CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 GHz (upgrading in a month or so)
MOBO: Asus - PRIME B350 - Plus (upgrading in a month or so)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8 GB (4 x 2) + 8 GB DDR4 - 3000 (16 GB total)
HDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1 TB 3.5" 7200 RPM
SSD: some 240 gb ssd
Video Card: EVGA - Geforce 1060 6gb SC (upgrading in a month or so)
Case: NZXT S340 Elite
Power Supply: EVGA - 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
"Wait but wienie, you already posted about this!"
Yeah I did, but at that time my setup was basic af and TRASH, so I've updated it to look more purple! I also added more RAM and an SSD but i forgot the name of it :^). So now this set up has become a bad b*** (like me) so here's some pics!
And before I get clowned for the wiring and dusty glass case, the wiring doesnt get any better and I literally JUST cleaned the panel yesterday but gaming in the basement has too many disadvantages :(. Also the additional cables from the headset and behind the monitors require work and guess who's too lazy to fix it up...
I even made the PS4 Pro controller to have its own custom purple light
Anyways, I know it could look much better after I clean some stuff up, but for now I'm leaving it this way because I'll be purchasing a new monitor, will be drilling holes into the table for the wiring, and overall will be upgrading some parts once I finish exams. Also the LED strips are beginning to lose their colour accuracy so guess who has to replace them...
(also the noodles are part of the setup, probably one of my best purchases)
I'll be sure to create another thread to annoy the mods once I upgrade my computer and replace the RGB strips. Love y'all, and thanks for warm welcome after I came back <3.
link to my old thread: