own grace. This is getting to a point where things that are badly perceived, are becoming things that badly are. I simply just wish better out of a community that has provided some of the best times of my life. Thanks.
Hi hi ladies and gentlemen! It's been few weeks since i was able to get in F|A as a trial member. And regarding how some applicants act, even if some may have read this too, it's not a bad idea to remind you some tips to help you get in the clan /!\ Beware these are not some cheats, only a hand to also help us deciding if you can join F|A or not. I don't ask you to change how you usually behave ingame ('cause it's also thanks to this that we see how a player will be in future too), but maybe you should follow these: 1) It's been said to every applicant, but you really need to be active on forum, not just in spam section (or not spamming in other sections ofc...) We don't ask of you to post 20 messages a day ok? 2) WHen you intend to play , try to go to different servers, not only the one "you are from". And if possible choose one with more players , or at least one populated. Why's that? 'cause you'll have higher chances to be with F|A members. This way you will be able to get more reviews from different admins, and not just ones that play on "your server". I recomment these servers : jay2, silent1 and hardcore have the highest probability of having admins around. It's also good to see different kind of players, and how they behave in other servers. (The difference is huge between hc and jay2 for example) 3) This sounds stupid but... talk to us! And let us know that you have an application! We don't bite you know? (well i hope so). 'cause first even if we check the App' section, if it's the one of a player we almost never see ingame, or who don't bother talking (too shy maybe?) it's hard to keep an eye on you... We are humans, too, so there 's no harm in greeting us, and tellling us you're an applicant. (ofc don't beg for votes, right? and don't act as a "boot-licker" ) 4) When you're application is starting to interrest us, you shall get some admin levels, don't hesitate to ask us if you got any question. I also highly suggest to read again the wiki section with rules, but also admin cmds. Good luck everyone!
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Well I was noticing that I was coming around to my 2,000th post and decided I would take a moment to make sure it was a good one..In or around November of last year I downloaded an old, but awesome free game called Enemy Territory and decided to give it a go.. My life was on a huge turnaround as most of you know and with my social life non existent. By chance the first server I connected to was the FA Silent server. It was hard getting use to the game, but I really enjoyed it and kept coming back for more even though I could barely get a kill. The FA guy there were so friendly and helped every time I had a question. And before long a few would even greet me when I joined.. I loved the atmosphere and the people. One day when the url for the website popped up I decided that I would go check it out. I did and it seemed so cool and the people so nice.. I made an account and decided to introduce myself and everyone was so welcoming.. Some time went by and I stated to get to know a few people and was very active on the forums, so I decided I would make and app and hopefully be accepted into this awesome community.. I was very flattered to get the positive feedback from everyone and also very excited. As all this was going on I began to make more friends and decided I would like to help and make a donation.. I was going to send $50 just to show my appreciation for the hard work, time and money that goes in to this. In that process is where I stumbled on the V.I.P. process. So I thought I would kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes and help out plus get a few perks by becoming a V.I.P. A short time after I was accepted to trial, which I know to some may seem like a small thing, but for me was so very exciting. I mean I was so excited I told my friends about it haha. More time passed and more friends were made and I decided to check out this COD thing and that is actually because Cookie kept recommending that I give it a try. I bought the game from steam and installed it, and honestly once I got on a server which was Beginners and got fully humiliated by not getting a kill for hours, I was about to throw in the towel lol. Lots of FA came to my aid though and offered so much help and advice it was amazing and made me feel even more at home.. Through forums, xfire and eventually team speak I have been able to make a lot of friends and learn so much about other people, places, cultures and well of course games.. I was as proud as I had ever been about anything when I was promoted to full member, I mean if I coulda been wearing a member badge in real life I sure would have haha.. Team speak has been amazing too in getting to know everyone, the differences in culture and language, but it never ceases to amaze me how no matter what barrier we all seem to have a kinship of sorts. Well to sum it all up, being a part of this community has been a highlight in my life and I hope we can continue to thrive and build it up even more as time passes. I honestly just love you guys, and am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of something so great. And for those of you who actually read this whole thing, you're my heroes! =F|A=Ph0eniX AKA Shane P.S. I wanted to do a thanks and name of some people, but so many have done so much I wouldn't know where to start and where to end hehe
At first I was hesitant whether or not I should open a blog of my own. You can guess by now that I decided in favour of a blog. However, in a first try I opened a testblog going by the name of "sssssss" - unfortunately I did not find the option to delete it. It will therefore remain as a ghostblog. RIP. On my second try I figured out the available options as good as I could and I started this blog with an introductory post (the post you're actually reading as a matter of fact). I will try to post here on a regular basis, though I don't know yet what that means. I might write once a week or less, if I have nothing to say. I might as well write on a daily basis, if I am motivated enough to do so. I guess a blog is a sort of diary. Never tried this before. I hope that, by writing in here I can in some way arrange my thoughts, enjoy writing and even share my thoughts with people who perhaps think the same way, or even feel the same way I do. The idea to share my thoughts was perhaps the main reason for me to not write a private diary, but a public one. The title "Common Sense" is provocative - and I am aware of that, assuming that the things I write down are compliant with society's values and guidelines. Considering at the same time many people most certainly have different opinions, viewpoints, etc. I want to emphasize here that the use of "common sense" is always my subjective point of view. Everything written in this blog is just what I regard as common sense and I don't make the claim that my perception of common sense is the one and only way to understand, accept and act upon. I am aware of different mindsets, I respect those and I don't want to stir up hard feelings. Therefore, upon reading my blog, please keep this in mind. Thank you. The topics of this blogs will vary. Of course, the title and the afore-mentioned aspects suggest a mainly political and/or social analysis of happenings, laws, and other things by which I was either moved, aggravated, or agitated. However, I will also elaborate on personal issues, hobbies, and daily events and everyday (common) thoughts that pop up in my mind and where I feel the urge to write about it. Trivial matters might come up just as well. Time will show. Let's Get Ready To Rumble All that being said, in order for this blog to actually start, I want to fulfil a classic cliché and write about the F|A community. This will probably be your average, everyday hymn of praise and thanks to the leaders and the founders especially. However, I wouldn't be writing here if I were not part of the community, so I think it appropriate to start the blog by doing so. Don't read any further in case you're already fed up with thanks and praises. I have been part of the F|A family for about six months now and prior to my application in February, I was around the servers approximately four months. In November 2011 I started playing ET again after years of deprivation. Less active in the beginning, I registered on the forums in December 2011 and read some topics every now and then. More active in the new year, I played on Jay 1 and made the acquaintance of Pianist. Until he asked me if I wanted to join the community I wasn't really aware of the magnitude of the whole F|A Community, the system and organization behind. Therefore, when I finally grasped the extent of the this gaming community, it simply captivated me. First, it was just fascination. So many servers, so many members, and best of all, no professional raters. F|A - a clan for people who just enjoy the gaming experience with friends and contribute each in their way to keep the community alive. It goes without saying that such an organizational feat wouldn't be possible if all the staff didn't put in a lot of sweat, nerves and above all: A lot of time. Let alone the expenses of the server setup and the maintenance. I want to thank you for making this possible. It has been said a lot times before, but I think it cannot be said too often. Thanks for your efforts, to make our personal gaming experience an unforgettable one. Thanks for setting up the servers, keeping them up to date, keeping them alive and putting trust in the members of the community. Thanks for the money you invest in this clan without gaining anything from it (apart from praises and happy members' feedback). At this point I also want to thank all the members and regulars who willingly donate money to keep the servers alive and to support the community wherever possible. This is what makes this community so special, because this clan brings together people from so many countries around the world, with different views, traiditions, lives and cicrumstances. Yet, they all have something in common. They share a passion for gaming and this community. Therefore, I hope that people will continue to give their support. The probably most efficient way to do this is by donating, of course. And I would like everyone to reconsider, if the time you spend in this community, the hours you play with friends, the feelings, the happiness and the joy you share - if all those are not worthwile a little donation from time to time. The funds needed for server setup are insignificant if only everyone would donate a tiny fraction. Given the number of active members, it should be possible. On the one hand it vexes me sometimes that seemingly few members stem most of it. On the other hand I appreciate it that the community works fine without an obligatory member fee and that it somehow works out fine (until now) with donations given by people who really want to support. Of course, I do not want to point at someone, because he simply cannot donate, for whatever reasons. There are a lot of members in this clan who contribute without actually donating. There are many who do a great job in recruiting new members. The larger the community, the more versatile the people, the culture and the friends you can make. Keeping the servers clean, doing admin work, helping members, regulars and guests, writing tutorials, giving advice. The people in this community contribute in most different ways and keep the community alive and diverse. Thank you again. I would also like to point out what seems to be an issue recently. I observed that quarrels, or disagreements within the ranks sometimes turn ugly and lead to ill feelings. Still, in most cases I could see that people are able to pull themselves together and try to solve the issue with common sense. If in the end, they can settle their disagreement and, with help of moderators, part as friends, then they constitute a valuable asset to the clan itself. Conflict management in this clan proves to be very efficient and in most cases successful which is another aspect of this multi-cultural community which captivated me. It is completely normal that conflicts arise when so many people with different views, traditions and values come together. All the more it is impressive that these conflicts can be solved with a positive outcome, which is the most important thing I guess. Due to that the community still exists, lives on and makes intercultural exchange possible. Thank you. Here end my thoughts for today. While I think about what to write next time, I hope that I could outline my motivation for being in this clan and share my views regarding the clan-life, support and management. Feel free to contact me or simply write in the comments, if you want to share your thoughts on this topic with me. I would be more than happy to hear from you. Thanks. Thistle (edited new name in)
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- introduction
- common sense
(and 2 more)
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Alright, the goal of this forums game is to count to 50. Normal members of the forums and guests have to count to 50, and they give +1. Members of F|A want to get to -50, and they give -1. Moderators and Admins of F|A want to help get to -50, and they give -3. You can post every 10 minutes, but can post in between just to chat with people, BUT a NUMBER can only be posted ONCE every TEN MINUTES. Example: I reply saying +1. total:1 Ladykris* replies 5 minutes later and says hi! 5 more minutes later, Ladykris replies saying -1. total:0 Hope you guys understand! Let the games begin! +1 Total: 1.
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.