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    Marketing and Analysis

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  • Server
    COD4 #3
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Various gerunds
  • Location
    United States


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  1. [LINK REMOVED] Not going to be there anyway. You guys have fun.
  2. You guys fix the "spam" and cursing tempbans?
  3. If you ever wondered where that Pitbull sample came from
  4. To have three idiots?
  5. Well, it's a Bob Dylan song, so I'm sure you can get away with being a little out of tune. Haha. Good stuff, btw.
  6. Were you in game when you tried it? Join the beginners server and type !me in chat. Should come up in the console. Take a screenshot to make things easier for you to remember the GUID.
  7. Can't wait
  8. And the Norman Corn pedal board
  9. Smoke wouldn't last long in the mafia with all of this snitching and naming names and whatnot. *Norman sends goons to Smoke's house to burn "omerta" into his front lawn with gasoline*
  10. Mine's probably made out of clouds or some shit. I have weird dreams.
  11. Pretty sure scroll wheel binding is frowned upon, but not outlawed.
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