Level info:
Objectives are not marked properly in the limbo text, but Axis
must fight their way to the top of the city, then steal the
Palantir from the Tombs behind the city, and deliver it to the
entrance of the Great Hall.
Changes from original map:
Changed objectives from Allies to Axis
Changed snow to summer
Removed MG Nest and added a new Tower MG
Allied Have an extra Spawn In The Fuel Dump Bunker
Axis Command Post enable an Axis Spawn in the garage
Axis MG Tower (near at axis command post changed position)
New stuffs added.
[uJE] Niek released the final version of his map convoy - The axis are escorting a convoy (the tank with 3 trucks) from the airport through a town to the faith factory. If they make it they get alot of faith for winning the war against the allies troops.
[uJE] Niek veröffentlicht die finale Version von seiner Map Convoy - DieAchsenmächte eskortieren einen Konvoi (den Panzer mit 3 LKWs ) vom Flugplatzdurch eine Stadt bis zur Glaubensstätte. Wenn sie es machen, bekommen sie viel"Glauben" für das Gewinnen des Krieges, gegen die Alliierten.
Axis objective:
*Escort the convoy to the factory
*Blow up 3 baricades
*Sachel the side door
*Fix commandpost
Allied objective:
*stop the axis convoy
*Build baricades
*Build the side door
*Build commandpost