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Before we used to have map rotation topics per maps but over the year most of the new players and regular new players don't follow it. So i am creating new topic and pinning it so that I just need to follow topic and post updates in the one topic itself. Format - You can suggest multiple add / remove map - but always suggest 1 map removal. Server doesn't have infinite map option so we can't just keep adding. Add Map -> Map name + URL to download the map - if not in our download section, upload and share URL. Remove map -> Map name Current Jay1 rotation: sw_oasis_b3, 0, 64, supplydepot2, 0, 64, et_mor2_night_final, 16, 64, goldrush-gals, 0, 64, caen2, 0, 36, mlb_temple, 26, 44, bba0-beta2, 24, 64, venice_ne4, 16, 64, etdo6, 18, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 38, pirates, 0, 40, haunted_mansion, 12, 45, frostbite, 0, 44, capuzzo, 20, 52, et_beach, 0, 45, warbell, 20, 50, bremen_final, 0, 36, adlernest, 0, 34, mlb_daybreak, 20, 36, etdo1, 18, 64, baserace, 20, 26, braundorf_final, 0, 34, castleattack_b5, 30, 64, fueldump, 24, 64, mml_minastirith_fp3, 30, 64, teuthonia_final, 14, 44, beerrun_b7a, 12, 30, battery, 12, 32, saberpeak_final, 12, 40, flame-guards, 18, 64, railgun, 16, 26, sp_delivery_te, 0, 36, tc_base, 0, 32,
After playing a few rounds today with omnibots it seems they are well rather dumb. Seeing as I am rather bored today and enjoy coding AI systems I was wondering could machine learning be coded into the pathing and reactions for omnibot. So I had a request would this be something =F|A= is interested in and if so I can easily convert replay files into actions that could be used to train a network for AI that would act quite similar to real life players filtering the 0 ping player as "corrupt" so it does not learn from any current OMNIbot looking at the source at gibhub the framework is quite open and this seems like not a large undertaking to really do code wise. The largest part of the project would be training the AI for which I would need the largest sample of replay files I could reasonably get. Let me know if people are interested in this it sounds like a fun project.
Guten Abend, There are, for some time lot of requests for "fresh" Maps. For this reason, i created a list........ as, some long-standing players do not visit your forum! In Out 1. Baserace night Railgun 2. Warbell Capuzzo 3. Navarone Password 4. Monte Cassino Paris Pastille 5. Marakesh V2 6. Minas Beach invasion the most frequently mentioned, in order. Thanks for your attention
Everyone who is interest can participate: give the names of the worse maps in the silent 1 rotation screen and i will try to change it for the previous suggested ones. Do not bother to think the most common maps will be out of the votation and we already know it: sd2, frost, oasis, etc, etc. Players love those maps and no matter what, they vote for it over and over and do i.
ET Server Suggestion Beginners #1 - Jay3 New Maps Suggestion
daredevil posted a topic in ET Suggestion
Beginners #1 map rotation - Server IP: This one map rotation changes dynamically based on player count server. sw_oasis_b3, 0, 64, supplydepot2, 0, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 46, pirates, 0, 40, et_mor2_night_final, 8, 64, goldrush-gals, 0, 64, venice_ne4, 12, 64, caen2, 0, 32, mlb_temple, 30, 46, teuthonia_final, 0, 40, eagles_2ways_b3, 32, 46, bba0-beta2, 30, 64, subway, 24, 64, etdo6, 16, 64, fueldump_uvf, 18, 40, tankbuster, 24, 40, italyfp2, 12, 46, frostbite, 0, 50, et_beach, 0, 64, bremen_final, 0, 40, braundorf_final, 0, 36, adlernest, 0, 50, etdo1, 16, 64, frost_final, 4, 24, mml_minastirith_fp3, 40, 64, baserace, 20, 44, UJE_00, 20, 64, dubrovnik_final, 12, 32, Karsiah_te2, 0, 34, transmitter, 12, 36, am_hydro_dam, 32, 64, battery, 0, 24, tc_base, 0, 34, axislab_final, 6, 32, -
Before we used to have map rotation topics per maps but over the year most of the new players and regular new players don't follow it. So i am creating new topic and pinning it so that I just need to follow topic and post updates in the one topic itself. Current Jay2 rotation: sw_oasis_b3, 0, 64, haunted_mansion, 30, 54, italyfp2, 0, 40, supplydepot2, 0, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 40, pirates, 12, 40, et_mor2_night_final, 18, 64, goldrush-gals, 0, 64, am_hydro_dam, 34, 64, sos_secret_weapon, 0, 32, bba0-beta2, 40, 64, venice_ne4, 0, 64, caen2, 0, 32, mlb_temple, 30, 50, teuthonia_final, 0, 40, karsiah_te2, 8, 32, subway, 32, 64, cortex_who, 12, 32, etdo6, 24, 64, tankbuster, 24, 40, reactor_final, 24, 36, password2, 26, 28, etdo1, 24, 64, frostbite, 0, 40, et_beach, 0, 40, bremen_final, 0, 40, braundorf_final, 0, 34, adlernest, 0, 40, baserace, 20, 36, UJE_00, 24, 64, mml_minastirith_fp3, 36, 60, tc_base, 0, 32, cathedral_final, 0, 34, capuzzo, 6, 64,
Current NQ #1 map rotation. Yeah Flamer Gaurd is on caen2, 0, 40, mlb_temple, 24, 40, bba0-beta2, 30, 64, etdo6, 24, 64, warbell, 20, 40, fueldump_uvf, 18, 30, tankbuster, 20, 40, sos_secret_weapon, 12, 32, password2, 18, 40, falcon2, 12, 30, italyfp2, 12, 24, frostbite, 0, 45, et_beach, 0, 45, bremen_final, 0, 45, braundorf_final, 0, 34, beerrun_b7a, 0, 32, adlernest, 0, 40, mlb_daybreak, 16, 22, etdo1, 24, 64, baserace, 16, 30, teuthonia_final, 0, 64, cathedral_final, 14, 50, pirates, 18, 45, etdo6, 16, 64, capuzzo, 14, 45, tc_base, 6, 45, flame-guards, 4, 26,
FA ET:Legacy server map suggesstions topic. Add Map -> Map name + URL to download the map - if not in our download section, upload and share URL. Remove map -> Map name Current server rotation: etl_supply etl_sp_delivery etl_adlernest etl_frostbite erdenberg_b2 caen2 reactor_final tc_base mp_sub_rc1 sw_goldrush_te et_beach venice_ne4 pirates bremen_b3 snatch3 decay_b7 sw_oasis_b3 etl_warbell school fueldump railgun radar etl_warbell Karsiah_te2 missile_b3 et_mor2_night_final baserace
I assume suggestions are welcomed, thought I'd throw mine into the hat. I was always kind of against legacy, just didn't sit right for me, and some bits I am still adjusting too, probably the same for a lot of others, as I play ETPro more and have done. But playing on the F|A legacy yesterday throughout, it's not bad. I did notice that there aren't any skills, and I know for scrims that's good but for pubs, maybe not. Even if you had level 1 on all stats, but make it so it's not easily achievable, for example, have light weapons level 1 and have the required xp set to 100/120. Also some maps are a bit far fetched, looking at TM and their legacy server, they have the standard maps you'd find on an ETPro public server, not saying to copy but would be nice.
Hey guys, Had a thought, I know, dangerous. How hard is it to change the bot's name? could we potentially change the bot's name to match holidays/festivities? Thought it might be fun to have like "pumpkin head" or similar as a bots name at halloween, and change their colors, but if it's difficult to rename them that's not a good idea? thanks, Mad P.S. happy to help pick or vote on numbers/names, or work on a script to implement for this if anyone would like that help?
Hey, whomever has access to the server CFG, is there any possibility you can move the FPS cap from 250 to 333 please? it would be appreciated thanks
ET Server Suggestion Maybe it's hard to do but is it possible???
ZeroZeroDb posted a topic in ET Suggestion
I remember playing Oasi reversed a few times where the path is reversed compared to the traditional one; now I wonder if it is also possible to reverse the roles of Axis and Allies on some maps. Did I ask a stupid question?🤗 -
OK, so I have been trying to think this out and say it all the "right" way, but I suck at that. So, anyway, Jay 1 is a good example of what ET is these days and that's less about skills development and more about chaotic free-for-all, just get as many kills as possible anyway you can. But there are people who still try and play skillfully, that aren't high-skilled players naturally such as Nightmare, Bunny and some others are. Maybe people who could never be that good got frustrated and moved away from being more skilled and chose to just melee-kill, which is fine, if that's what they choose. Recently, I've paid attention to how I get killed and almost never is it by a default SMG (Thompson or FG42). It's almost always by heavy weapons. rifle-nade, Heavy MG, Panzer, Flame, arty, mortar or M97. This tells me that that is just too much of these types of weapons available. I'm not asking to radically change the game, I wouldn't want to do that. but to make it so heavy weapons are still available without frustrating people who still like to use old-school game sense and tactics, but limited. I've been told the idea is for everyone to enjoy the server, right? So what about some limits, if possible. Less Rifle-nades, M97's and only 1 Heavy MG and a limit on the poison gas and arty that gets spammed horribly. I've sat back in a corner and just listened to one person throw non-stop arty. I mean non-stop. This would make the game still full of the "fun" weapons and make it more able to be played by skilled-minded people without being constantly slammed by arty, rifle nades, etc., so I ask that the admins look at this seriously, consider it and not just brush it off quickly
It's not a good or sensible game if you're constantly throwing hand grenades into spawn. When everyone has a million or more grenades. You should have fun on all servers and not get annoyed with certain players, or? Maybe something can be changed about that. A small video is attached. 2024-02-20-142405-braundorf_final.dm_84
Hi, I was wondering if there's any interest for something like MarketGarden, which is a map that is symmetrical in that BOTH teams have an objective to accomplish, but the catch is that there is a limited number of lives for each player. Therefore, at least ONE player must remain when all other players have been eliminated, and must have the class requirement to complete the level. Anybody?
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I suggestion there is no topic for hardcore server. Start suggesting ones in this map going forward. Format: Remove: map A Add: map B So to add new map you have to suggest which existing maps need to be replaced. Without that I will ignore the request.
So, I've noticed the number of bots on Jay1 are a little extreme. I personally feel there's no need for so many especially when teams are 8v8-10v10, etc. I've done some talking with the regulars and everyone is getting quite annoyed with the bots blocking, not reviving, wasting arty, being more of a pain in the ass rather than actually being helpful. Some maps they are completely useless as the bots have no idea where to go or what they're doing. Most people leave when the bots start connecting as it is. People don't join our server to kill bots, and it is the most populated server in ET. I don't see people leaving our server due to lack of bots to kill. I took a couple ss of tonight's gameplay as examples of the nightly gameplay around Jay1. Grant you today is Saturday night, but I still feel the bots could be limited or possibly having a !command to remove the bots. I agree with having bots when server is very limited on players, but like some other mods we should have bots removed when the player count reaches a certain limit. Please cast a vote and leave any feedback here, it is greatly appreciated!
ET Server Suggestion Feature on all servers - Winning streak
blast3r posted a topic in ET Suggestion
Hi all! Our servers have the goal to be a place to entertain people, but we take it seriously. I believe that a feature like a Team winning streak will give two different perspectives: - To balance teams can give an idea of a strong team for a while. - As a fun and motivator factor to indicate the team that is playing better than others. Let me know your thoughts!-
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i believe if we jointhe server and wait a bit more will be joining and maybe we can revive the server : )
I'm going to share my thoughts on balance for the Silent#1 server specifically. I've been playing on the =F|A= silent servers (Silent#1 and Hardcore) for many years, so I know the mod and the regular players quite well. I also played ETLegacy (on other communities) and some ETPro scrims. I used to be a level 14 =F|A= admin as well (I think it was 14 ), before I decided to leave the community. So, I know some things about team balance in general, and team balance specifically in Silent#1. I'll start saying that balance is not an absolute thing. It's relative to the map, and to the stage on that map, as well as to the current amount of players, and to the skill and playstyle of those players. For example, the first stage of the map Braundorf or Erdenberg is quite hard for Allies to go through, so the game could feel unbalanced in favor of Axis. But the second stage becomes very hard for Axis to defend, so the game is now unbalanced in favor of Allies. In this case I recommend helping the attacking team so they go through the first stage, and then switch back to the defending team. Also, there are some maps, like Beerrun and Goldrush (any version), that are just unplayable when the server is crowded. In these cases I suggest just stacking the attacking team. Some maps are just great when it's an 8v8, but become very unbalanced if it's a 16v16. More players means more granades, more heavy weapons and less space to move. How to balance Beerrun on a 16v16, where Allies just die and die without making any progress? Again, just stack the weaker team. And by that I mean literally using !putteam and make Allies have +3 players if necessary. There's a very annoying banner that pops out when a team is +3, and I think it should be removed, since sometimes it is necessary to have a team with more players in order to achieve balance. Even teams is not necessarily balanced teams. Sometimes, a 18v15 is perfectly balanced, specially on small maps with a crowded server, and when the defending team has very skilled players. How to know if a game is unbalanced? The #1 tool for this is the command /scores. This command shows you a few things in console, but the most important one you should keep an eye on is team scores. I mean the numbers highlighted in red in the image: Team scores are amazingly accurate in telling you which team is having the upper hand. Usually the defending team will have higher scores, and this is fine in most maps. But when there's a +50 difference it starts to be an issue, and if it's +100 the game feels very unbalanced. Check the scores at the beginning and at the end of each map, and try to act accordingly. Maps like Goldrush need to have Allies with a lead in scores in order for that map to be balanced. The other tool is just experience. Knowing the maps and knowing the server regular players is a pretty solid way of telling if teams are stacked. I don't care what map and how many players are currently playing, if Phreak and Raider are on the same team, that team is stacked. So, you generally want to have the same amount of "pros" in each team. That's why having an 18v15 is okay some times, because the players that really make the difference are the pros. Is !howfair useful? No, I don't think !howfair (the color choice is absolutely accidental) is useful. I mean, if it says "Fix the teams!" then the game it's probably unbalanced, but it's not reliable since it's based on KR. I'd just check the amount of pros on each team. How to fix teams? Just move yourself if possible, or move others. Admins have !putteam to make this easier. And as I said, if the map is being a hell, just use !putteam and make a team at least +2. The only admin I've seen doing this is ogeazy and some times mobius. There is also the infamous !shuffle (the color choice is absolutely accidental). This command is horrible, and the fact that teams are autoshuffled every 3 maps hurts my soul. The command is garbage because it shuffles on KR, and KR is almost as inflated as the Argentine coin. The values are very distorted and even if they weren't, it still wouldn't be the best thing to shuffle on. It would be way better if shuffle was done on total damage given for example. But still, /scores, experience and !putteam are your best tools. I strongly recommend removing autoshuffle, and telling admins not to use it. Autoshuffle could be replaced by autoswapteams for example. Spawntimers are also something that could help in balance. The more amount of time players are dead, the less time they are actually playing. So high spawntimers makes it so the server feels less crowded. However, I feel that having low spawntimers is kinda the essence of Silent#1. In conclusion, check /scores and don't be afraid to use !putteam and making a team +2 or +3. Also don't use !shuffle or !howfair.
ET Server Suggestion ET: map suggestion =F|A= RECRUITING XP SAVE
Wonder posted a topic in ET Suggestion
Lots of complaints lately on recruiting xp save server concerning the map rotation ( REMOVE MINAS OMG ADMINS ) Also i heard there was a new rotation on the way with admins motivating people to make their own map suggestions for it. So here i am. Keep in mind this is just a suggestion, there's always room for argue since I dont claim to be the most competent at map picking. -Elliot Frostbite Oasis SupplyDepot Radar Warbell Library Baserace Caen2 SW Battery BlackWood (?) Coast Goldrush (?) Adlernest Railgun (?) AxisLab Transmitter Rommel V1rocket Venice Pirates Raiders -
Hi everyone, i came with some suggestions of new changes for noq2 server. These are listed below: - replace maps: MML Minas Tirith, Subway final*, MLB Temple. All of these maps are boring. - new maps: Convoy Final, The Town, Fueldump Christmas, and some maps with snow that all is winter season and Christmas is coming soon.. - enable map voting back If one or more maps have not waypoints for bots then replace with other maps.
My suggestion is buff rnade and grenade. Maybe that way rifle will be more popular on the server (now is really weak).
ET Server Suggestion Reneving hidden maps in map pool on Beginners2
razjee posted a topic in ET Suggestion
We have 28 maps in rotation, 8 hidden and 20 for vote (one played map is hidden for the next 8 maps). We mostly play the same maps after cooldown, this is boring and I think 10 hidden maps is better option (only 2 less maps for vote). Because regulars can vote on "less popular maps"-
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ET Server Suggestion FPS dependent physics in BEG2 and NoQ #1
HarryAimpotter posted a topic in ET Suggestion
In both =F|A= BEGINNERS #2 XPS and =F|A= NoQ #1 XPSAVE jump height is determined by your fps. This leads to situations where some jumps are possible only with 125/333 fps. If you have 120 fps or even 250 fps, you cant make those jumps and thus putting some players in disadvantage. There is a easy fix for this set g_fixedPhysics "1" set g_fixedPhysicsFPS "125" This would emulate 125 fps physics for all players. Silent 1 and Jay1 servers have this enabled. Here are few examples: The first rock jump on supply is doable with 125 fps, I just forgot to make a video about this. @Raziel@Ins4ne@razjee@Vice86
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.