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My ping :(


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Hi! I'm having trouble playing Enemy Territory. A couple of months the ping remained, so high that I can't play this game (over 100ms). I have a 1GB fiber optic connection in my house. And I have 3 Deco X50 wlan modules that share the internet inside the house. When I type e.g. ping google.com -t , so the latency stays at 10-12 ms all the time. We have tried all kinds of things with mr UKKONEN, but we haven't really helped. The processor is a Ryzen 5 1600 and the graphics card is an RTX 2070, so you shouldn't depend on these at least. Downloaded the latest drivers and windows 11 updated. I sometimes play Fortnite and there is no problem with it nor in others enemy territory servers . Can someone help me? Thanks :)

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Hi there.

Could you post the ping result here, so we can take a look if there is any issues.


And also if you could post your current cfg, also for checking if there is something bothering.


I assume you use /rate 45000 and snaps 20 or 40 and cl_maxpackets 100?


Edited by RendeL
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And, what FA ET servers do you play on?  ADDED:  OKay I may have found you via TBS.


The European servers are on the DE/FR border and the USA ones are on the East Coast of North America.


TrackBase shows the HotChip name mostly on Beginners#2, in Europe, but with some bad pings or no-playing times.  Looks like only one "good game". :( 


The name is also on Jay#2 (jaymod), in the USA.  It looks like you had better playing there, with long times on the maps, than you have recently had on Beginners#2 (silent mod). :hmm None of  HotChip's sessions on FA-Beg#2 are "ranked", mostly because of too-little playing time.  The one long-time play was not ranked because of "too many bots".   The records for Jay#2 are much better! (???)



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If i'm right, this started like 1 or 2 months ago, Had same effect on two different internet connection. Speccing him i got feeling the ping goes up when there's lots happening in the screen. Same happens with both clients. 2.60b and ETLegacy. Legacy was a fresh install with fresh configs etc and it kept happening.

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// generated by ET Legacy v2.81.1 win-x86 Mar 12 2023 do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
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seta db_uri "etl.db"
seta db_mode "2"
seta com_ansiColor "1"
seta com_zoneMegs "64"

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The ping test looks ok and looking at your cfg, here is what I'd change in first place as you have great connection:


seta snaps "20" <-- change to 40
seta rate "25000" <-- change to 45000 (tho server might force this already)


And also add lagometer and fps to your screen, so you can take ss when issues happens:


seta cg_lagometer "1"

seta cg_drawFPS "1"


So try these first if it helps, if not I see some cvars you have that should cause fps lag, not ping issues, but worth to try disabling.


//EDIT: are you by any chance using avast or norton products? If you are, disable those while gaming. And check what programs run in background and are those "eating" resources. Wifi can be the issue, can you connect with wire just to try out. Wifi card issue?

Edited by RendeL
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Your ping fluctuates wildly (called "jitter"). This explains your connection problems on the game servers.


To rule out that your home network is at fault, ping your router. You can find out your router's IP address by typing the command ipconfig into the command prompt. Your router's IP address is listed under 'default gateway'.


If you use a wired connection, your ping should be about 1 to 5 msec. If you use a wireless connection to your router (WiFi), it should be at least under 20 msec. Check for any sudden ping spikes.


If your home network shows no abnormalities, contact your ISP asap and explain the issue to them: high jitter that makes using real-time applications over the internet impossible. If your home network is not at fault, it is up to them to fix the issue.

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I think the issue is FPS related. Today i asked this cg_drawfps 1 and the fps was changing between 10 to 45 or so, when people were in the screen. Also heard that recruiting server doesen't lag (jaymod), but silent mod does this.

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1 minute ago, Tukkonen said:

I think the issue is FPS related. Today i asked this cg_drawfps 1 and the fps was changing between 10 to 45 or so, when people were in the screen. Also heard that recruiting server doesen't lag (jaymod), but silent mod does this.

He pinged google.com 24 times and his ping fluctuated between 10 msec and 328 msec, with other highs of 94, 62 and 55 msec in between. Unless he fully utilised the bandwidth of his connection while doing the ping tests (=> buffer bloat), this is insane jitter and if he has jitter like this regularly, it makes playing online games basically impossible.


For good measure you could ping more targets, do it at different times of day, increase the sample size (like ping a thousand times with the parameter -n 1000), run traceroutes or (preferrably) pathpings to find out at what hop exactly the issues of ping spikes emerge, but personally I wouldn't bother. If the home network turns out to be running without abnormalities (see above), I'd just contact the ISP. It's an issue on their side, not yours.

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In Recruiting server my GPU usage is 3-5 percent and line drawing is really 8-9 ms. 
These same values are on the beginner 2 server GPU usage 0-2 percent and drawing delay 50-120 ms
Here is the reason but why different ... hmm

In Recruiting server my GPU usage is 3-5 percent and line drawing is really 8-9 ms. 
These same values are on the beginner 2 server GPU usage 0-2 percent and drawing delay 50-120 ms
Here is the reason but why different ... hmm

sorry last message in big size text


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45 minutes ago, Tukkonen said:

I think the issue is FPS related. Today i asked this cg_drawfps 1 and the fps was changing between 10 to 45 or so, when people were in the screen. Also heard that recruiting server doesen't lag (jaymod), but silent mod does this.

If fps issue, sounds like r_primitives is set wrong. If you have amd gpu, set it to 2, if nvidia then 0 is ok.


So also on fps these affect much:


seta cg_showblood "1" <-- set 0 to disable

seta cg_shadows "1" <-- set 0

seta r_flares "1" <-- set 0



Edited by RendeL
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators
On 12/7/2023 at 10:23 AM, RendeL said:

seta snaps "20" <-- change to 40


This is server driven. Only our ETL server runs on 40 snaps. 


@HotChip - Check your Nvidia settings. Nvidia has better support on OpenGL drivers vs AMD. Even AMD has improved their support recently. Try below settings and let us know how it goes. I play from 2060 Nvidia GPU. Your 2070, should give you stable 125 FPS without any issue. 




On 12/7/2023 at 10:55 AM, Lt Steiner said:

He pinged google.com 24 times and his ping fluctuated between 10 msec and 328 msec, with other highs of 94, 62 and 55 msec in between. Unless he fully utilised the bandwidth of his connection while doing the ping tests (=> buffer bloat), this is insane jitter and if he has jitter like this regularly, it makes playing online games basically impossible.



He can kiss his fiber good buy then.. cos that's crazy high jitter. BW consumption adds to jitter but he can have modem, router, signal strength, etc. issues. I barely touch more then 50% CPU in my router with 50+ devices connected. 





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