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US police shootings: Protests spread with dozens of arrests


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Protests continue to spread across US cities against the killing of black men by police, following recent deaths in Minnesota and Louisiana.
Roads were blocked and missiles thrown in Minnesota, while armed New Black Panther Party members confronted police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Dozens of arrests have been made but the rallies were mostly peaceful.
The situation is also tense in Dallas, where five officers were killed by a black man during a protest rally.
Security levels were raised at the police HQ after anonymous threats were received but an all clear was given after a search of a car park for a "suspicious person".

The protests against police killings were sparked by the deaths of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.
In St Paul, Minnesota, overnight, fireworks, bottles and rocks were thrown at police as the demonstration closed a main interstate highway, causing gridlock.

Fists raised - BBC's Laura Bicker in Baton Rouge

This is the fifth night of protests in Baton Rouge where there is not just anger, there is rage.
Each night the gathering has intensified and police have responded with officers in riot gear. The two sides faced each other, often blocking the main highway outside police headquarters.
Occasionally the force would line up and rush into the crowd to make several arrests. Earlier, hundreds marched to the Louisiana State Capitol and stood on the steps with clenched fists raised up high - a salute to black power.
Police said some officers had been hurt by fireworks and a number of arrests made. Demonstrators said police fired tear gas and rubber bullets.
In Baton Rouge, several hundred protesters gathered outside the police department shouting "No justice! No peace!" and also at the convenience store where Alton Sterling was shot.
There was also tension as armed members of the New Black Panther Party stood face to face with officers in riot gear. Louisiana law allows weapons to be carried openly.

Dozens of people were reported to have been arrested and at least two firearms confiscated. Among those held was DeRay Mckesson, who has become a national voice for the Black Lives Matter movement, and two journalists.
Baton Rouge protester Marie Flowers told Associated Press: "Black boys are being killed and this is just the culmination of what has been going on for decades."
Several hundred protesters blocked roads and bridges in San Francisco and Fresno in California, hundreds more protested peacefully in West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami in Florida.
In New York, at least 20 people were arrested as hundreds of protesters marched through Manhattan.

Protester Lorena Ambrosio told Reuters: "I'm feeling very haunted, very sad and just angry that black bodies just keep piling and piling up."
A "Weekend of Rage" called in Philadelphia saw a six-hour march by a multi-racial crowd. One protester told an officer: "Without the uniform and badge, you are just like us," AP reported.
Other protests took place in Nashville, Indianapolis and Washington DC.
The protests have continued despite an effort by President Barack Obama to soothe the tension.
On a trip to Europe, he said: "First of all, as painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested.
"When we start suggesting that somehow there's this enormous polarisation, and we're back to the situation in the 60s, that's just not true. You're not seeing riots, and you're not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully."
'Kill white people'
On Thursday, five white police officers were shot dead by a black man, Micah Johnson, during a protest rally against the police killings. Seven other officers and two civilians were injured.

Full article + video's and the source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36757456



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one black person get killed and there is protest etc all over ... and thousands of people dieing everyday in syria,palastein,istanbul,dhaka... and none of them shows it on tv or even do anything... i m not saying that they shouldnt do anything for this person who got shot by police but do it for every other person...shame on humanity..............

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I guess it's one of the hardest issues in humanity the thing that well scared might be a big word but stunned me
seeing so many comments on social media from people that shouts the harderst when unright is get done to them. now cheering and liking and understands why someone shoot 11 police men
all people that die are all as terrible no matter what color religion or herritage they are 

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So I don't even want to get into this, but I feel that here is the place where my opinion is most respected, so here goes.

First some background knowledge about my demographics (I will not tolerate nor respond to criticism of my opinions):

-I am Japanese-American
-I live in Seattle, WA (A liberal city in a liberal state)
-I am a member of the Democratic party, and approve of Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Presidential bid. Never approved of Sanders.

Now that I've gotten the pertinent info to Americans (and useless to anyone who has a brain) out of the way, here's what I have to say:

In my opinion, the "Black lives Matter" (BLM) movement is complete bullshit. It does not matter what the color of their skin, their originating country is, etc, etc. Fact of the matter is that all lives matter. Anybody who has been subject to abuse, racism, sexism, family deaths, etc, THEIR lives matter. ALL lives matter.
(No, most people here in the USA (and dare I say BLM activists) do not think of Mexicans, Native Americans, Asians, etc as minorities, when in fact most everybody is, if you look at the combined mix race population) And dare I say that they portray themseleves like they are the ONLY race that has been discriminated against, as well the the first.

With this said, I do not have prejudice against anyone, regardless of where they come from, the color of their skin, which language they speak, etc. For anyone who feels offended by my comments so far, or has a question to ask me, you my send me a PM, and I will talk politics there.

There is extremely high tension between the police right now and civilians, which foreign media is not accurately reporting-- much like how Americans get biased news reports about world events.
Right now the Supreme Court of the United States and the Department of Justice are working extremely hard to qualm these tensions without any military and/or police investigation. This includes any reports that someone is trying to cause a disturbance and/or cause anarchy. With that said, everybody is wound up and just wants to get home to their families at night.

A select few may actually have issues with someone who is not "like" them, but they are few and far between, and for the most part, their opinion is disregarded, and they are essentially "put in their place" if they try to spew their bullcrap online.
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In my opinion, the "Black lives Matter" (BLM) movement is complete bullshit. It does not matter what the color of their skin, their originating country is, etc, etc. Fact of the matter is that all lives matter. Anybody who has been subject to abuse, racism, sexism, family deaths, etc, THEIR lives matter. ALL lives matter.

(No, most people here in the USA (and dare I say BLM activists) do not think of Mexicans, Native Americans, Asians, etc as minorities, when in fact most everybody is, if you look at the combined mix race population) And dare I say that they portray themseleves like they are the ONLY race that has been discriminated against, as well the the first.



Let me just address this...

In America, every American has human rights AND civil rights.


I think you have to look at BLM from their eyes.


The Blacklivesmatter movement is about promoting civil rights for black persons in America.

They aren't saying at all that other lives do not matter.

When they say #blacklivesmatter they aren't saying that other lives don't matter as well.

Saying #AllLivesmatter literally has nothing to do with the BLM. BLM is a movement for their civil rights. The black community think they're oppressed.


This is because, through observation that there might be a racial bias against black minorities.

This all starts with the black community and as we know, racism still exists in America.


Police Brutality is a contribution to this racial bias.

Black communities consist of black on black crime.

There are more black people incarcerated in America than any other race.

When cops see how these people act in their communities, they think about how they should handle themselves with these types of people, and shootings occur.

Sometimes, these shootings or killings aren't justified.

Philandro Castillo was a licensed gun owner, reaching for his ID when the police shot him.

Eric Garner was selling cigarettes on the street tax-free, while having charges, was choked by police and died.

These are a couple examples, neither had a reason to be shot or killed.


What's worse is that these cops do not get charged for these accidents, and walk free.

Brock Turner had a similar case with Cory Batey and rape. Brock got 6 months and Batey got 25 years.

Just from a few mainstream cases, there is some type of bias against Black persons.

When it comes to dealing with authority, their penalties always seem heavier.


BLM is in place to advance the black community and not to devalue anybody else's.

But BLM will get nowhere until they start advancing and being responsible for their own communities & actions first.

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  • Platinum VIP


-I am Japanese-American

-I live in Seattle, WA (A liberal city in a liberal state)

-I am a member of the Democratic party, and approve of Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Presidential bid. Never approved of Sanders.


Now that I've gotten the pertinent info to Americans (and useless to anyone who has a brain) out of the way, here's what I have to say:

I gotta ask you, why Hillary?? Not to change the subject, maybe this needs a new thread but why would anyone want to support a lying, corrupt, bought and paid for politician who is always in the middle of some scandal?


And no, I'm not a Trump supporter either

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I am for Sanders because their is nothing else to go for. Hilary and Trump both are POS. Trump is whinny actor without any resolution and changes like chameleon while Hillary is just too much scams. Hillary will doom USA. Trump will add Chaos. 


This is what happens when you have allowed 'free' gun to anyone. Why the hell in the world you need rifles. USA is not at war. BS gun laws are actually part of the problem. You don't agree with anyone? Shoot them. 

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I am for Sanders because their is nothing else to go for. Hilary and Trump both are POS. Trump is whinny actor without any resolution and changes like chameleon while Hillary is just too much scams. Hillary will doom USA. Trump will add Chaos. 

china and russia are waiting for trump to leave NATO it will leave the USA and EU both in risc in getting to a war that might not get won without eachother

the entire global position of both will be at risk as our freedom and values will be

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why would anyone want to support a lying, corrupt, bought and paid for politician who is always in the middle of some scandal?

This. Too bad it applies to every politician, though.


If you still believe anything the TV, 'social media', or the ilk says, about anything, well sorry for you.

Just the other day an executive order was issued, deeming collateral damage of US citizens on US soil A-okay. Where's the coverage on that? The thread?


Wake up.


This is what happens when you are allow 'free' gun to anyone. Why the hell in the world you need rifles. USA is not war. BS gun laws are actually part of the problem. You don't agree with anyone? Shoot them. 

This is entirely false. If the people don't need guns, why does the government?




Sorry man, this is quite grating. And untrue.

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This is entirely false. If the people don't need guns, why does the government?



What? How police is going to stop the criminals? Their will be always 'illegal' guns available. How you gonna stop them if their are no guns with Govt? So if someone comes up with knife, police should engage with him just like that? No. If you gonna take out the knife to "kill" police, they have the right to shoot you. I don't want my tax money to go for a rehab on a person who is stupid enough to go out with knife to kill police. Doesn't matter what race it is. 

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The BLM think is ok , because the recent events showed black people are targetted more than white ... and it is true all lives matter but my main issue is whenever a single small person gets killed in "america" there will be riots,protest blah blah blah... and in other countires and other shit where so called "AMERICAN SOLDIERS" are killing innocent people .. i want to ask where are the media and protest and those people who are protesting for this one guy who got killed and not for those others and to people in this posts when u say all live matter stand by what you say i m pretty sure u guys dont know how many muslims are killed each and every day ,, small childrens , women.. for no f***ing reason..


i dont know much about USA politics but i do think sanders will be a better option than those scums....



edit : 4 MILLION muslims are killed in western wars till now.... and i m pretty sure many of u guys havent heard the bomb blast in saudi ...

Edited by Mr.Karizmatic
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wow this escalated quickly :P in any case it seems a hard issue also as news reporter I try to use several sites al jazeera RT but also CNN BBC and Reuters
so you get news from all things over the world but sometimes I feel it doesnt matter much because there always will be someone unhappy :P
but in any case I try to post as much obj news from all over the world and not only for example western newssites 
for me as news reporter here if someone feels my posts are to 1 sided feel free to pm me and I always try to make it as objective possible for all people

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wow this escalated quickly :P in any case it seems a hard issue also as news reporter I try to use several sites al jazeera RT but also CNN BBC and Reuters

so you get news from all things over the world but sometimes I feel it doesnt matter much because there always will be someone unhappy :P

but in any case I try to post as much obj news from all over the world and not only for example western newssites 

for me as news reporter here if someone feels my posts are to 1 sided feel free to pm me and I always try to make it as objective possible for all people

lol its not one sided we are giving opinions on the news not on your post or the way u post the news etc... there is a topic and we are discussing or debating or giving an opinion ... it has nothing to do with u....

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lol its not one sided we are giving opinions on the news not on your post or the way u post the news etc... there is a topic and we are discussing or debating or giving an opinion ... it has nothing to do with u....


no I know :) it was just for the record I can understand some might see it diffirent because we all have diffirent perspectives in issue's and events in our own regions

so I just wanted to state im always open for critism and improving nothing more :D I love discussion in any case aslong people stay polite and respect eachothers opinions even you disagree with them :)

and I am really positively surprised with the amount of attention news section have I didnt expect it and makes me even more eager to do :) 

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