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  • Admin
  • Server
    Hardcore ET
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Stand-Up Comedy(Love making people laugh)
  • Location
    Small Boring Town

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  1. That's fine I just about do the same thing! Lol what's you're league alias?
  2. Well I recently discovered this game and I fricken love it! The only problem is that I dont really have a team to play with which is the whole point of the game lol. So if anyone plays let me know! Id be more than happy to play with anyone and even win some considering I usually get matched with trolls or noobs haha
  3. Ive been playing this game for a while didnt know you guys had a clan there to my nick is Sean
  4. I just noticed something it says ive been a member for as long as joe dirt and daredevil lol jesus christ its been 6 years already?

  5. I like the amp every single flavor! An i used to hate redbull but that redbull cranberry is actually pretty good!
  6. Atheist

    Funny Memes!

  7. Has anyone seen this new show this year? Its quite delighful its new on thursdays! Its a modern day rendition of Sherlock Holmes and Watson(Played by Lucy Lui) is woman in this version, also watson is Sherlocks companion which is someone who helps a recovering drug addict to not relapse. Anyways I find myself really enjoying the show as I like characters that push the limits to get stuff done!
  8. Good song to shake your booty to!
  9. While I rather hate DC and am a marvel fanboy I have to say this movie does look pretty good!
  10. Thor was alright... Im more excited about Iron Man 3 this friday it looks rather good!
  11. Just waiting to be set lol :P

    1. SkuLLc0LLector
    2. slenderman


      You should report it on the tracker.


      Welcome back!

  12. Happy Birthday Granny!

  13. Well ive been gone from the clan for a while (both the server an the forums) an just wanted to know if i was actually still in the clan? On my one comp i have level 8 but i heard that you guys have change the admin lvl structure so 8 is no longer means im in its a VIP member. So i just wanted to inquire if i was still in =F|A= or not an if so what my lvl would be? Not that that matters. Thanks, Granny
  14. Well ive started playing on a new computer recently and i went to try to find my guid but when i do the cmd "/pb_myguid" it says i have "NO_GUID" this has never happened to me before so i have NO idea what to do! Thanks, Granny
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