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I´m wondering if the smart pistol was put in because of the console crowd? Funny to see regen9(or was it 8) running around with smart-pistol and getting bashed for it and poor guy can´t drop it also as its needed for dah lvls.

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I was a big hater on the pistol, still am if I get killed by it, but now I've been using it a lot and really like it. :P

I use it only after I get all of my challenges done, but I love it too hehe :D

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I love(d) the pistol. Hell of a lot of fun, but requires more skill then people seem to admit. You can't just run and gun with it, you have to be able to give yourself (the gun) enough time to lock-on.

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That is where I got it..  It is a huge download though, so be prepared, but is 100% worth it!



BTW I made Gen7 yesterday! Woohoo, only 3 more to go.. These challenges are tough, but very satisfying when you get them done!

I love(d) the pistol. Hell of a lot of fun, but requires more skill then people seem to admit. You can't just run and gun with it, you have to be able to give yourself (the gun) enough time to lock-on.

I agree with this.. You have to do 3 consecutive lockons to get a pilot, and that is more then enough time for him to smoke you lol

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I don't have the season pass, but I buy the DLC as it comes out..  I really should get it though hehe

I,m  lvl 3 :) hard to get all challenges.. loses eyes in this game is addictive ..

Very addictive, I am playing way to much.. I figure though once I reach Gen10 I will start to slack off a bit hehehe

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Nope smart-pistol have to have only 1 red lockon and you´re dead, saw from killcam yesterday...

Only with one of the upgrades.

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Nope smart-pistol have to have only 1 red lockon and you´re dead, saw from killcam yesterday...


Only with one of the upgrades.

Heretic is right.. Normally with no burn cards, it takes 3 lock ons to get a red lock on.. 

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Got G3 and forced to play plasmagun:P Is there a way to get even 1 kill with this gun? Usually I could take 3 titans in good position and doom at least 1, now can´t get a kill even when its 3 vs 1. Don´t get this gun at all...any good tactics with it? I figured its long range sniper with ogre and shieldwall but doesn´t work.

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Nope smart-pistol have to have only 1 red lockon and you´re dead, saw from killcam yesterday...

It's only a one lock on for grunts, three for spectres and pilots. Even with enhanced targeting, which is a burn card, it's still three lock ons but much faster and at a greater range. I know of no burn card or perk that allows for a single lock on, or else that would make the pistol super op and everyone would be using it.

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