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Ever owned exotic pets?


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Was wondering what exotic pets anyone has ever owned. Me personally, I've had a few pythons at my old house, but the one thing we kept the longest was a Pink Toed Tarantula. We named her Fluffy because she was hairy as hell; she also escaped a few times in my bro's room. If anyone has ever watched Penn and Teller's: Bullshit...I think in the Pet Love episode they go to Streamwood, Illinois where they visit a pet show place...that's where we got most of our pets from, er at least the exotic ones lol.


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Nice Fluffy <3 me likey


these 2 r amazing ,not mine but if i will get exotic pet ill pick one of them



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those are not animals.....nor are they pets.....they are arthropods....spiders.....pests.....things you spray with Raid from 15-20 feet away then run like its flying (literally flying) after you :P


on that topic, do foreign women count as exotic pets?

Edited by Achiyan
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Well, I got:


2 parrots, 2 geckos and a chameleon (well chameleon is kind of adoption, people knew I got lots of animals and suddenly they were at my door with the chameleon)


I had some spiders (well more my dad, but I considered them mine) spiders too, but can't remember which breed (:facepalming myself trying to remember) they were. Went asking my dad :P, according to him it were 'grammostola aurestriata' (no idea what the English name is)







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I have a bearded dragon.... Would like a Boa or Python but gotta wait for the baby to get bigger. What about German Shephard? He's German :P

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I used to own hordes of these little critters

Note 3 different types of hamster, one with overall tan, one with grey coat (black stripe), and one with brown coat (black stripe)


Alas, the hardest thing about keeping these as a child is having to bury them at the end. :(




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those are not animals.....nor are they pets.....they are arthropods....spiders.....pests.....things you spray with Raid from 15-20 feet away then run like its flying (literally flying) after you :P


on that topic, do foreign women count as exotic pets?


I would say they do Achiyan...until they learn English, then they are no longer Exotic =p


@Krayzie, I've always wanted a bearded dragon.


@Joske, nice pets and default picture lol

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I used to own hordes of these little critters

Note 3 different types of hamster, one with overall tan, one with grey coat (black stripe), and one with brown coat (black stripe)


Alas, the hardest thing about keeping these as a child is having to bury them at the end. :(

LOL I know exaxtly what you mean by burying them. My sis and I had two each. My favorite one I named Blackie. He was actually a dark fuzzy gray with black wisps of fur throughout. We, my sister killed him...murder...i buried him out back underneath the tree.


EDIT: we had gerbils tho

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Oh la la, these spiders look very nice in the photos,... only in the pictures, I dont want them next to me :P


I have had hamsters too and cats, and i understand perfectly what darkfang is referring . It takes a lot of affection for any pet, and a hard time when they leave.

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Close to my music school there was a pet shop that had a Chilean tarantula on window display. It was probably owner's as it wasn't on sale. I can't really say if I would want it as a pet but back then it was captivating and it really looked like an awesome animal. I've got a wild hedgehog living in my backyard that I see every now and then if that counts as an exotic animal and a dog.

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I had a female iguana for eight years. Got her when she was about 8 inches long. She got about four feet long (nose to tip of tail). Females can get pretty tame, and they're smart enough to recognize different people. She was very trusting and even affectionate towards me, but often skitterish towards people she perceived as strangers, especially if I wasn't in the room with them. Unfortunately, she inhaled some of her food one day, developed aspiration pnumonia and passed away. Exotics are tricky to deal with... takes a lot of research, patience and money (medical bills are usually a little on the high side). Still, I'm currently considering getting a chameleon (either a Veiled or Panther), and my wife and I are planning on setting up a marine aquarium in the next couple years. We're currently in the research/saving up cash phase right now.

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