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Caen is a good map. The current issue concerns the rules regarding the "final object." Most of the time, the axis player manages to sneak in and grab the "final objective", then double-jump towards the boat, and the map is over pretty fast after that. From what I understand 1) Cov-ops can grab the final object if 5mins has already passed. 2) Players of other classes of Axis can also grab the final obj, if 5mins. have passed, as no-double jump is needed, simply go to the adjacent building, use the stairs, and single jump to the roof of building with the object. Confusion:- Some admins feel, the tank needed to be escorted and the wall needed to be blown, and then only the axis can grab the final objective (As per "no skipping of any prior objective"). But after reading the rules, I understand it can only be not done via Double jump or any other malicious way. I will add Some pics later for more clear picture.
ET Friendly Fire "ON" during warump on Jaymod 1 Recruiting xp Save
tipsy posted a topic in ET Discussion
Saw few making request, thought to have change for fun. -
Evey-time I join ET I have to check my xp and my levels. Because most of the time there set 0 and 0. So I restart My ET and change screen size to 1920 and 1080 and mess with that a bit come back into the game and I have my levels and ET back.. Today: Cabal and Easy and Vol trying to see what is going on with my ET. I came in and started to play and I didn't have any levels or XP... I started to play and forgot to check. I racked up like 83 XP, but no levels- I had 53,000 xp. I hurried off ET and restarted ET I got my levels and but still no XP... going to do A refresh of ET. Thanks Elf Dan
Hey guys, i m looking for some advise . For the last 2 days , my ping on jay 1 is +100 over usual ping . Soo right now i m 150 while i m usually around 40-45 . I did connect on jay 2 and i got a regular ping there (40) . What could caused that ? Thanks on advance
Hiiii, Since a week (maybe 2) I have witnessed a lot more lag than I experience normally on jay1. I am not really an expert on WinMTR and any lag that isn't cfg related so maybe someone could help me out with my results First image shows how terrible it can get, second image pictures the general trend. FPS is stable all the time. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WinMTR statistics | | Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last | |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------| | - 0 | 456 | 456 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1 | | - 1 | 448 | 446 | 18 | 24 | 317 | 19 | | No response from host - 100 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | - 6 | 376 | 356 | 21 | 34 | 321 | 22 | | - 8 | 352 | 326 | 20 | 35 | 320 | 22 | | - 6 | 372 | 351 | 0 | 34 | 320 | 23 | | No response from host - 100 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | - 8 | 348 | 321 | 0 | 112 | 398 | 99 | | - 6 | 372 | 351 | 99 | 119 | 427 | 106 | | - 8 | 352 | 326 | 98 | 113 | 396 | 98 | | No response from host - 100 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | - 6 | 372 | 351 | 0 | 113 | 397 | 98 | |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
I wanted to ask a question about the no rushing rule. The Wiki I states that you shouldnt complete the objective during the first 5 mins on a server like Jay1. General rules I found about rushing: 21. On the servers with "Rush Rule", you are not allowed to touch the obj for the first 5 mins of map so that map can be ended. Admins will not babysit in spec and keep an eye on all players who took it and whatnot. Player will be warned 3x times and if players continue to break this rule, they will be moved to spec. Continuous rule breaking will result in !kick. So please don't push the admins, to take action. Rules about rushing for Jay1: 1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server. Don't finish the final objective in first 5 mins. Once 5 mins are passed from the time of map start you can finish the objective. 2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes. Yesterday I saw an admin say on the map Warbell that you are not allowed to jump over the first obj as an Axis player to build stuff like the CP or plant a dynamite behind enemy lines. I started playing again during the end of the last year until now with a few month break and I was never warned for completing the CP on the map Warbell before the first Objective is completed. There is even an antirush prevention that you cant build the Bell during the first 5 mins. So I want to ask if I was wrong with my interpretation that you can do anything you want aslong as it doesnt end the map or if the statement of the admin is right.
Anyone who played Grave Rob on Jay1 knows that its one hell of a nadefest on the stairs. To reduce the spam I wanted to ask if you could lower the refill rate for the ammostand or just disable it completly. Maybe this way the attacking allies wouldnt camp there throwing nades down the ladder the whole game instead of actually trying to go down and try to flank the axis or they would at least need a field ops and that one is limited by the charge. Another point would be to make the LONG ladder require a dynamite to blow up but that would probably take a map edit instead of a serversetting.
I've played on Jay1 and saw that my weaponstats are wrong with my colt counting 3 HS with only 2 hits as you can see in the attached file. After seeing it I was wondering if the stats are always a bit off or if it is a rare case.
Here's some map ideas to add to Jay1: There all fun, comments ? Cortex Revised - cortexREVISED.pk3 Tram Siege (Final 2) - low_tram.pk3 Cathedral final - cathedral_final.pk3 Stargate-Center 1945 (Final) - SG_1945_final.pk3 Tankbuster 2.0.0 - tankbuster_200.pk3 Vesuvius rev (Final) - vesuvius_rev.pk3 Baserace Desert - baserace_desert.pk3 North Pole - northpole.pk3 Ammo bunker 2 - ammo_bunker2.pk3 X-Dam Complex 2 - xdam2.pk3 MML Helmsdeep B4 - mml_helmsdeep_b4.pk3 Stalingrad - stalingrad.pk3 Final Bridges - __BRIDGES__.pk3 Final Rommel - rommel_final.pk3 Dubrovnik (Final) - dubrovnik_final_1104.pk3 Return to Carnage Canyon 2 - carnage2.pk3 Axis Lab final - axislab_final.pk3 Saberpeak - saberpeak_final.pk3 Transmitter Final zip Escape 2 Final - escape2.pk3 Chateau Voilegarde Beta 3 - voilegarde_b3.pk3
Hey I can get on Jay 2 with no problems but Jay 1 its saying this in console now. I downloaded a new ET and put my saved my profile into etmain and started the ET and it's still doing this. Jay 2 and Jay 3 is fine, but its saying this in console when I try to join jay 1. Any suggestions? Elfy
Nothing too serious, but thought I'd report it anyway. at 5:28 PM EDT the server caught a massive lag spike (server did not crash) 80% of the people on the server had a command overflow near the end of supply, 30 seconds remaining
There's something weird with this map, I get ridiculous fps drops on specific spots where it shouldn't cause any drops to happen and there has been two times where my game crashed randomly on this map.
So I put my guide to the test and I tried one of my spots against a player using a mortar in goldrush. (ignore the ugly thumbnail) If you want to learn this and 3 extra spots, please check my tutorial right here:
In their tounge he's soldatkin... Panzerborn. Read chat plz
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YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. I was having a bad streak on this match, khalsa was kicking my ass with panzer and overall allies where getting pwn. I thought my life was gonna be ruined but then Shrek decided to give me full platypus power: WATCH THE KILL OF THE PREVIOUS WEEK HERE
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Hello, Three days ago, almost everyone have been experiencing lag during their time on the server. I have noticed that the lag kicks in when someone discovers an enemy land mine.It also kicks in whenever we are on a big map. I wish i could provide more details but I don't have any knowledge in server maintenance. Cheers.
From the album: G.O.A.T.
Chaos, pure chaos... -
I know that rushing is NOT allowed on servers such as Jay 1 and Jay 2. I have respected that rule since I joined in 2009. But what about "skipping" flags. For example: In fuel dump, axis are extremely stacked and your team is getting a hard time escorting the tank. So instead of doing the tank objective why not go straight ahead to the command post to gain a new spawn or just blow the fuel dump without escorting tank. I have done this before and no one has complained to me. Today in MLB Daybreak, I have done the same situation. Sneak to the allies spawn, which is extremely hard and build CP without having the tank blow up the second gate, or go straight to the gate and blow it. Some people does not agree with this kind of gameplay. So yeah, I want to hear your opinion about this. My thoughts are that we have antirush on the maps so it's pretty impossible to finish the map in less than 5 minutes. Also in jaymod we have double jump, so how can you not think outside of the box and help the team (You don't need double jump in my previous examples though, I am referring to maps like Warbell). It's a fun server after all.
- I finally found it
And then i was like Larry these tennis courts are full.
Hello, everyone!! While I'm a frequent player of the Jay1 server, I've noticed a lot of complaining solely about the map rotation - and how monotonous it is. I, personally, like the maps but I feel with the right twist it can start off with 'YEAH's instead of 'Ugh, not again's. Requests: To replace North Pole [since it's not Holiday season anymore]: Cortex Who, Warbell, or Axis Lab. (I chose these maps for the entertainment factor as well as enough room to roam when the server is full.) To replace Castle: Baserace, Falcon, Beer Run. (I chose these maps because I feel they share in the same tag-team/capture-the-objective as Castle, so you get new maps with the same concept.) Other Maps (for diversity): Seawall Battery, Radar, SUPER Goldrush, Glider, Daybreak, Vesuvius, Paris Bastille. Also some simple suggestions: Enable team-killing during warm-ups, for entertainment. More panzer-wars! In a more advanced point of view, I understand that certain maps won't be able to be added based on their compatibility with the server, but I just thought I'd at least throw in my two cents. I'd also like to hear others' opinions, too! What do you think? Happy New Year to everyone as well! xo - Vixen
I got some good shots while playing on the MLB Temple map on Jay 1 and I wanted to share them with you in a dramatic way. I hope you like them Sorry about the video quality, I forgot how to record videos without losing fps but I'll fix that if there's a next video.
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Is it possible to get old goldrush version back? I am tired of monkeys all over the walls pushing each other , sk making server population fall down (specially from mortar). thanku.
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