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ET Trial
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tipsy last won the day on November 17

tipsy had the most liked content!

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    Jay #1
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    ET: 12-8
    COD: 0-0
    TF2: 0-0

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  1. tipsy

    ET Jay #1 Jay 1 Sten

    I went to other servers too, and found them garbage.
  2. TRIAL!!!! 😑MAAII GOD Hello My Name Is Defi GIF by Hashflow

  3. Congrats Tipsy, welcome back :O)  ❤️


    1. tipsy


      Thanks !

  4. Grats, Tipsy 🫶 Welcome back to the jungle!Social Responsibility Office GIF by Bosch

  5. Welcome Back GIF by MINI

    Welcome back Tipsy! 🥳

  6. Congratulations! 😄



  7. tipsy

    ET QA Self Kill

    There are lots of servers out there without "poison knives" I think here we can end the argument. When a bird poops on your head, you can still thank god that cows don't fly.
  8. tipsy

    ET QA Self Kill

    Don't hijack the thread and apply some vaseline on the burn.
  9. I remember you from your avatar. I used to play under the alias yoyo .
  10. tipsy

    ET Jay #1 Server Restart Time.

    @daredevil The current time at my place is 1:30 pm IST. It is time for the server to restart on Jay1 Recruiting Xp save. Around this same time, we mostly have had played Supply Depot already, or..... might have played it 2-3 maps ago. So when server restart happens, players have to play Supply Depot and rest maps again. So just a request, can we have some other arrangement so that even after the server restart, players don't have to play the same maps that they played a while ago again? Thanks .
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