Popular Post Cit0 Posted August 11, 2018 Popular Post Posted August 11, 2018 (edited) Before I begin to post the Forms, I would like to say something. I decided to build this for many reasons, but none more than these. I wanted to honor all the greats and the friends that I have had the privilege of playing with for many years and hopefully for many years to come. I am not saying these guys are the best of the best, but instead, I am saying that they are of the higher echelon and anyone who has played this game for a long time knows them, and has most likely watched them over the years as I have and learned a tremendous amount from them. Any of the mentioned players in these forms I suggest watching to help pick up the forms and see how some of these tactics are done and can be modified. I was always taught in my old clan that spectating is truly needed and essential to improve and advance to greater levels of playing this game and of course others, along with study and planning, always have a plan. I also wanted to make something for anyone who just starting in ET to use and have to help acclimate and adapt to ET which can be very very hard. Much of what I bring is from the old days and from that clan, but also as said before from the greats and what we learned from them then and what I have learned from them now. Paying homage to those who have been in the same virtual world as I for all this time of great fun, challenge, adversity, talkin shat banter, incredible happenings. I mean some of you are closer to my life than anyone in it in ways. I can't thank you all enough for that. And now for the homage C!t0 Bows Edited August 18, 2018 by Cit0 an addition 7 3 Quote
Cit0 Posted August 11, 2018 Author Posted August 11, 2018 Before I can give you Form 1 I must list out some of the terminologies used and I want to take this opportunity to thank @n3g4n for all the massive help, and @CheepHeep For helping with the first paragraph thank you to all post 🤠 so here we go 3 Quote
Popular Post Cit0 Posted August 11, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted August 11, 2018 The Stats: Awareness: This Stat covers the need to be able to sense their surroundings, be conscious of how to use it to your advantage, along with the strength of need of ones use of MAP and Radar to locate the enemy, and use the visual Awareness to calculate Tactics to combat the enemy. Also the skill at visual confirmation distance, and judging the 3 different range zones. This also includes the need to be able to identify things audibly. Vision: Probably one of the more important stats when it comes to overall skill needed from the player in a sense. Vision in this case isn't just seeing and locating your enemy, it's being able to identify patterns of Movement, pattern to an enemies sting of fire, visual perception of escape and attack routes, Seeing the Field to identify free lanes of passage and the current flow of battle, noticing enemies in disguise through cross hair lock or by seeing the weapon isn't right for the class or strange actions or otherwise. Visual calculation and sapient formative discernment at a quick pace can mean life or death on a constant basis in ET. Assessment of all that can be helpful and harmful, along with what gives you an advantage to your form and the fight itself should be a constant replaying algorithm you have playing in your mind the higher this stat is rated. The need for all that's included for the Vision stat will be reflected in the score given for the form. Aim: A very difficult stat to determine whether a player has skill in this area. Many different forms of Aim can be attributed to a player, some players try only to fire when they have their target in their known hit area and attempt to hold their fire when the target maneuvers out of there string of fire, and keeping their own maneuvering to a minimum, and concentrate on their own string of fire placement and angling. Another example of Aim is a player who fires and moves their string to the player as they fire and uses their Movement and sprint to assist accuracy onto the target. Another example is the art of prefire, and this in my opinion should be used only but within certain circumstances. Prefiring can lead to you giving up your location visually, along with audibly, and on Map and Radar. If you are to use it, I suggest using it when your in tight quarters, or when being chased and you decide to flip around and engage your enemy with using Timing. Always try and remember to fire in intervals of 3 to 5 rounds, never more than 10 to help maximize accuracy. There are always more of Aim to discover like Dance Aiming, which involves the idea of moving yourself in set patterns to achieve an advantageous string of fire over your enemies, while simultaneously avoiding fire. Or the opposite Random Dance of using no set patterns and complete randomness to your moves. There are many more, and the need for the skill of aiming in itself will be judged on a difficulty with the weapon, and the style and tactics that are needed to be preformed. Movement: A great deal of skill it takes to play this game is involved here. Proper Movement, leads to proper Timing. A BIG part of getting kills in this game is Timing, and at times the lack of movement which will also lead to proper Timing. Being able to successfully Trick Jump is also apart of Movement, and will be called for in many of the Forms and Tactics. Keeping your string of fire at the angles you want, while maneuvering to hit your target is a truly learned skill, and is in essence the key to Movement. Let us of course not forget the ancient art from ET antiquity called the Dance of the Duel, where two players end up meeting on the battlefield one on one, make visual discernment of one another and the dance begins. All this and more is taken into consideration when setting the rating needed to achieve that form, and how much skill is needed in this area to use the Form properly. Caution: This stat will determine the amount of Caution or aggression you need apply to the Form. Cautionary play is the constant use of your Map, Radar, Awareness, Sound, Location, Concealment, and Vision to always be in focus of incoming enemies, and the many battles taking place around the level. Aggression being a lot less of these focal points, and concentrating more on Tracking, Timing, Tactics, and Tenacity (the 4 T's). The higher this stat is rated the more use of Caution is needed. The lower of course meaning more aggression. Tenacity: The amount of aggression, velocity movement, and a blend of mid to full frontal combat engagement you apply to the Form along with the mindset of being ready for multiple contacts with the enemy, singular or in Group. With a very high chance of being in scenario's with a higher amount of targets, and the need to be at a very high pace, I suggest the higher this rating is for a Form, the higher your sensitivity should be to have a higher success rate with that Form and it's Tactics. And in one more view, this stat also gauges this distance you want to attack your enemy at with the higher being closer and closer in most cases unless stated otherwise in the Form. Group: This stat will tell you how much the Form truly needs to have Group practiced within the Form for it to work well. The Group stat has a few different meanings, for some Forms it means having additional guns around firing at targets with you to be more successful. Where another is just having the support of a medic around is of high importance to be able to keep your Tenacity and aggressive tactics up. One more example is when a form is in a high need of ammo due to say unloading a ridiculous amount of rounds down range in lets say a narrow hallway, that is Objective based with an MG42. Each form will have it's own explanation for each stat, and of course the rating here will determine the need for buddies, and the higher the more of em. Tactics: This stats rating can be tricky. All the Forms will need strong Tactics to be efficient, but the need to apply them and how often, along with how often you need to keep it in mind while playing are determining factors for this stats rating fir a Form. There are many many different Tactics, in many different Forms, each Tactic will be explained in the Form write up. There are some Tactics that are cross Tactics, and should be kept in mind for use in other Forms. The use of Tactics can have a crucial effect on your gameplay, improving your Kill/Death ratio, and your use to your team and your overall play efficiency. Some Tactics will be harder to preform then others, as well as some being very situational. Fast decision making, and choice of when it's time to use a Tactic will take time, experience, and trial and error to get the right feel going. Tracking: A player who can investigate a scenario, and configure what happened and where or which way the assailant might have gone, and why maybe due to objective or otherwise can lead to surprise kills. This is also the players ability to know their opponent they are facing and the style and Tactics they use along with Location. Knowing the opponents your facing and how they fight will help you derive how to effectively combat them. So being able to use investigative skills to find your enemy (including the use of Map and Radar to do so) are included, and knowing how to engage specific opponents in combat and how to counter act them to be successful will reflect in it's rating. Timing: So much of playing well in ET and getting those frags in is about Timing. Proper Timing can get you that extra headshot you need in the duel your fighting, or maybe get in that first shotgun blast to kick off the fight. Properlu timing your grenades takes practice, but can be an epic Tactic, waiting for that 4th tick and a nice toss to someone's face. Looking around corners first can give you that extra edge in Timing when you pop out unexpectedly. Timing in your jumps can give you a great amount of speed and momentum, making you difficult to Track and help you advance quickly to the areas of need. Knowing when it's the right time to fire takes some practical application and of course differs from Form to Form, and Weapon to Weapon. For example, what settings/config you have for the thompson may not necessarily work for the FG42. Each player in itself has there own Timing that will be different because of Ping, Config, Style, and what not so what works for one may not work for others here either. Always just find what works and what works best for you and stick with it till it doesn't anymore. Another thing to keep in mind for Timing, is when using an SMG (and I can't stress this enough) Fire in bursts of 3 to 5 rounds, never over 10. Not only will this help in accuracy, but it will help improve Timing to. Timing is important to all the Forms, and will have a higher rating based on my suggested need to use and be mindful of Timing. Stealth: This one is kinda obvious but you must take into account the Radar and that you will come up on it while normally running around unless you are holding the walk button or crouching. It also includes need to be truly sneaky. This applies to not only knowing the level to be sneakin, but knowing your opponents Tactics, and how to avoid them entirely as you Ninja around finding new concealment points and the use of of them strategically while making the least amount of sound and at the same time using a maximum amount of awareness and caution. Sound: A more important stat then some would give credit to I imagine, having a high Sound recognition can allot a player a ton of information. If the Sound rating is in the higher range, then I highly suggest using headphones to pick up a lot more audio intricacies. Sound has two sides to it's coin, first being anything auditorily perceived. Second would be anything possibly auditorily discernible that you put out. The required need for each will be indicated within the the Form rating for Sound by having two colored rating bars instead of one. Sound is the only stat with two ratings. So in the basic sense, the degree of needing to pick up sounds, and the degree in which you should not be putting out sound. If I decide to play a little more serious it's headphone time. With the headphones on, and enough experience, one can be so perceptive that the possibility to literally, finitely locate where the sound came from. Obviously this gives an advantage, and can be done to such a level, as to be able to: Pick up sounds from different floor levels, identify exactly what weapon type is being fired at you or otherwise from considerable distances, and of course (and a big one) footsteps. Ninja: The art of the silent kill, This stat represents a players ability and skill to maneuver around the Map with the least amount of Sound, using the maximum amount of Concealment and Stealth, while keeping constant Awareness and Caution. Sometimes when the enemy doesn't know your there it's best to not fire and reveal your position. Waiting for an opportunity to strike with little to no resistance, and then finding quick escape routes to safer more manageable areas with Concealment or Group. Strike Fast, Strike Hard, get out of sight, then rinse and repeat. The rating for this stat in a Form will be judged for these needs accordingly. Concealment: Another kinda obvious stat, the rating for it will tell you how much cover, concealment, use of hidey holes needed, and if possible a cover/concealment/hidey hole with a height advantage (also know as Perching). If the Form is Covert Ops class then it's also the need for enemy uniform's for extra Concealment. Also the applied mechanic of Concealment use in your combat, like leaning around corner's (normally Q and E buttons) before acting, or Ambushing. Cover meaning and object that is impassable to a player and blocks fire, Concealment meaning objects that are passable by a player that covers you visually like a bush. Hidey Hole meaning an indent in geometry that will provide cover with maybe an incline or height differential. Use boxes, vehicles, poles, stairs, anything in your environment to cover yourself from enemy fire and explosions as you traverse, and the higher the rating for the Form the more you should being using Concealment. Location: Knowing the level and the Locations that are Objective based are essential to the Location rating, as well as finding potential kill zone perches and hidey holes that will give you a strategic advantage. There are just some areas in the game that have more or less traffic, just how there are also areas that may have a perch, in a hidey hole that gives you a view of the high traffic zone. Always having the high ground is good, but having surprise and first shot is much more important in my opinion. Use small cut outs in lets say a hallway for instance that will cover you completely and use lean to see your enemy first and get your Timing right in a must go through area and continuously use that area for extended periods to your advantage until the well is dry or it's time to bail. Preset Rally or Fallback points should also be set if you are working with Group. The rating for Location will be set according to the need for these set conditions. Objective: A player who is only Objective based focuses all their efforts towards pushing, capturing, taking, and the prevention of taking of the Objective. Whether it be dynomiting a wall, building a CP, capturing a flag, finding the objective holder, blowing up an objective, or anything that is in conjunction with either defending or attacking the Objective is what the player should be attempting, along with making good use of Location, Movement, Tactics, Group, even Stealth maybe to get that Objective carrier, really anything that will help the cause of either completing or stopping the completion of Objectives. And a good amount of Tenacity will go a very long way here as well the higher this stat is rated. Settings: Each Form will need a different config and level of adjustment customized to the player itself since everyone plays differently. This includes your in game sensitivity, cross hair type and size, cross hair pulsing, in game resolution, and of course the plethora of different settings you should have customized in your config. Each Form takes fine tuning to your config and other settings as you should experiment until you find what works with the Form for you personally. Always keep a base config, but I suggest you make new ones for each form that you might like and want to try and use for the best possible chance of success for the Form. The need for variation from your base config will increase with this stats rating for the Form as a suggestion for how strong this variant should be. Radar: Some forms are going to need a very strong use of Radar where others not so much. During play you should often take a glance at your Radar to gain quick information. This can give you the couple extra milliseconds you need to adjust for an attack. It can also give you the information needed for quick up close sneak attack kills on the enemy, or maybe just let you know that there is more enemies there than the eye can see. Using Radar, Map, Sound, and just plain Cautious play can turn into some good looking K/D ratio's. The higher this stat is is rated the more you should be glancing or flat out using your Radar to gain information. Map: using your Map during play can give you enormous advantages. It's always good to plan out your attack, and you can use the Map to do this by seeing where large engagements of battle are taking place, or where battles are not going on giving you easier lanes to navigate if desired. Blending Map into your forms and play can be at times daunting or forgotten. Use your Map when mortaring to see where you are actually targeting unless using for other means...👍 You can even use your Map to get some interesting Panzer, Sniper, and Riflenade kills. If you feel you are being hunted or feel like playing extra stealthy, use your Map. This stat will be rated higher the more I suggest you use it for the Form. Reflexes: Having fast Reflexes can really mean life or death, getting those few extra rounds in, or get you out of a really tight spot, or even turning disadvantage into advantage within a blink of the eye. Being able to react to your enemies Tactics, Movements, style, ect. at a fast rate will take high levels in Vision, and Awareness, at least a decent X Factor, good hand eye coordination, and reaction time in general. If a player is strong in this category, then I highly suggest trying out some of the higher Reflex rated Forms. Trick Jump: Taking advantage of the game engine's physics, along with game control mechanics, and planar angle slope momentum to produce high velocities, long distance leaps, and hard to track travel. The main idea is to be able to travel from point A to B at a faster rate than normal by using proper sprint timing in conjunction with jumping in a preset fashion that propels you forward at a faster rate while also trying to use the environments different ground angles to help. This can be used for many advantages in the game and should be used to gain ground quickly and get to the enemies back lines quickly through abnormally used routes and avenues. The need for this stat will be reflected in it's rating for the Forms need of it and most likely won't be used as heavily in the more Cautious Forms. X Factor: This is a players true ability to adapt to given scenario's, change Tactics and strategy on the fly, apply new Tactics to engagements and blending the different Forms together and their Tactics. It is also the players true gift for the game, which some have naturally where others gain it through experience. Another part of this stat is also the players need to have a certain visual acuity level, if the rating is in the higher ranges than the Form is calling for the player to be able to see higher than the normal 60 FPS. Some just have the natural gift to be able to see at the higher rates where others don't start off so lucky and have to work and train their eyes to reach the higher levels but gain a lot along the way figuring out how to kill folks without being able to see at the higher frame rates. In a sense it's a players ability in all the stats and applying them, along with anything that's not been listed. Most players have a specialty, a class, method, form, and specific weapon they are best with and make for good snipers, or SMG'ers, go with a Form that has a weapon your familiar with first before trying one outside your comfort zone with a high rated X Factor. 8 1 1 Quote
Popular Post Cit0 Posted August 15, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted August 15, 2018 Form One Form Name: DJ Rotates Exploding Elk Form Class: Soldier Form Overall Difficulty: 10.8 Form Stats: Form Explanation: This is by far one of my favorite forms to play! There are really two small forms here combined to make one one full form. The first being DJ Rotates where the idea is to find yourself a well known high traffic area, maybe an objective zone or another highly crossed area and get yourself zeroed in where you want your mortars to fall using your Map or just visual confirmation if possible. Once you have your wanted area zeroed, memorize the exact targeting information used (x, and y) and the exact spot you used to fire for future use. Then set up a second spot and again memorize new information targeting a different zone. Now you are set for Rotational Mortar, send off a volley of 2 to 3 mortar rounds quickly and kick up the stand as fast as you can and be gun ready, then rotate to your secondary spot and clear out any enemies you can in the interim and get set again. Rotate between the two spots and this method can also be used, up close on the enemy with some good Concealment and Map, to quickly devastate incoming waves. A nice addition to have for this and a reason for Group being so high is to have a Covert Ops around poppin smoke for you in spots like this. So the basic idea is rotate from firing off mortar volley's as fast as achievable , to kicking up the stand and being ready to fight as quickly as you can, giving as little time as possible of actually having the mortar down for firing. The other side to this for is called Exploding Elk and can be used in conjunction with DJ Rotates. The scheme here is to find yourself a stairwell, a confined room, or maybe a high traffic spawn exit area, and set up shop to fling indoor mortar's at folks! A lot of the time you may explode yourself in the process, and this should be planned, just like escaping from a fight knowing your being chased but buying enough time to set up that mortar around the corner or hitting someone mid flight in a stairwell with a mortar killing you both. Some useful tips would be to aim for a far wall near an enemy entry way but place yourself far enough back as to not explode yourself and still be able to hit the wall properly. Some rooms are just gonna be to small for the shot not to explode you, but that's okay! Sometimes you might get 2 or 3 in that one shot 👍 Demo Examples: coming soon!! Form Stat Explanations: Awareness: Rated high because the player should be on the constant lookout for incoming enemies within their mortar blast range/area, not only visually aware, but Map, Radar, and extremely Location Heavy. Vision: With a strong level of Vision and Reflexes, you should be able to have a fast enough Timing to launch indoor mortar rounds quicker than the enemy can visually see or locate you to get the kill. Aim: Well there isn't a whole lot of need for solid Aim with this form, the times it will call for it is when you are in between rotations, or setting up for other tactics, and the need for quick Reflexes in aiming for those fast adjustments needed for Indoor Mortaring. Movement: This has a low rating due to the fact that you really don't move around all that move except to your Locations, and when using DJ Rotates, heck you should even be getting pushed around Caution: The rating near the mid range here is because of the approach needed to get to your spots and Locations. Tenacity: To get to you Locations will also take some Tenacity to reach at times, and the Form itself has a Tenacious nature to it especially the Exploding Elk side Group: For this form to really work at peak efficiency, you need yourself a buddie Field Ops who doesn't need to be around all the time, but close enough and responsive to you when you call for ammo. The Covert Ops can snake a lot of kills by hiding out covering you, and really helping by poppin smoke for ya. In combination with DJ Rotates you can really wreak havoc down on your enemies, and can be used with Draw the Front Line. Add the Field Ops in there calling arty and the Covie throwing smoke in yours and the the Field Ops targets areas making an Arty Mortar Firestorm! Tactics: This form needs pretty strong use of it's Tactics and is rated as such, I almost rated it higher but compared to some of the other forms I decided it was good where it was. Whether you are need Group, Location, the forms Tactics themselves, and Map and Radar, there is a lot to keep in mind. Tracking: Not a real heavy amount of Tracking is needed except for maybe using your Map and Radar to track movement. You really shouldn't be chasing anyone down with this form Timing: Timing with mortars is really key here. Being off by a half a second means you missed the wave of enemies that are going by on your Map and your chance. Great Timing is also heavy needed for Indoor Mortaring. Stealth: A good amount of Stealth should be used either way you approach the double form here. It will help get you to the Locations you need and keep you from being noticed before setting up for Indoor Mortaring. Sound: Keeping a low Sound profile will be really helpful to get to your Locations and get set up quickly with prior Map use being that it's set at 12 for your Sound output. The second at 16 is there Sound output, which you will really need to be paying attention to when Indoor Mortaring and the like. Ninja: This will help keep you K/D ratio high and give you once again that extra edge in getting to you Locations without being seen or heard and hopefully picked up on Radar and Map. Remember sometimes it's best not to fire right away Concealment: The need for Concealment is pretty paramount, find yourself boxes and different things to hide behind and obstruct the enemies vision of you. Location: Definitely the most key stat to be aware of in this form. Finding yourself proper Locations to accomplish this form is what the entire formula is based on. When none are available you just revert back to DJ Rotates or find somewhere to Mortar Cannon. Or do the reversal of playing as DJ Rotates and hop in on opportunities for Exploding Elk. Objective: A strong sense of Objective should be used in the idea that the objective areas should have a lot of traffic for your mortar to rain on. If the game does become Objective heavy, then your team is gonna need the mortar support. If you are defending the objective then I suggest Indoor Mortaring, and Mortar Cannon if it's available. Settings: Not a whole lot of changes need to done here once you have your config set the way you like it for this form. Radar: I suggest a constant glance at the Radar while playing the form, with or without the mortar down, and even more so when you using Exploding Elk form. This will help get that extra half second you need to have the Timing on Indoor Mortaring. Map: Constant use of the Map should be going on as you use you different mortar Tactics and find your target mortar landing spots on the Map. If you are doing extreme close up mortaring like around 85 degrees and the Head's Up! tactic then you should be using Radar for this. Otherwise your Map is your best friend while mortaring, but with DJ Rotates style, once you have locked in your targeting spot Location, and your degree's memorized, you won't have to use Map as much to almost at all, just to get you set up again on a new target zone. Reflexes: Main reason for the higher rating here is based more on the idea of the Exploding Elk forms need for very fast reaction time to pull off Indoor Mortaring properly. TrickJump: Use your Trickjump and Ninja skills to get to you Locations fast and relatively unnoticed and to get out of bad situations and get to a safer deployment area. X Factor: Set pretty low because once you get this form down there isn't really that much to it in comparison to some of the other forms. But there is still a need to have a decent visual acuity and reaction time to pull of Tactics like Indoor Mortaring and Heads Up!. Form Specific Tactics: A most brutal and savage Tactic, place yourself near an entryway, a stairwell, or other type places and fling inside mortars of devastation! Placement and Location is key, try and find just the right distance from a ceiling, wall, or other surface so that it hit's your enemy and not you, and find special areas to deploy mortars through windows or gaps in the ceiling to the next floor. Consider using form 2 tactic Location Point to assist in remembering all the spots you want to use for the level. ( @RedBaird 🧔 ARRRRRRRR!! forgot to add the window stuff thanks!!) Demo coming soon... Find yourself a decent mortar deployment area and get yourself zeroed in where you want to target, memorize the coordinates (x and y) and the exact spot you deployed from. Fire off a volley and quickly kick up the stand, and move to your second deployment spot, memorize and quickly deploy your volley. Again kick up your stand as soon as your volley is over and be ready for incoming enemies (switch to gun, knife, ect.) as fast as humanly possible to give as little time as you can in having the mortar actually down firing, which is what makes makes you most vulnerable. Rotate between your spots and do a little gunning as you wait for you special bar to fill up again. Demo coming soon... This is normally used in conjunction with a Covert Ops to defend a specific strategic line, on a high traffic area that should be a must travel zone for the enemy. Have the covert ops drop smoke for you near this area so you can set up close and begin doing Heads Up! mortaring at around the 85 to 90 degree marks. The Covert Ops should also pop smoke for you on your target area making it harder for the enemy to see the incoming mortars. This in combination with a Field Ops calling arty on the same spot will cause a massive blockage to the enemy and create a smokey mortar arty firestorm of destruction! Demo coming soon... Find yourself a lamp, a rock, maybe an angled support beam, a ground surface that has a harsh enough downward angle, anything that has a sloped surface that has a planar angle that is sloping downward and you can jump onto with your mortar. If you get a good enough stance on the object you are using you should be able to now set up your mortar. You should now be able to fire at the lower ranges of the Collimator sight. Now you can use degrees low enough to fire you mortar like a cannon!! AAAARRRR! @RedBaird 🧔 (you should totally try this! ) 😜 Demo coming soon... All you need here is a buddie who will push you to the right area you want to go after getting your mortar already set for Cannon Mortaring. Good communication will be needed with your friend with a microphone on discord, or with PM, Team,or Fireteam chat if you feel like it. Use this to cut off exit and entryways, along with blasting down hallways and corridors! ...gotta do it one more time 🧔 AARRRRRRR!!! Demo coming soon... Do yourself some Stealth spying with Concealment and get set up in a spot where you can deploy mortars at angles of 80 to 88 degrees to clear out up close areas near where you just Ninja scouted. Use your Map and Radar to gather information, along with visually, and send out a volley. Once discovered (it's inevitable) and you see some incoming rushers on Radar/Map/Visually, use Timing and send one mortar off at 90 degrees and kick that stand up as fast as you can and get out of there! If done quickly and timed enough, you won't blow yourself up, and take out a rusher or maybe 3 Demo coming soon... (more tactics for this form coming soon) 7 2 1 Quote
Leader RedBaird Posted August 15, 2018 Leader Posted August 15, 2018 9 hours ago, Cit0 said: Now you can use degrees low enough to fire you mortar like a cannon!! AAAARRRR! @RedBaird 🧔 (you should totally try this! ) 😜 I have been doing that from certain sloped roofs or hills to fire into windows. Finding an allowed spot on a hill can take time, if you can ever find it. That is about as technical as I get. Thanks for your tips. They might raise me from 'average player' to ' ?? player' 1 3 Quote
Cit0 Posted August 15, 2018 Author Posted August 15, 2018 2 hours ago, RedBaird said: I have been doing that from certain sloped roofs or hills to fire into windows. Finding an allowed spot on a hill can take time, if you can ever find it. That is about as technical as I get. Thanks for your tips. They might raise me from 'average player' to ' ?? player' @RedBaird Arrrrr!! Ye be much better than your average lass! Lol I should have figured ye would know how ta Cannon Mortar thar!! 1 1 Quote
-=HipKat=- Posted August 16, 2018 Posted August 16, 2018 5 hours ago, RedBaird said: They might raise me from 'average player' to ' ?? player' ..or not! LMAO! Quote
Cit0 Posted August 17, 2018 Author Posted August 17, 2018 Form Two Form Name: Perching Yellow Crane Drinks to much Sake! Form Class: Covert Ops Form Overall Difficulty: 17.1 Form Stats: Form Explanation: Of all the forms this one is most likely going to be the hardest of them to master. Extreme patience and Awareness are needed to reach the true potential of this form. Once achieved however, it can be used in various ways to befuddle and surprise your enemy, while still being able to work from all angles and ranges. So the approach to take here is to select yourself a sniper rifle, and use a multitude of different strategies and tactical tools to turn yourself into a Stealth Ninja killing machine. Several Tactics need to be used to appropriately to demonstrate the full potential of this form. Use a heavy amount of Stealth, mixed with Location and Concealment, keep your Sound to a minimum, basically Ninja and Trickjump maneuver to your preset Location Points on that Map you are currently using for that period of the flow of battle. Quickly move and rotate between your Location Points which should have good Concealment, possible Perching, and area's for you to use Dance Sniping, Hallway Sniping, and Lane Fire. If you are defending, then it's a good idea to set up your Location Points behind the front lines and known Objective areas. Always have more than one Location Point. You want to maneuver between these points once you have been discovered (unless using the direct engagement style of Hallway Sniping or Uni Satchel Bomber) to keep the enemy guessing and hopefully off your tail. (Stay long enough in one spot and you are gonna have a group coming for ya eventually) Hold your ground in spots as best you can, but when there are to many guns, move to another Location Point. Being the attacker is similar but of course much more aggressive in nature. You still want to use Location Point, but these points will shift a lot more often usually than defense at times to attempt different ways of completing the Objective. (This all should be dictated by the flow of battle) On defense, if you are doing well you wont have to shift much, keep your eye on the Map to see how the flow of battle is going, and shift back accordingly. Trying to be a hero and standing firm facing the wave is admirable, but at times backing up and getting properly set to be ready for the first incomers can be more effective for the team. Lane Fire is very important, and should be kept in your mental toolbox at all times which will help you choose which Location Points to use and go to. Hallway Sniping is another great tool you want to have handy as you maneuver around. Your Settings are going to need a lot of adjustments at first to get situated, and I highly suggest using the Zoom all the way in setting, and 4 levels of Zoom for this form. Perching is also one of the main Tactics to the form and should be placed into your Location Points as often as possible. Aiming with this form can be really tricky, and should be well practiced especially if your not used to the suggested higher sensitivity levels. The need for the higher sensitivity levels is due to the Tactics in this form and the Aiming style used with those Tactics. In a nut shell, you are a Perching Sniper that when found doesn't stay still, with the ability to fight from long, mid, or short ranges, while being able to swig your Sake! and go into Drunken Fatty mode when engaged. There are many other Ninja tools in your bag to choose from with this abundantly demanding Tactic heavy form. Demo Examples: coming soon!! Form Stat Explanations: Awareness: This form takes ridiculous Awareness and place of mind to keep everything running the way it should. Constantly checking your Map, always on the move, and the need to keep all the forms Tactics in your repertoire along with your Location Points in your head. Vision: Superb Vision will be needed to see the field properly to find the proper Location Points for the flow of battle, along with the incredibly difficult targeting for Aim and the Tactics. And a high call for the X Factor also lies heavily here. Aim: The Aim for this form is very precise, and takes a quick wrist and eye to preform. A very high visual acuity is suggested to be able to preform this forms special Tactics. A ton of skill and experience will be needed to Aim from multiple ranges, styles, scoped, and un scoped is gonna just take tremendous practice. Timing is absolutely crucial to get the aiming down, and your settings adjustments fine tuned, and get a good handle on Dance Sniping for it's probably going to the most commonly used Tactic. Movement: One of the main reasons for this forms overall difficulty is because of all the different needs for efficiency here in Movement. Whether it's Dance Sniping, Drunken Fatty, or moving to your different Location Points, you are constantly on the move and using your sprint is key and you must try and not use so much that you completely run out, something you should be doing all the time anyway. Caution: Using Caution will really help you get to your Location Points with little resistance, and helps a lot with Tactics like Drunk Fatty and Perching. You may find yourself crossing the back lines often and in doing so, if you see your teams mortar man you should drop smoke for them for cover as you go by, and gives you retreat zone to go to. Endless Smoke should be also used to help team advancements, and give you Ninja cover. Tenacity: Set pretty low for good reason, but a few quirks bring it to the semi low range. Tactics like Drunk Fatty and Double Tap put it up a ways. Group: not a lot of Group is needed here, this really is more of a solo support form that could use a medic every once in awhile. Tactics: One of the highest forms in overall number of Tactics, and is also one of the highest in need of using them and calculation based application. With some many Tactics to choose from, you might find yourself overwhelmed at first, but don't despair, start with attempting one Tactic at a time, and them eventually blend and implement them all into your bag. Tracking: Tracking for this form has more to do with avoiding the enemy then Tracking them down. The times you would be Tracking someone down is when you notice evidence behind your teams front line, and now it's your time to go hunt down spawn trolls and get back line attackers. Attempt a surprise attack with a Double Tap, then switch to Drunk Fatty. Timing: To find the right Timing while sniping and Shooting from the Hip is tough, and will take a lot of practice and messing with your config until it feels right. When using the Drunken Fatty tactic, I find that a small short pause in between Shooting from the Hip helps a lot for Timing and accuracy. Also with such a high sensitivity and need for Timing with sniping you may find it to inefficient at first, but once your used to Tactics like Dance Sniping, Counter Recoil Sniping, Double Tap, and Hallway Sniping, you may find it's well worth it. Stealth: Of all the forms this one by far needs the highest Stealth used in conjunction with all the tasks, tactics, and moving around the Map you will be doing. You really need to be a true Ninja running around out there to do everything needed in this form, including blowing up enemy CP's (you should be doing this as much as possible), cleaning up spawn trolls, satcheling bridges and objectives that call for it, covering your mortar man, you get the idea. Get every single uniform you come across they really really help when it's time to go get that CP and when you want to get around less scathed. Be constantly aware of your out put of Sound so your not coming up on Map and Radar, and use Concealment to get the job done. Sound: Being aware of your Sound output and your enemies output can be tough and hard to do on the frequent. Whenever I play this form I break out the headphones. It's gonna help you hear all the really minute sounds your gonna need to be picking up. This includes yours and your enemies footsteps, gunfire, grenade bounces, knife throws, stabs, and ricochets, wrench work, support fire cans, smoke and poison cans, satchel bag falls, mine drops, dyno explosions and drops, flag grabs, debris falling, and even med and ammo pack grabs (probably missing a bunch lol). With headphones on, a player can become so in tune that they can literally tell where these sounds are coming from without being able to see them, even more so that you can even tell exactly what direction XYZ you just got shot from. This should allow you to make the split second decisions you need to decide whether to turn and engage or Ninja Bail your butt out of there. Also once your set up in one of your Location Points, Perching lets say, Behind Enemy Lines, you really should rely on Sound to give you a lot of information cause your going to hear your enemy a lot of times before you see them. Ninja: Having the highest rating for good reason, in this form you truly are a Ninja out there. The hardest part is trying to keep your sprint bar from running out all the time. All the Tactics that this form has is like your bag of ninja tools and tricks. Do your best to be seen and heard as little as possible, and Ninja Bail when it's time to. Concealment: Concealment is your best friend and most of your attacks should come from the shadows. Another note to be aware of is to not always engage the enemy right away, especially if there is a group going by. Wait for that last straggler instead to move past, it also helps to be using Map and Radar along with audio confirmation, then hop out quickly and strike. If you get the kill quick enough go for a second before bailing on the situation. Never continue to use the same Concealment and Location Points over and over again, switch it up and move to new and different areas to keep the enemy guessing. Location: Using Location Points and knowing the Map and level and it's environment is key to this form and can make a difference in any ones play. Watching the map can help a lot with finding which Location Points to use, and with determining the current flow of battle. Always keep a good eye on your Perching Location Points for good times and opportunities to use them. You can rack up a lot of kills quickly this way with some well used timing. If you don't know a map very well yet, just don't know where to set up your Location Points yet, take some time in spec to look around the Map for awhile and spec some players. Get a feel for where you might think good set up spots, Concealment points, Perches, and the like are and even think about what times would be good to use them. Objective: You pretty much only have three Objective based goals here. Destroy their CP (you should do this as much as possible), Satchel bridges, ladders, and other explodable objects, and always always shoot their enemy snipers first when in open field engagements. Endless Smoke should also be used to help push your team forward when needed and should also be considered Objective based. Settings: It took me a good long while to get my config right with a lot of trial and error and tweaks until it finally felt legit. I would put up my config but what works for me won't necessarily work for others. Most of the stuff I change is pitch/yaw, cross hair pulsing, r_customwidth/height, r_gamma, and cg_fov. in the end always go with what works for you. For certain Tactics like Druken Fatty, using the single dot cross hair at huge size, or + type cross hair at large size to start, but in the end I suggest going with a customized size with one of these two types in between huge and large sizes. Radar: With all the hunting you are gonna end up doing, you are eventually gonna get hunted yourself. Either way you are going to want to glance at your Radar a lot more than normal with this form. Every split second can count and give you your Ninja edge. Also paying attention to your Radar more often will help you get used to keeping your Sound violations down. Map: Thorough contemplation of the battle using the Map can really help strategize which Location Points to use and where help is needed for your team along with all kinds of information you can use like seeing if there CP is up, who has the flag, Objectives, ect. Always have a plan, and a plan b, and an escape route in mind and the Map will help with this . One of the most difficult Tactics is Map Sniping and takes some practice but is another nice tool. Every once in awhile, when you get the chance for safety, take a break, look at your Map, and reset yourself. Make new plans and set new Locations points if you want to or feel it's needed. Reflexes: With your sensitivity set so high, and the aiming for this form being of one of the hardest of all the forms, you will need Reflexes of the highest grade to pull off a lot of these Tactics and maneuvers, like Double Tap, Counter Recoil Sniping, Ninja Bail, Hallway Sniping, Ninja Vanish, and Dance Sniping. All the Ninjaing around and Trickjumping also call for it. Think fast, act decisively, and always have a plan. If the fight is just not in your favor or more guns show up making the scenario unfavorable, Ninja Bail. Reflex to the battle itself. Trickjump: A very strong use and skill of Trickjump is needed for this form to move throughout the level less detected then normal and so you can quickly move in between your Location Points and quick hunting. Trickjump Ninja your butt to the CP and pull off flying satchels, that sort of thing, is what you want to use Trickjump in this form for. Use it in Conjunction with Uni Satchel Bomber to pull off some interesting kills especially with good use of Map and Radar. Trickjump is a key method to the art of the Ninja. X Factor: A suggested really high visual acuity will be needed to preform the Tactics and sniping methodologies, along with very high sensitivity and Reflexes, is one of the main reasons for a very high X Factor. Another would be the adaptation in a very strong sense, for the necessity to keep so many Tactics and Location Points in mind, and the constant use of the Map, the incredible Aiming and Vision requirements, your Timing and Movement skills like Trickjump, and the pure need for true Fearless Assassin level Ninja skills make this dang near a 20... but only one form will receive that. Form Specific Tactics: When sniping the open field it's good to use cover and Concealment, but when that's not available, or you are planning to move to a new position Dance Sniping should be what you use to combat the enemy. First never stay still, stay scoped using crouch and slide left to right and use this movement to assist Aim as well. This will help avoid easy shots especially from enemy sniper fire. When it's time to get moving for what ever reason, quickly go unscoped and use sprint and/or Trickjump to move to Concealment and Location Points to preform other Tactics. When preforming Dance Sniping, not a lot of mouse movement is used for the more intricate part of aiming, rather use your high sensitivity to quickly lock close to target and use your crouched movement for the intricacy. Always remember when using this Tactic that not much mouse movement is used, only to lock, and when you are actively using Dance Sniping crouched, (cause at times u may release crouch to get the shot) and you should in short intervals release crouch, sprint a dwarf's distance, re-crouch and continue Dance Sniping as part of this Tactics basis to avoid enemy fire and easy aim on you for the enemy and their snipers. Demo coming soon... Lane Fire 3 out of 5 cross hairs: (graphic coming soon) Some levels have more open lanes then others, and that have higher traffic zones. Find yourself a spot of Concealment, and if you can a perch at the end of the lane on either side, (preferably one that has your back more covered) Get set near a window or boxes, whatever it is you are using without exposing yourself to that lane. Use your lean buttons (normally the q and e buttons) to view the lane and prep for a target by adjusting before you release your lean button(this will take practice) this should be done by placing your cross hair where you "think" it needs to be. Now release lean and do a quick premeditated movement that adjusts to where you have calculated your target and cross hairs to be located. In best case scenarios you will be already on target leaving very little response time and be instantly ready to fire, or you made need a slightly small cross hair adjustment made still leaving very little response time. Return to your lane cover when times are efficient to do so, and can be swiftly done since its' very close, and some of your body should be concealed. This works best when the opportunity is there to defend objectives with this. Demo coming soon... Find yourself three or so points to use that will will work for the current battle taking place, and cycle between them to help in not being discovered and to keep enemy snipers guessing. I usually like to have one of those points to be a Perching point if you can get it. These points should be set places that will allow you to preform your different Tactics around the level. Use hallways for Hallways Sniping and Double Tap, use Dance Sniping and the like in their proper places. Remember you should have 3 or so in mind but have a mass amount to use around the level. Demo coming soon... Not a simple task to preform and requires very good Reflexes, a quick wrist, and a very high sensitivity to pull off. The trick is to be already pulling down your aim in Timing and conjunction with when you fire and you should be using the furthest all the way out zoom setting so that you have the easiest time countering. (You will use closer zoom's for tactics like Dance Sniping, Hallways Sniping, Double Tap, and Map Snipe) This drastically reduces recoil and makes it much easier to make the next shot. It takes some practice but a very nice tool in the bag. Demo coming soon... A difficult but savage maneuver, I normally use this in combination with Hallway Sniping, and anytime I have an opportunity to do up close sniping, for example when I just Ninja Bailed on someone and decided to do a quick turn around at a proper corner or Concealment point. I suggest having the different zoom types zoom all the way in and all the way out on binds as well for an easy efficient switch between Tactics. Place your cursor (and I am not kidding) near the groin area for your first shot, add a little Counter Recoil Snipping to your second shot and when done right, presto your on the head for the second shot. Of course this takes some practice but when done correctly it will even take out a full life Medic. [*Special note: Aim at below the knee to near the foot area and it's possible to pull off a Triple Tap!!!] Demo coming soon... _ Similar to Lane Fire in principle, but on a smaller scale. Find yourself a hallway and get set up on an end where it's opposite to where you figure you will have incoming. Use your lean (usually q and e buttons) as to not expose yourself and wait for incoming. Use your Radar in conjunction with visual from your lean and when the time is right pop out crouch and preform the Double Tap. In longer hallways and corridors that have obstructions you should use also as staging points instead of always using the end of the hallway or corridor. Demo coming soon... What you want to do here is to find yourself an elevated position that has solid Concealment that overlooks an open active area or lane to use on the current battlefield. Always have the High Ground Having the high ground as a sniper is always nice and usually gives you the first shot especially when using good Concealment and lean. Gotta make it count though, because being in a elevated position makes it easier for many eyes to spot you, and before you know it you are gonna want to bail. The further and higher away you are the better. Demo coming soon... Find yourself a nice Perch, that has a view of a known forced exit or entryway that the enemy will be using. Get you sights set on a known spot that is a must cross point in the exit/entryway that the enemy is going to have to travel. Now your set, so press your map button normally (G) and wait for an enemy to come up on the Map in that spot you are targeting fire. This can be done from incredibly long distances. Demo coming soon... When engaged in combat and usually only used at mid range fights or further (but can be used in close quarters if available and in a pinch) A Ninja must keep in mind instant escape routes and avenues that can be taken during fights. As you are running and gunnin doing your Dance Sniping or Druken Fatty, make sure your ATD (attention to detail) is up there so you are seeing entrances to a building, or any kind of alley that will give you instantaneous cover that you can cut to as you move in your dueling and take you away from the fight. When using this Tactic often it's good to double back to prevent cutoff's and cause confusion. Demo coming soon... Used mostly when attacking, this Tactic is used as a befuddlement, an escape, and in conjunction with Ninja Bail. When it's time to make an escape, and you know you are being chased, once you turn a corner toss a smoke can in the opposite direction you are going to head in. Sometimes go the way you throw the smoke, and some times don't. And a third portion is to toss the can at the wall in the middle making it either way at you could have gone. I know this may seem simple but believe it or not it works way more often then expected. Demo coming soon... This Tactic could be compared to martial art Druken Boxing but with guns. Non scoped, use obscure movements and add the 5 D's along with quick sprint bursts and sudden stops to your maneuvers, to get maverick angles to Shoot from the Hip with your sniper rifle firing in one to two shot intervals then move again in on the enemy or duel maneuver. Do normally one to two never more than three of these movements before switching to pistols and unloading for the kill. This Tactic can also be used with throwing knifes and/or a Sten as well. once you get the kill bail and get you sprint bar reset. Demo coming soon... Apply this Tactic when you team is trying to advance on or out of a spawn area when being locked down or out and should be aimed at exit and entry ways and used for Objectives that need to be taken or defended. Throw the smoke can at the exit point that your team is trying to enforce and advance with giving your team cover actually get out and engage the enemy. Progressively move the smoke forward can after can to assist in objectively moving the team forward. Cantinue to throw smoke until your team has pushed through and established a solid foothold. This also should be used when trying to move the Tank forward for the poor engies (can't push that enough) and at objective points like the bank in Gold rush just outside the room with the gold in it endlessly is a good example. Smoke cans are one of the greatest tools a covert has and should be used a lot more often then I normally see used. Demo coming soon... Similar to endless smoke in execution being that you want to blanket an area with poison smoke in the same spot endlessly. I normally use this in defense of an Objective area. Not only does it cause Vision problems [*less then smoke cans, not by much] but will do some decent damage over time as your cans begin to stack. This becomes extraordinarily catastrophic when used with more then one participant and gets worse and worse with enough soldiers and coverts to the point where if the enemy even takes one step in, when done correctly (make sure its the same spot) instantaneous death. Demo coming soon... (More Tactics still under construction) 5 1 1 Quote
zakrzeW Posted August 18, 2018 Posted August 18, 2018 Wooow amazing job Bro! I know U must put most of time to do this, awesome! 🙏💪I'm going to study this 2 forms and I'm waiting for form 3. 🙆 2 1 Quote
Leader RedBaird Posted August 18, 2018 Leader Posted August 18, 2018 1 hour ago, zakrzeW said: Wooow amazing job Bro! I know U must put most of time to do this, awesome! 🙏💪I'm going to study this 2 forms and I'm waiting for form 3. 🙆 Being the Humans that we are, we are never really "out of school". We are Life-Long Learners. 2 2 1 Quote
Piotr2 Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Well what I should say lol new outcome for et: give him codes for et :DDDDD Quote
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