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Just an idea i hope to get yalls opinion on


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Zekoh you retard, who is going to fukin read all this your essays? Sometimes less is better, just get to point and that's it ffs :huh:


I don't remember asking you to read it, so why are you being an a**h****? The guy was asking a serious question and so I gave a serious answer. Sorry if intellectual thought is too much for you.. -_-


If you don't want to read my posts then don't. But you shouldn't try starting crap with me because of it, or being childish and start calling me names. Way to be a winner...

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Zekoh you retard, who is going to fukin read all this your essays? Sometimes less is better, just get to point and that's it ffs :huh:


Husa why am I not suprised at your responese. If you don't have the patience to read this topic then go post in topic that you brain can handle like 3 word story. This must be the reason you have been a trial member for like 2 years. With your attitude the whole forum would have 2 word topics only.And our community would never grow. I doubt you will take the time to read till the end of this f***ing essay, but in case you do remember if you have nothing to add to a topic stay the f*** out. Have a nice day and thank you for flying Air FA

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Zekoh you retard, who is going to fukin read all this your essays? Sometimes less is better, just get to point and that's it ffs :huh:


I read all his essays :) he has a point he's dedicated to so he's explaining it. If he just said trials are stupid and I don't think we should have them he'd just look like a douche so at least his giving reasons so he doesn't look like a douche :)


And Zeek I doubt you were invited to just be another +1 to the clan, considering the number of people that are already in =F|A= they really don't need just +1's. In fact the point that your on trial proves that your not just a +1 cause if all they wanted was another number they would give you full levels just so you'd stick around. Also if you have less cmds as a trial member then you did as a server regular then you should bring that up with someone and get it fixed cause that seems backwards, dunno what servers your playing on but on hardcore and pub when you hit trial levels theres def. more cmds then the server regulars and clan friends etc. Honestly I think your making to big of a deal out of trial, once your on trial you are a memeber of the clan your just waiting for full member ship. There have been plenty of members who were fine with server regular cmds but once they got trial levels it went to your head. Just roll with it and do your thing, if your acting appropriately you'll be given full member status soon enough, stop taking the interwebs so seriously :)

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Husa is actually a good case to study. He is 15, and like most of us were when we were 15, he is impulsive, angry, and has a short attention span. He is tolerated because he is harmless and somewhat entertaining. He is a good example of why we don't want a lot of members under 16. Pre-teens who feel they are surrounded by adults may act more mature because they want to fit in. But if we had ten Husas, the forum would quickly degenerate and older members would not be as interested in the clan. There would be a bigger perception that anyone could get into this clan (it's not as easy as people think), and that would undermine recruiting "good" members. We need good admins more than just good players. Most pre-teens do not make good admins.


Yes we know that someone can just say "I'm 16" and if they act mature there is a good chance they could get in. It's dishonest, and would probably be unintentionally revealed somewhere once they feel comfortable and let their guard down. That's how these things happen. But if someone can pull it off then they are probably "F|A material", just due to the self-discipline needed.


Each of us with kids thinks our own kids our unique and more mature than everyone else's kids. But they are not. They can't all be winners. When my kids are unsupervised they quickly turn into little brats. It would be difficult to have unbiased membership requirements for the children of clan members. It would anger people like Zeekoh who are waiting patiently for full membership. It's not fair really.


If we want to make a secure server for our kids to play on, with a password, and call it =J|A=, that would be a great idea. Maybe we have an online contract you have to agree to saying that if your kid gets bullied you won't sue us (some US states have anti-cyberbullying laws now). But it can't be an open server, and they would not be =F|A= members. We could have a parent's group where we all chip in ten dollars a month to pay for it, and maybe have 20 slots, and panzerwar and fun stuff like that.

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Husa is actually a good case to study. He is 15, and like most of us were when we were 15, he is impulsive, angry, and has a short attention span. He is tolerated because he is harmless and somewhat entertaining. He is a good example of why we don't want a lot of members under 16. Pre-teens who feel they are surrounded by adults may act more mature because they want to fit in. But if we had ten Husas, the forum would quickly degenerate and older members would not be as interested in the clan. There would be a bigger perception that anyone could get into this clan (it's not as easy as people think), and that would undermine recruiting "good" members. We need good admins more than just good players. Most pre-teens do not make good admins.


Yes we know that someone can just say "I'm 16" and if they act mature there is a good chance they could get in. It's dishonest, and would probably be unintentionally revealed somewhere once they feel comfortable and let their guard down. That's how these things happen. But if someone can pull it off then they are probably "F|A material", just due to the self-discipline needed.


Each of us with kids thinks our own kids our unique and more mature than everyone else's kids. But they are not. They can't all be winners. When my kids are unsupervised they quickly turn into little brats. It would be difficult to have unbiased membership requirements for the children of clan members. It would anger people like Zeekoh who are waiting patiently for full membership. It's not fair really.


If we want to make a secure server for our kids to play on, with a password, and call it =J|A=, that would be a great idea. Maybe we have an online contract you have to agree to saying that if your kid gets bullied you won't sue us (some US states have anti-cyberbullying laws now). But it can't be an open server, and they would not be =F|A= members. We could have a parent's group where we all chip in ten dollars a month to pay for it, and maybe have 20 slots, and panzerwar and fun stuff like that.

I PM'ed you to make some things clear.icon_e_wink.gif

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I PM'ed you to make some things clear.icon_e_wink.gif


OK. I stand corrected. Husa is 16, going on 17. He is not 15. And he is trying harder to be more mature. And he feels picked on, so my apologies.

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OK. I stand corrected. Husa is 16, going on 17. He is not 15. And he is trying harder to be more mature. And he feels picked on, so my apologies.


I lol'd.


But Husa, people aren't trying to pick on you. You just came into this topic waving your e-penis around and talking smack. You can't blame people for "picking on" you when you go around treating people like that. I can say though that those certainly aren't the first "essays" I've written and they surely won't be the last. They certainly aren't the longest either. So just chill a little. I don't like being called a retard and people don't like seeing someone being called a retard when they've done nothing to deserve it. Just lay off the insults and things would be great.


Anyways back on topic here. I think Phantasm has the right idea. Though I wouldn't personally care too much about showing favoritism to clan member's children. They're little kiddies and all so it's not to be taken too seriously. It's not necessary though either, so whichever way. Getting the parents to chip in for a small and compact server would actually be really great if we had enough people with children wanting to play. I must say though that if it's a largely fun server to just mess around and have panzer wars in and stuff... I kind of want to play on that server myself! >.>

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I lol'd.


But Husa, people aren't trying to pick on you. You just came into this topic waving your e-penis around and talking smack. You can't blame people for "picking on" you when you go around treating people like that. I can say though that those certainly aren't the first "essays" I've written and they surely won't be the last. They certainly aren't the longest either. So just chill a little. I don't like being called a retard and people don't like seeing someone being called a retard when they've done nothing to deserve it. Just lay off the insults and things would be great.


Anyways back on topic here. I think Phantasm has the right idea. Though I wouldn't personally care too much about showing favoritism to clan member's children. They're little kiddies and all so it's not to be taken too seriously. It's not necessary though either, so whichever way. Getting the parents to chip in for a small and compact server would actually be really great if we had enough people with children wanting to play. I must say though that if it's a largely fun server to just mess around and have panzer wars in and stuff... I kind of want to play on that server myself! >.>

I don't have clue what does that "picking on" means (my mother language isn't english). " You just came into this topic waving your e-penis around" Came into this topic to wave e-penis? I can say here again but now with reason RETARD lol. By what are you foreseeing that i'm "waving e-penis" hahaha. To keep this topic clear and to stop spamming it PM me pleaseicon_e_wink.gif

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Well, this thread has been hijacked. Probably a bad idea to have a server for kids anyway. It would be a target of opportunity for anyone who disliked us.


If you want your kids to play on an =F|A= server, and you want people to know it is a kid, use =J|A= tags so we will know who they are and not kick them as quickly for noob behavior. You should play with them so we can find out whose kid is it. I played on Jay2 last night with my kid with =J|A= tags and everyone was nice.


=J|A= players should have level 0 admin. If you see someone with =J|A= tags and they have admin, they are faking it and should be abused and demoted.


Also you should use this in your config to turn off the bad stuff:


seta cg_killspreesounds 0

seta cg_novoicechats 1

seta cg_showblood 0

seta cg_bloodtime 0

seta cg_bloodflash 0

seta cg_bloodDamageBlend 0

seta cg_gibs 0



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As for them waiting until they're 16 to join, that's quite frankly a bad idea I think. How could you ever truly expect them to wait years to be a part of a clan that's not even willing to show them some compassion and let them wear SOME form of tags in the mean time?


Compassion is we are allowing them to play on our server FOR FREE. Game is free but servers are not. Compassion is we are talking to them in there bad and good times. This is not some money making business, where they are offering us some benefits and in return we are giving them benefits.


It's more or less based on friendship where everyone has come together from different part of the world to play together, to learn other cultures, to help others in there good and bad times and to share something.


While it's important to know that the person is devoted, it could also hurt the clan by waiting too long. Not to disagree with the Leaders or anything but the whole.. "trial membership being longer" doesn't really fix anything if you ask me. If a person is going to stay they will stay. If they have it in them to leave... then not acknowledging the person's worth as a fully fledged member, sooner rather than later, would only hasten the process. In the end it might be the actual reason that some people leave. There are many things to consider, really.


Thats what we want. We want people to leave who are just here for full membership or admin levels. If you see in another clans there members changes clan tags like underwear. Why? They just invite members to there clan to do +1 in there member list. We invite based on friendship, referral and how much active player is and how much good person is.


You can never vouch for a person on internet. History in itself says, human beings can take 180 turn on you. Human beings are filthiest, selfish and cunning animals of the world. In this whole mess of world, all we try to do is find good friends and enjoy with them on servers, forum and vent.


Take me for instance, I personally find being a trial member in F|A very annoying, in my particular case. It's more that.. until I was INVITED to join F|A I was perfectly content wearing my Pika tags, which is the only other clan I've been in and had any desire to be in. I was also invited to join them as well. And now long after Pika is dead I would still wear their tags because I was devoted to them. But since it IS dead and I was invited to F|A, and there are really cool people here, I decided to take people up on their offers and join. I am really enjoying being a member of F|A, but I feel like I should have already proven my devotion through my dedication to Pika, it was a hard decision to make even though it's dead. My Pika leader, Jess, doesn't even play anymore, none of them do, and yet I made it a point to ask for her permission before I ever took off the Pika tags and applied for F|A. I don't really MIND being a trial member... but after being invited it just feels like I'm not really trusted.


Everyone has to go through trial process. It doesn't matter who knows how much and such. We have never done favors to any individual in past and will never in present or future. Some hold level 6 for few days and some hold level 6 for months and months. But each one has to go through trial process.


I'm 100% devoted to F|A now and I've been playing since ET was first made basically, I have no desire to join any other clan. I don't care about rating enough to join any rating clan. I can honestly say that joining clans doesn't even occur to me, I just don't care if I'm a part of one enough to go out of my way to join one, and I certainly wouldn't be a member of F|A now if Pika weren't dead. But it doesn't necessarily feel like I get any gratitude or respect in return because I'm still only just a trial. I know a lot of you are friendly to me and all, and Onion is my *****! :D But it still feels like it could go either way.


To be honest, tags shouldn't matter all. I never understood why people care for tags and status, so much. I have said like million times before, in F|A all members = same. It starts from trial to founders. You don't ask for gratitude but you earn it. We have around 100 active members. Let's be realistic here. How many members you know? How much time you have posted on forums so that other people will know you?


Trial or full member status = / = gratitude. Gratitude - how many will say you 'hi', 'hello', 'bye', etc on server in PM when you join server. There are few members in our clan, who are here since we started but only very few know them. Why? They hardly mix or talk with others. They come, play and leave server. We have also few trials and everyone knows them.


Add that to the recent change of making the trial memberships last upwards to 6 or more months and it creates a pretty ugly situation to be in. Especially me since I don't feel like... I'm getting something to make up for what I've already given up. Instead I'm asked to, in a sense, give up more before fully being accepted, when I've already given up alot. I feel like I'm going backward almost. For example before I joined I was at least trusted with level 3 admin with !put and !mute/unmute and all that. Now I just feel like I'm back to being a level 1 and I'm not trusted with the commands or something.


I really don't want to wait half a year or more just to be fully accepted into a clan that, I feel, I have already more than proven I'm 100% devoted to.


We have trial period from 1 hr to 180 days. The reason we extended trail period is because we wanted to get more 'good' members. With 6 months trial period, all those clan wannabies leave within first 4 months. Sorry, to say but truth is you can win the war with 50 trusted members rather then having 300 members who will leave in bad times.


You ever thought why those SL rating clans, change clans to fast? 80% clans invite other players as full member just to add +1 or based on donation. I have seen clans where you need to donate 15$-30$/year to keep your membership. Most of these clan dies, before it's started. It's better to keep 30 lions rather then 300 rats.


So basically, if a person is going to quit they will. There's no stopping them. A trial period extended too long will absolutely do more harm than good, and it doesn't necessarily help to weed out any potential decent members that will stick around. The patience it takes to get through the trial period doesn't have any effect on whether that person will actually stay around or go off and join a clan that him and his best friend are starting or whatever. If anything it scares people away. Anyways, sorry to go off on a rant there. I just think it's a mistake to place all of our faith in a system that revolves around just letting an enormous amount of time pass. Because to someone like me... =F|A= is now a part of my name, not just a tag, and I've virtually been around in ET since the beginning. By distancing the clan from the average person, we're in turn forcing potential great, long time recruits to turn away and join others.


Agreed. If a person is going to quit they will. Trial period is extended little longer so we could give new players chance faster to join us and they can learn the game by staying with us. First we used to invite slowly, but now invite little faster but extended trial. Eventually the whole process time to become full member is fast.


Everyone is allowed to leave, when they want to. We don't run any profit making organization where we make them sign legal documents saying you are not allowed to join other clans.


We just want only good friends who like to enjoy the game with us. We have no place in our heart for those players who are here just to get full membership for the sake of getting it. We have always looked upon others without there tags. As for example: Notajedi. He olds more command then many of our members, although he is wearing different tags.


There are 4 things that players earn themselves: knowledge, friends, gratitude and admin levels.


Just my 2 cents. Sorry if any leaders get all up in arms about this. >.>;


We are always open for healthy and civil discussion. :) Don't get me wrong, I am just expressing my opinion like you are.




I never even used those admin commands really after they were given to me. And it's not about admin level. It's about not feeling like I'm just here because it's a +1 to the clan. I believe the clan should respect me as much as I've respected it over the last 2 years or so, that's all. I just don't really feel like it's official though. Like... I've somehow given the impression that I'm not loyal or I will abuse admin. When there's really every reason to assume otherwise. I just think the trial is pointless for me is all.. just my personal feelings about it. Even more pointless when you consider that I have less admin commands now than I did when I wasn't even a member...


If you haven't used admin commands before then you shouldn't miss them. Does it really matter, if I have a gun and if I am not going to use it? It eventually comes down to what you are going to do with it. As for example: We have seen 1 or 2 members who do nothing on server to solve issues even if they have admin level.


Example: If someone is aimbotting on server, one member didn't do anything. But when someone bitched on him after couple of days, he instantly muted him. Why is that? At that time, we feel it's pointless to give admin level to those members who are not willing to help.


Let's be frank here. In last 2 years how many times you have visited forums? How many times you have posted? If my memory serves well, I did remote desktop on your PC, to help you. Why would I waist my 2-3 hours on some internet person, who is not even going to remember me, after few years down the road? I would have work 3 hours and make some $$ rather then helping someone for free. But I did. Why? Because you where my friend and we talked couple of times on xfire.


Everything is not about to get gratitude or to get gain something. We do things because we like doing it. We should help people because we like helping others and not to just get respect in return. I have helped many admins around. I helped one clan when they asked me few things. In return they banned me for cheating saying, I wallhack. Does that mean I should stop helping others? Does that mean helping others is pointless?


Level 6 was made because few members used to do nothing to help players on server or on forums. Now, everyone goes through that phase of level 6. First we notice, how much they are changing teams to keep teams balance and keep enjoyable environment. Mind you many will not even move to help others. Then we notice are they reporting cheaters if they see any? Many don't even bother to notify leaders on forums, that server is crashed. They will wait and wait and do nothing. At that time, we feel those members are pointless.


Ischwar and other members made =F|A= Anthem. Why would they do it? Are they going to get something for it? Somethings are not done to get something in return. We do it because we like doing it. We are here to provide best gaming environment, cheat free and enjoyable servers as far as we can. We are here to make new friends all around the world and enjoy the game and nothing else!


If you still have further questions, feel free to drop me a PM. Once I get decent amount of time, I will publish blog regarding the community structure of Fearless Assassins and how we recruit and promote. :)

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