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Just an idea i hope to get yalls opinion on


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Whats the point of having pre-trial period for people who will become trial when they turn 16? if they're mature enough to be considered pre-trial then their mature enough to be on trial, and if someone who's 13 or 14 is told they can be trial when they become 16 I highly doubt almost any of them would still be around when their 16. I think the way things currently are is great, if their under16 put them on an extended trial and observe them that way, if a 13 year old acts mature then yeah put him on trial, if he abuses his cmds then take away his trial, thats what trials for! :)


You're right l3lessed, I was just trying to satisfy both sides of the debate ^_^

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See i agree with I3lessed on one thing. Most of the people who want to join F|A that are below the age of 16 wont be around by the time they hit 16. Some might still be around but the odds are most wont. I don't mean for my suggestion of the Junior F|A section to be a trial section. I mean it to be a spot for people under 16 years of age. A place where they can be that will make them feel a part of something. That will also help weed out the ones who aren't as serious about becoming a full fledged F|A member and wanting to be serious about helping the clan survive the years to come, plus it can be a positive thing for them.

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I've actually thought about this too. We have guys in their twenties and thirties who act like full retards (like urine sample), and we have 19 year olds who act like they are 30 (like Krayzie).


I would rather hang out with twenty year olds than people my own age who bore me to tears. So it really depends on the person.


I've been thinking about making a special server just for kids to play ET, my little girl likes to play the North Pole map against omnibots. Yeah I can pay for a real one, but I don't know how much interest there would be in a server for kids, and how to keep the pervs out. I think when we deal with children we open ourselves up to liability issues that maybe we haven't considered thoroughly. We could get in trouble in one country or another if we have bullying or profanity issues.


If we make a kid-friendly server but don't limit it to kids it will be overrun with raters looking for easy victims.

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rofl i knew kids who were 13 and acted like 20, ive seen 34's act like 8, imo age shouldn't matter about age but instead the behavior should..


o and to phantasm-cant you jst like block the swear words and make bots a little harder?? you can also make auto shuffling to make sure stackers dont ruin the server

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Whats the point of having pre-trial period for people who will become trial when they turn 16? if they're mature enough to be considered pre-trial then their mature enough to be on trial, and if someone who's 13 or 14 is told they can be trial when they become 16 I highly doubt almost any of them would still be around when their 16. I think the way things currently are is great, if their under16 put them on an extended trial and observe them that way, if a 13 year old acts mature then yeah put him on trial, if he abuses his cmds then take away his trial, thats what trials for! :)


Exactly. That is why trial is in place and the system right now is perfect =).


I've actually thought about this too. We have guys in their twenties and thirties who act like full retards (like urine sample), and we have 19 year olds who act like they are 30 (like Krayzie).


I would rather hang out with twenty year olds than people my own age who bore me to tears. So it really depends on the person.


I've been thinking about making a special server just for kids to play ET, my little girl likes to play the North Pole map against omnibots. Yeah I can pay for a real one, but I don't know how much interest there would be in a server for kids, and how to keep the pervs out. I think when we deal with children we open ourselves up to liability issues that maybe we haven't considered thoroughly. We could get in trouble in one country or another if we have bullying or profanity issues.


If we make a kid-friendly server but don't limit it to kids it will be overrun with raters looking for easy victims.


Wait what age do I count as then D= (2? gah gah goo goo). Lol ya a kids only server isn't a bad idea but you know since kids are kids, their will definitely be swearing and temper tantrums =P

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Granted this is all just talk. But I sorta like the idea. Fact of the matter is, kids will be here if they want to no matter what. Part of the clan, or not, they can still create an account and eventually post on or read through the forums when it's activated. The younger crowd are already here so I don't think F|A could be held responsible for any vulgar language or anything like that. I'm pretty sure I remember reading somewhere about this being a mature forum that may have slightly vulgar language at times. Probably in the disclaimer or general rules of posting or something. I don't know. Either way it's up there for the kids to see, and it's 100% their choice to be here. Noone's forcing them. If anything, it would be their parent's fault for not being a proper guardian to their children, and not keeping them away from things they find offensive online.


But yeah I kind of like the appeal of this idea. If it were ever to be put into effect I would suggest giving them lowercase =f|a= tags to show that they're a "Junior" member or whatever it would be called. As for not wanting a child to represent F|A, that would be what the lower case tags are for. After some time, people would know that the lowercase f|a means they're a junior member and not an official member like the others. There would be no need to give them a high admin level. Actually from what I can tell, the level 6 commands are relatively harmless, if memory serves correct.


As for them waiting until they're 16 to join, that's quite frankly a bad idea I think. How could you ever truly expect them to wait years to be a part of a clan that's not even willing to show them some compassion and let them wear SOME form of tags in the mean time? While it's important to know that the person is devoted, it could also hurt the clan by waiting too long. Not to disagree with the Leaders or anything but the whole.. "trial membership being longer" doesn't really fix anything if you ask me. If a person is going to stay they will stay. If they have it in them to leave... then not acknowledging the person's worth as a fully fledged member, sooner rather than later, would only hasten the process. In the end it might be the actual reason that some people leave. There are many things to consider, really.


Take me for instance, I personally find being a trial member in F|A very annoying, in my particular case. It's more that.. until I was INVITED to join F|A I was perfectly content wearing my Pika tags, which is the only other clan I've been in and had any desire to be in. I was also invited to join them as well. And now long after Pika is dead I would still wear their tags because I was devoted to them. But since it IS dead and I was invited to F|A, and there are really cool people here, I decided to take people up on their offers and join. I am really enjoying being a member of F|A, but I feel like I should have already proven my devotion through my dedication to Pika, it was a hard decision to make even though it's dead. My Pika leader, Jess, doesn't even play anymore, none of them do, and yet I made it a point to ask for her permission before I ever took off the Pika tags and applied for F|A. I don't really MIND being a trial member... but after being invited it just feels like I'm not really trusted.


I'm 100% devoted to F|A now and I've been playing since ET was first made basically, I have no desire to join any other clan. I don't care about rating enough to join any rating clan. I can honestly say that joining clans doesn't even occur to me, I just don't care if I'm a part of one enough to go out of my way to join one, and I certainly wouldn't be a member of F|A now if Pika weren't dead. But it doesn't necessarily feel like I get any gratitude or respect in return because I'm still only just a trial. I know a lot of you are friendly to me and all, and Onion is my *****! :D But it still feels like it could go either way. Add that to the recent change of making the trial memberships last upwards to 6 or more months and it creates a pretty ugly situation to be in. Especially me since I don't feel like... I'm getting something to make up for what I've already given up. Instead I'm asked to, in a sense, give up more before fully being accepted, when I've already given up alot. I feel like I'm going backward almost. For example before I joined I was at least trusted with level 3 admin with !put and !mute/unmute and all that. Now I just feel like I'm back to being a level 1 and I'm not trusted with the commands or something.


Don't misunderstand me though, I'm happy that I have been invited and allowed to join by the others. Most likely the only way I'm ever leaving is if I'm pushed out of F|A for whatever reason. Which I doubt will happen. I just sort of feel offended really. Like I've done a job but I've only been paid half of the price that was agreed upon. It was a big loss for me having to take off my Pika tags, I have lots of memories with them, only to be a trial member in F|A. But like I said, it's not really a big deal. It's annoying and I have personal feelings against it, but all I can do is wait until the leaders decide I'm fit to be a full member. I just really hope it doesn't take 6 or more months though because that's just really lame. I've already shown my devotion by taking off my Pika tags. I really don't want to wait half a year or more just to be fully accepted into a clan that, I feel, I have already more than proven I'm 100% devoted to.


But.. that's just my unique problem with the whole "wait and see" process. It doesn't necessarily help me at all or anyone's opinions of me since, well I mean... what else is there to know really? I was wearing a dead clan's tags because I was devoted to them and made promises that I wouldn't leave. Promises I kept until long after it's members quit and would happily continue keeping if I weren't invited to join F|A. Not to mention I went out of my way to get in touch with Jess and ASKED her if I could leave. I guess what I'm really getting at with all of this is that, making people wait ridiculous amounts of time probably isn't really the best action to be taking when it comes to recruiting. Especially with the younger crowd. You can't expect people to fully submit themselves to a clan that's not even willing to let them join. Especially when there are a bunch of other clans out there ready and willing to sign them up on the spot. F|A will have to compromise at some point. Members will leave and there is no changing that. In the end what we will have is an absurd wait time for getting into the clan and a lack of recruits willing to wait that long just for tags or full membership. I know a lot of people who have quit clans specifically because they were on a trial membership for so long. None of which were anything close to how long F|A's trials are.


So basically, if a person is going to quit they will. There's no stopping them. A trial period extended too long will absolutely do more harm than good, and it doesn't necessarily help to weed out any potential decent members that will stick around. The patience it takes to get through the trial period doesn't have any effect on whether that person will actually stay around or go off and join a clan that him and his best friend are starting or whatever. If anything it scares people away. Anyways, sorry to go off on a rant there. I just think it's a mistake to place all of our faith in a system that revolves around just letting an enormous amount of time pass. Because to someone like me... =F|A= is now a part of my name, not just a tag, and I've virtually been around in ET since the beginning. By distancing the clan from the average person, we're in turn forcing potential great, long time recruits to turn away and join others.


Just my 2 cents. Sorry if any leaders get all up in arms about this. >.>;

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As for them waiting until they're 16 to join, that's quite frankly a bad idea I think. How could you ever truly expect them to wait years to be a part of a clan that's not even willing to show them some compassion and let them wear SOME form of tags in the mean time? While it's important to know that the person is devoted, it could also hurt the clan by waiting too long. Not to disagree with the Leaders or anything but the whole.. "trial membership being longer" doesn't really fix anything if you ask me. If a person is going to stay they will stay. If they have it in them to leave... then not acknowledging the person's worth as a fully fledged member, sooner rather than later, would only hasten the process. In the end it might be the actual reason that some people leave. There are many things to consider, really.


...... etc =D


But.. that's just my unique problem with the whole "wait and see" process. It doesn't necessarily help me at all or anyone's opinions of me since, well I mean... what else is there to know really? I was wearing a dead clan's tags because I was devoted to them and made promises that I wouldn't leave. Promises I kept until long after it's members quit and would happily continue keeping if I weren't invited to join F|A. Not to mention I went out of my way to get in touch with Jess and ASKED her if I could leave. I guess what I'm really getting at with all of this is that, making people wait ridiculous amounts of time probably isn't really the best action to be taking when it comes to recruiting. Especially with the younger crowd. You can't expect people to fully submit themselves to a clan that's not even willing to let them join. Especially when there are a bunch of other clans out there ready and willing to sign them up on the spot. F|A will have to compromise at some point. Members will leave and there is no changing that. In the end what we will have is an absurd wait time for getting into the clan and a lack of recruits willing to wait that long just for tags or full membership. I know a lot of people who have quit clans specifically because they were on a trial membership for so long. None of which were anything close to how long F|A's trials are.




LOL Zeek u write too much =P. Sorry I just quickly skimmed through it =P.


The age requirement isn't set in stone. If you can act mature, you will get in regardless of your age.


Also the trial process isn't that long as it really depends on how the person acts themselves. All the trial process is, is to see whether the person can handle being an admin on the server and properly use admin commands. There is a lot of instances where people have misused admin commands. So usually those individuals are put on trial for a much longer period of time or removed from the clan if the issue keeps on reoccuring.


For example if you have been on trial for over 3 months, there is probably 2 reasons. 1.) Not active on servers and missing in action or 2.) previously abused admin commands and abusive behaviour to other players

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ZeeKoh that seems more like a personal rant about not wanting to be on trial cause you were invited to the clan and feel you should be a full member lol but the trial system has its purposes and its less to see if people are devoted to the clan than to see if they can actually handle admin cmds IMO anyways. I personally have seen admin abuse from people on trial but very rarely from full members because they showed that they were responsible with admin cmds, and thats why their full members not because they stuck around for six months and were handed levels because of the amount of time that they'd worn the tags.


Honestly the age thing is kinda useless anyways though because if someone wants to be 16 all they have to do is tell people their 16, its the internet, there's no way for me to prove that your actually the age your telling me you are other then to judge you by your actions. Honestly I disagree with a junior fa section just because I think if someone is mature/responsible enough to handle admin cmds they shouldn't be patronized because of how old they are. If a member is 13 and handles their admin cmds properly they should be given the respect to wear =F|A= tags regardless of age, if they aren't responsible enough for admin cmds then they just shouldn't have them. Making someone a junior admin isn't going to solve any admin abuse problems or anything like that its just going to have good admins running around with junior tags because their too young for full tags, and we'll have shitty admins running around with junior tags because their young and we wanted to give them a sense of belonging. IMO judge them based on their actions and if they can show they can handle responsibility give them the honer of wearing the tags, they've earned them.

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LOL Zeek u write too much =P. Sorry I just quickly skimmed through it =P.


Well hopefully you read that part where I called you my *****! :D


But, yeah I understand all that. But there's an implication that things aren't necessarily done that way. Say the average user who hasn't really read up on how things are done for example. They would very well think that trial memberships normally last upwards to 6 months because it's sorta heavily implied in some of the leaders' posts. Dare even mentioned somewhere that trials will be increased to 6 months now. The average user who just gets on and skims through stuff will naturally think that just getting an application approved takes forever. But on top of that they would have to wait upwards to another 6 months before they were even a member. Whether things would go down that way if they were to apply or not is a different story. But just those extreme implications of taking like a year just to join the clan is enough to turn a lot of people away. It's not that they wouldn't be devoted members or anything like that. They just don't want to go through the long process because really.. it almost seems like they aren't wanted. >.>


I was more or less aiming some of that at the whole "under 16" idea and having Junior members and all that jazz though. Say the maturest 12 year old on the planet wants to join, according to the talk in the topic they would have to wait 4 entire years just to join F|A and that's a ridiculous thought. >.>


@Blessed - Technically it WAS a personal rant about not wanting to be a trial member. I know I should just be happy being here but what's the point of putting me on trial when I was invited to join in the first place. I don't like the idea of being invited just to bolster a clan's numbers. That's just retarded. I was trusted with admin commands at least a year before ever considering joining F|A, so I don't see what the point of putting me on trial is for. I never even used those admin commands really after they were given to me. And it's not about admin level. It's about not feeling like I'm just here because it's a +1 to the clan. I believe the clan should respect me as much as I've respected it over the last 2 years or so, that's all. I just don't really feel like it's official though. Like... I've somehow given the impression that I'm not loyal or I will abuse admin. When there's really every reason to assume otherwise. I just think the trial is pointless for me is all.. just my personal feelings about it. Even more pointless when you consider that I have less admin commands now than I did when I wasn't even a member...

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I've actually thought about this too. We have guys in their twenties and thirties who act like full retards (like urine sample), and we have 19 year olds who act like they are 30 (like Krayzie).


I would rather hang out with twenty year olds than people my own age who bore me to tears. So it really depends on the person.


I've been thinking about making a special server just for kids to play ET, my little girl likes to play the North Pole map against omnibots. Yeah I can pay for a real one, but I don't know how much interest there would be in a server for kids, and how to keep the pervs out. I think when we deal with children we open ourselves up to liability issues that maybe we haven't considered thoroughly. We could get in trouble in one country or another if we have bullying or profanity issues.


If we make a kid-friendly server but don't limit it to kids it will be overrun with raters looking for easy victims.


I am also looking for a safe enviroment for my daughter to game........................


Private PW protected server is a solution

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I am also looking for a safe enviroment for my daughter to game........................


Private PW protected server is a solution


That is what this other clan did. I don't remember which it was though. They set up a private passworded server and only gave the password to members who had children. They also let the kids wear pink lower case tags in their public servers to let people know they were children of clan members.

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I've actually thought about this too. We have guys in their twenties and thirties who act like full retards (like urine sample), and we have 19 year olds who act like they are 30 (like Krayzie).

Man, your adding an extra year onto my age. I'll only be 18 next month. :P



If a player is capable of showing maturity then yes, I believe that he should be able to get a chance to be part of the clan. If he/she is under 16 maybe they should get their own level, with only simple commands like !putteam and what not? If they can prove that they are capable of managing those commands with proper authority if/then we can accept them into clan?


I see where people are coming from. Like Phantasm and others have said, there are people who are in their 20-30's and act like little pre-teen girl's who's best friend stole their boyfriend, and then there are player's who are in their teen's and act more mature then a lot of people. I once gamed with a person who was 12, I would of never of guessed that, I always thought he was older then I, but then I found out his age and was like wow, really? He's way mature. All in all, it just depends on how mature that they can act. If they are under the age requirement, but can prove to us that they are "F|A material" then shouldn't they be able to have a chance to be in our clan?


A server for the kid's would be good, like was said maybe just put a password on it, and make them register on forum's and get the password once they can pass an "app" or what not?

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