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ET BEGINNERS #2 im done


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Thats very said. You're a nice and very good player. But hope cu some days again. 🙂

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1 hour ago, oliveirapt said:

besides my issues im geting TIRED that some FA members dont help balance teams so im done

If you see admins not doing their job, breaking rules, abusing his levels....just /record /autoscreenshot /statsdump (helps a lot in a demo to check the kills, deaths , etcetera)..and then send to some stuff, coleader, leader, etc

I suggest to keep your levels, because you are doing a good job in beg2 ;)



Edited by Betinho
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Hey Oli,


you may put me whereever and whenever you want to.


You know i don't have the !putteam command, so i have to wait for a

free slot in the loserteam.


But you can beg, if i change to weaker team, another guy will

fill the gap in the winnerteam.


But at least we only can try to help.


It's all about fun you know.


So why do you not play a week or so as Rambo medic in the winner team 😅.


With level 11 you are able to put your clanmates to the weaker team 😉




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45 minutes ago, oliveirapt said:

besides my issues im geting TIRED that some FA members dont help balance teams so im done

What's this all about my friend? 


Because you have the putteam command, you've got the power to use it. But I will say this, the members and admins want to have fun also. Therefore, it's also the responsibility of the server regulars, trusted regulars and clan friends to also even teams, as much as the members and admins.


May I also add, on the server, you need to look at /scores, kills and the progression of the map.


If this is because I joined axis on Venice when allies had more players, when axis had more kills but allies had better scores and map progression, my apologies, I will sit in spec next time.

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Hey Oliveira.

I'd suggest you to sleep over it before you do any hasty decisions.

I see you play daily, and you always balance teams when needed. I understand it's frustrating sometimes, but you do not always need to be the one to switch sides.


I personally mostly play during daytime when the server is not that full, and when there are no FA admins online some people just refuse to switch teams. I understand you have the putteam command, so don't be afraid to use it when needed!


However if you notice unbalance when there are admins online and they are not reacting, don't be afraid to ask them. And after mentioning about the issue If you think admins are not doing their job, take evidence and post it to appropriate staff members.


Also I don't know if something that upset you happened this evening or earlier, but it's friday evening after all. I was there for a few maps when server was full, and I saw certain admins online for the first time during the whole week. They might have just got off work and tried to enjoy their weekend with couple of games. I'm not saying that should be an excuse to ignore server rules, but remember to have fun also! 


See you in the game man, don't leave us :)

Edited by Nikolai
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4 hours ago, oliveirapt said:

besides my issues im geting TIRED that some FA members dont help balance teams so im done

Stop. Think again about it in a few days. As we've told you before, you're a good person, and you're greatly appreciated by the members of =F|A= and the regulars.

If you are faced with the fact that one of the clan members INTENTIONALLY doesn't monitor the balance and at the same time you have strong evidence, you can post them on the forum.

I also want to note that you have a !putteam command. If you see teams unbalanced, =F|A= members not responding to your messages, don't hesitate to ask a regular you have a good relationship with to move to the team that needs help.

Once again I will say - do not leave, take a break:)

Edited by Vasylich
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7 hours ago, oliveirapt said:

besides my issues im geting TIRED that some FA members dont help balance teams so im done


7 hours ago, Betinho said:

If you see admins not doing their job, breaking rules, abusing his levels....just /record /autoscreenshot /statsdump (helps a lot in a demo to check the kills, deaths , etcetera)..and then send to some stuff, coleader, leader, etc

I suggest to keep your levels, because you are doing a good job in beg2 ;)



This. I sent you pm.

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Few years ago I was also getting very annoyed with BEG2 about unbalanced teams and admins not doing anything about it. The weird thing is that unbalanced teams issue is mostly in BEG2, not so much in other servers. Believe it or not there are other FA servers out there that don't have this issue. 

So try some other servers out, maybe you will like them.


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Hey mate.

I feel where you're coming from. I've faced issues like this but there's some edge cases that I think is worth thinking about before you make any decision.

I've seen unbalanced situations but it's not always easy to find a solution. Several times admins or folks with access to balancing commands that are in spec are AFK, or those who are playing are just so absorbed that they just don't notice. Sometimes its' not easy to find the solution either. All of a sudden a highly skilled player will come and make a difference and then it's over! 😅

At the end of the day, everyone's trying to have fun.

And with the recent flux of new players it's gotten harder; more so when server gets crowded.

Not so long ago I saw one side (let's say Allies) reaching very high up the scores. One regular switched to the other team and then things turned just the opposite as he's quite skilled. Allies ended up winning though lol.

Sometimes there are highly skilled players (not just medic fraggers but skilled engineers, field ops) that are unevenly distributed and teams just can't be balanced as one wishes them to be.

I've been frustrated myself; but then I focused on having fun or switch myself even if my impact on overall scores is low.

Having someone as experienced and skilled as you playing on our server has made differences many times. And believe it or not I look up to you and learned a lot while spectating, among other players.


I'd suggest you take some time off, maybe try some of our other servers from time to time; it helps.


Always a pleasure playing with you.

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12 minutes ago, Valk said:

Take demos, screenshots and other proof to match your accusations.

Since you are new in the community, you don't know the history, but all this has been done already.

There used to be a topic where people complained about stacking. I posted screenshots and even recorded videos. What was the end result? Nothing changed.


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