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About twenty(20) States in the U.S are trying to secede from the Union...


So far Texas has the most signature at 31,000. Only 25,000 signatures are needed for the White House to take the petition seriously.


I highly doubt it will be allowed, but this really shows how messed up this country is becoming. Its really a shame.


The next four years for the U.S are going to be very interesting.... This is not the future I was hoping to live in, I've lost hope in the meaning of "Living Free," when everything is regulated.

Or the "American Dream," which meant to me doing and chasing what I wanted in life, but I can't even do that because I don't get a chance too. Its all messed up so bad.


This is one of the only times I would have stay young. I hate knowing whats going on around me. When I was young I could have cared less.


Here are the links to the petitions on the White Houses website.





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Anyone with a brain, come move to Canada. Let the rest of the rejects form their own country where the earth is 6000 years old and evolution is a product of Satan. ;D


the US & canada will merge one day


I signed the petition anything to get this socialist president out of my way. I follow the constitution and Obama clearly does not.

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It's now up to 22 states have the required signatures and 3 pending


I thought this was The Onion, sadly I was mistaken.


Man, I love hearing right-wingers squeal like a pig. I say good riddance!


Secessionitis is in the air!

This is going to be funny if anything comes of it.

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yeah...secede from the union...that will solve everything...

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I think that the issue lies with separating everyone into 2 groups. The way our elections are with democrat and republican are no longer working. Anyone who wishes to run without conforming to one of those parties will never win an election because they do not have the financial backing like Obama and Romney received. All great nations fall and the time for the US is coming if it is not already here.


This is good. This shows us how angry people truly are with the fiscal irresponsibility and the absurd disregard for the constitution that made this country different from any other in the world! They saw this coming. Why do you think all the federal agencies have been buying ammo by the hundreds of thousands of rounds??? Look that shit up. What would the Social Security Administration need 174,000 rounds of .45 hollow point ammunition? Or the EPA? The DHS bought 4.5 million rounds. Those rounds aren't even allowed in warfare.


Our representatives lie to us, our media lies to us, our highest leaders lie to us. And the biggest demagogue this world has ever seen has slithered itself into our highest seat. Obama is the undoing of so much hard work. Literally thousands of lives have been lost preserving the LIBERTY that he so valiantly crushes... with a powerful cheer of the do-gooders and the entitled behind him. This dude strolls in, hand out a trillion dollars(to bankers, unions, and special interests, signs the NDAA into effect, Introduces and passes a federal healthcare MANDATE by somehow completely bypassing the 10th amendment... what... the... f***...


We're still balls deep in the middle east.Our economy is wrecked. And people want more of this??? WHO!?!?!? Who wants this??? I don't understand. Before the election Donnie Trump made a public announcement that he would donate 5 million dollars to the charity of Obama's choice if he revealed his college and passport records. We got nothing. A cool 5 mill to any charity... and he passed? Why? Why would anyone with nothing to hide not pass up a chance for a swift kick to the nuts of the birthers and other opposition? I would have. He may have been born in Hawaii, but his citizenship changed when he was a child to indonesian. I believe he came back to hawaii, then started college using foreign student loans and grants... how else did the poor boy get that ivy league paid for? And there are no records that show he ever applied back for US citizenship after he moved to Indonesia. But that's not relevant now. This administration has absolute zero transarency. We saw this with The whole Behngazi incident.


There are still real americans left that understand when you let people take your liberties away it's almost impossible to get them back. Nothing short of a full-scale revolutionary war can achieve that. The fact states are filling petions in hours means the people still don't agree. It means that we should oppose everything they do that effects our lives. The constitution was written to limit the power of government and reserve it respectively to the state and to the people. This is why Romney's (state level) healthcare plan that Obama stole was such a great program. It was chosen by the state and is not a federal fumbling. Do any of you know veterans of the US military? I know a bunch. And anyone who does knows of the stories of the government run VA hospitals. It's horrible. That's gonna be what it's like everywhere in the next 10 years. And medicare will have been sucked dry to fund Obamacare. Then when they both implode we have absolutly nothing to stand by. Ha!!! Can't wait for the medical industry to be unionized won't that be fantastic? That's coming too.


Obama's formula is one like Cloward & Piven's strategy in the 60's to flood the welfare system til it collapses and introduce full on socialism. Look that up too. Sound familiar. With almost 50 million on food stamps? And surging.


I just hope America prepares themselves the best they can. It could go either way. Nothing could happen and America will slowly fade. Or there's gonna be a game to win.

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The biggest problem with all of this?




Anyone that takes these things seriously needs to take a hard look at themselves.


First of all.. they're never accurate. 10 people make 10 email accounts to register to the site and sign said petition. BOOM! There's 100 'US Citizens' that signed. What if 50 people did this? WoW! 500 people signed this?! Amazing!! How about if 10 people got their friends from the internet to do this? I've already seen people skewer numbers on stupid, irrelevant crap.. so it's not hard to believe that there are people doing this.


See the issue?


And we all know, that children or teens are going to be signing this. Pretty sure anyone under the age of 18 can't legally vote/sign for shit. So poof. There's some more numbers out the window.


This sort of thing literally makes me hang my head for America. I apologize to our American clanmates, but seriously... can you not see how f***ing retarded this is?


Also.. Death.. wtf are you smoking?...

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The 20+ states so far are wanting to do this to follow the consitution that once made are land prosper. They have steered so far away from what makes this nation great why would you want to be apart of his socialist agenda. For me now hear me out he sat in that room when the soldiers requested back-up and he told them no so innocent soldiers died trying to "Aid" a foreign country something Obama is all about, but said no to them and let them get killed? To me I've just had enough. Also as far as the online petition goes certain states are taking this serious and having a real petition be opened with peoples signatures so atleast that makes it somewhat more believable cause anybody can creat 100's of e-mails. I just created one though, and voted for all the states wanting to branch off.


Its sucks, but I'm looking out for is the civil unrest... Ugh, I fear civil war... This isn't the greatest time for the country and its going to be a really rough few years.


I never really understood the dead silence that came in-reply to that challenge Trump issued...or any of the other challenges issued. The whole birther movement could be squashed if Obama just came clean with the documents, even if they were faked by the administration.

True shit about the VA hospitals as well...

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Why should the sitting president of the United States agree to be extorted? What kind of precedence would that start?


Re: Secession


All those people can kindly gtfo of my country. People tried that once and it took 4 years and thousands of lives to prove that this Union must stand. As far as I am concerned, you are spitting on the flag and the graves of every soldier who died protecting this nation.


Political differences are fine. Worrying about the direction of this country is your preogative. Believing right wing propeganda about our current president is permitted.


Threatening to split this country in two is despicable.

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