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Headshots vs Bodyshots


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on jay1 usually 43-46 acc with 1.5 or 2 hs per kill. on jay2 acc is a bit higher around 46-50 sometimes 55 same average of headshots. 


When i go for headshots in particulary i get like 2.5 a kill but my score drastically decreases. Therefore id say bodyshots with the ocasional headshot is preferred. Especially vs more agile players that will dodge my headshots but their screen keeps shaking if i go for bodyshots nomatter their moves.

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  • Clan Friend

I've always found headshots mean more. I can get 30+% and still lose the duel if I don't get a headshot, so I always try to get headshots now. 


What I want to know is why there are some players with 300 ping that aim just as well as someone with low ping to me. That makes zero sense to me... 


this is because 30% is not 50% ...


In reality there is only one thing that counts: how quickly you kill the enemy. Let's say a good player kills you in 2 seconds (in the average case, it can be faster or slower) after he sees you, you have 2 seconds to kill him.

This includes:

- ping difference

- reaction time difference

- how fast you give damage, once you start shooting. Nobody cares if it's headshot, bodyshot, assshot... :) whatever works, as long as you give more hp/second of damage than him.


a player who gives more hp/second of damage wins, regardless of how he does it.


On etpro (and in general in servers without adrenaline) we can say that hp/second is (roughly!) proportional to acc+headacc. So a player with 50%acc. and 0 headshots is more or less as deadly as a player with 40%bodyshots+10%headshots. Ofc if you do the maths right it's a bit more complex because headshots are slighly more than 2bodyshots in damage, and it's also faster (1 bullet instead of 2) but you get the idea.




As regards the ping, there is nothing weird, if you know how the game works. The server records all past frames. When you shoot the server knows which frame you were watching, and takes enemies positions from that (past) frame, so you can aim at what you see regardless of the ping.


The system is not perfect, but with 200-300 ping you can get like 98% of the accuracy you get with 0 ping, i.e. almost the same (tested on etpro, on a modified server without bullet spread, to remove randomness. Most of the missess are due to that randomness, actually. Without it, a player aiming at the head all the time will get 98-99% head accuracy from any distance, even under fire, at least on etpro.)



Depends, but also consider the mod.

On jaymod you got Adre which make you loose less hp each hit, while on ETpro there isnt.


But body I think give half of hs (20), as I killed someone with 5 body & 1 hs = around 140 hp (regular class hp).

yes, this is important.


adrenaline halves the damage for bodyshots, but headshots stay the same. If yuo add this to the fact that on servers with xpsave (and lots of players) medics can have 150+hp, it's very different from etpro where there is no xpsave no adrenaline and less players (and a medic has usually around 120hp if I remember correctly).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Searching for hs is ofc more difficult, but searching for difficulty enables to raise our skills.

So it would improve a player's accuracy, rather than searching for easy shots on the body.

My approach anyway...

Better look for difficulty to improve.


I love this post.  I love it deeply.  I've not only caught myself trying for headshots consciously, but I've also set myself 'tasks' to shoot people expressly in the knee, foot, arm, or weapon, using different weapons.  It's fun to take an FG42 and try to "shoot people's guns out of their hands", given a sufficient imagination. :D

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Nah, mostly just confuses u with the hitbox variation, i didn't use any hitsounds back at the past, since u would need to focus more on aiming than relaying on the hitsounds itself and mostly end up aiming better after that or at least a slight progress.

Yes only problemen with this is extreme long range or when u shoot barely shown enemies. The hitsounds come in hand

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Yes only problemen with this is extreme long range or when u shoot barely showen enemies. The hitsounds come in hand


Used that mostly at etpro so that difficulty wasn't really big anyway, as at any map, the map distance wasn't so big and neither was any "shadows" of unclear enemy. When used at jaymod, the only problematic map was baserace sometimes, as at long range u only see shadows, but i got used to it, so it wasn't big problem as well.

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Holy cow, four pages of discussion. Nice! After a month of analyzing my moves, I realized I do the following:

If the player has the preference of doing this fast as Sh!t left and right strafe (SEGG,Rocket, applaud!,deviljin) I try to go for HS but if I miss the first two bullets, I'll switch to BS.

If the player tends to do the crouch shooting (Blacktail, Etplay, fishy') I go always for HS, because if they are far my BS will be weak and if I am close they will be more accurate than me.



But the question now is: Should I strafe or should I crouch? hmmmmm, I can smell a new thread coming.

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