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Fatal last won the day on November 13 2017

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  1. Okay that hasnt gone so well, so what ill do is sort another one out next week but this time it'll have a teamspeak, it'll be for an actual war as well so it will be on the scrim server. Think if these are organised correctly it can go ahead, but i need times that people can commit too it
  2. 8:30 everyone, ill join a discord channel as well, its just started so if youre still interested come along
  3. Just discord for tonight as its just a test, if it goes well ill add a ts address for future so everyone else can join the voice chat
  4. Alright everyone just wondered what peoples new years resolutions were this year? Also if anys to do with health and fitness and need any advice let me know as i've studied nutrition and also personal training so could possibly help some people on here! Let us know your New Years Resolutions Also happy New Year
  5. This is just for a public game of etpro, so players can join teams as they please, obviously I'm doing this too see how popular this idea is, if this goes well i will be doing match meet ups as well, so like you said 4v4s/6v6s etc, but this is just for everyone to join and just play together but on the etpro mod
  6. Leant the game on jaymod/etpub and moved into etpro and preferred the hitboxes so much more, but either way if you fancy getting involved jump in
  7. Legit love PUBG on Xbox, but may slip into some FIFA or other FPS games here and there but add me up either way! Tag: FurryFetusMan
  8. Fatal

    Xbox One PUBG Xbox

    Recently been and brought my self an xbox for the specific reason to play PUBG on it, so if anyone else is currently playing it and fancies teaming up let me know, already had 3 WWCD's in the space of a week so would definitely be an asset to your team haha! Tag: FurryFetusMan
  9. Just a test this time mate, next time if this goes well their will be more details and so forth which i hope will lead to more members coming along and giving etpro a try, specially if the servers busy
  10. Okay we will try the first one this friday at 8:30pm GMT, on the server =F|A= EURO ETPRO OBJ SERVER! Time&Date: 8:30pm GMT 5/1/18 Server: F|A Euro etpro obj server IP: Remember i will be posting a reminder in the discord so lets see how this first one goes and if it does well we can keep them coming regularly Fatal
  11. crosshairsize 24 Cyan FOV 110 sensitivity 0.3-0.45 depending on how I'm playing on the day
  12. Starting the year of strong $40 USD Receipt Number: 2628-9655-9070-8352
  13. No one has replied to the dates and now its the New Year (happy 2018 btw) I'm gonna be posting a time and day for this week on our first meet up, will post in the discord channel on the day just before and hopefully we get some popularity to this idea, server will also be posted along with it as well
  14. Merry Christmas, Hope you all get decent presents (Socks) and all end up lovely and drunk
  15. Hey guys, so just letting you know that we want to start organising Public wars on the ETPro servers, starting with once a week, so just wondered what times and stuff are best for everyone who is interested? Evenings/Mornings etc? what timezones and stuff you're in as well, maybe if enough interest doing more then one at different times? Hopefully when we start doing this, like we've noticed during scrims that people seem to start joining the servers so hopefully it'll bring more population through the =F|A= ETPro servers. Let me know what times are best suited for you, and then once we are happy and picked a time and day will start it and post the server we are using on this post/discord as well to remind everyone! Add me on discord as well and ill PM people who are interested as well: Fatal#5052 Thanks Fatal
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