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  1. ...Since the character have no clothes BUT no visible parts... I hope this is okay for me to post. I've just realized afterwards ! If any problems, do not hesitate to remove it ! (>.>' It's already Pixelated....okay I'll see myself out)
  2. Zanda

    Pixel Art from Zanda !

    A bunch of stuff I'm doing in Pixel Art !
  3. It actually does help ! Thanks @Raziel And I'm more focusing on British English ! Now I have the explainatory part on Cambridge site, and... The practical one with yours ! Thanks again !
  4. Hello there ! Weird question maybe, since it's not a "Translation" per say that I'm looking for but more a recommendation ! I'm looking into phonetics to write a little something (no spoiler here !) and I'm curious if there is any website like the Cambridge Dictionnary, to look into the phonetics of English. Since we have a wide range of people accross the globe, I've figured maybe it would be a good idea to ask here ! ^-^ Maybe you guys will think of some other place(s) !
  5. That's pretty amazing to grasp ! So much people able to see this, I will look up if I will have the chance to witness it in my country ! If some of you are able to observe the phenomenon, please, do not forget to prepare accordingly and protect your eyes PROPERLY. Here, little help from people that will know wayyyyyyy better than me about that ! https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/ o7
  6. o7 Answering Nancy's kind call to arms, A 70$ donation has been made. (Around...60€ ? Can't recall sorry, but you have the good number below !) 9S6008891D629423A I can't donate much most of times, but more than willing to try to do so for the community that provides to me, and others, so much fun. Anyway. I hope it'll help ^-^ ! (I redo an edition... I lost a letter in there ._.')
  7. And here I am again, talking about a game that's in my heart. First of all, as I said previously, don't stick to my review alone, especially for this one, it's kinda an odd type of game ! Second... Well, I'm not known for being short in my reviews. So be prepared ! And Finally, hope you'll enjoy the read and if you're not, get to the end to see the sum up !! Let's get started ! I'll start with a little introduction to what is Absolver : Absolver, it's a mix as if Dark Souls and a Versus Fighter had a baby. Not clear enough ? Imagine being able to roam a small world, where you meet ennemies, or they meet you...But mostly with their feet both in your face. Clearer ? There's some boss fight, there's fighting all around, learning curve, gear, stats, but...there is also composition of what makes YOU special. Or more exactly : How you fight is special. Aaaaand there's player versus player : If you play online, you can encounter ennemies AND players attacking them...or yourself. You start by creating a character, defining he or she, defining how he or she looks, then... You choose a school. No this is not Harry Potter type of school... Windfall, wich avoid and slow down incoming attack. Forsaken, wich block and stun the opponent. Kahlt Method, wich absorb an incoming attack to regenerate. There are two more school wich unlock in game. Now I'll begin with negatives aspect of the game, compare to a Soulslike, and a Versus Figher. Those are purely subjectives ! First of all, if you intend to play Absolver in solo, FOR the solo (I specify). No, the world is small, quite beautyfull, but small. It does not have the proportion of a Dark Souls or even worse, of an Elden Ring. Boss are not that complicated, story is not that trenscendant, but is present wich is already not that bad and kinda mysterious. An other point on the map, this time the one to orientate yourself. Forget about it. You won't. (the said map) An other dark spot on the picture : In Absolver, you make your "deck" of fighting skills, with what you learn. Attacks you can learn by....fighting others, be it players or npcs. BUT. There is in total, more than a hundred attacks. Not so bad you'll say, uh ? We learn fast...Right ? Let's add some challenge then ! Today, I have...86 Attacks learned, 34 currently learning. Yup...Learning. Because to learn an attack, you'll need to either pary it, dodge it, or use the specifity of your school on it at the right timing. And it's a long run since you go randomly against randoms deck. PvP simplify the equation since you do not have to imperativly win, to learn, by opposite with the Npcs. But getting your ass kicked by Rocky, Bruce Lee, or...I need a lady...Let's say Caitlinn Jenner ! On top of being really unsettling for the last one, I think we all agree to say, it's not really pleasant. NOW, for the positive side. The deck. Yup him again. As I said, a lot of attacks to learn, but that means also a lot of customization and variety of playstyle. Let me explain : The whole combat system wants itself to be fully customizable. To begin with : an Attack begins in a position, and end in another. To proceed : the combo that will compose your deck, will have a begining position, and ending position. Combo being composed of three attacks. There is 4 guard position, so...4 combo possible. I'll speak as a controller player (Way easier for this type of game in my taste) : Your combo will be on the X. And the rotation of position will be either on the Y, wich will be a specific attack outside of your combos (so 4 more in your deck !), Or by manually rotating your guard by pressing a trigger, and moving the joystick in the wanted position. But if your attacks make you change position, the combos will cycle by itself ! Same if your opponent turns around you, your guard will move by itself ! In other words : Really hard to get yourself spammed with the same attack over and over again, and on top of that, the fight is more beautifull than ever ! (even if you get your ass served) The customization goes also throught your armor : up to you to choose if you want speed, damages, and wich defense to prioritize : Blunt or Slicing damages. And finally, customization goes by your stats wich you gain by leveling up (Up to level 50 or 60...can't recall exactly) With the last update of the game comes a store where you can exchange crystals (gained in game only) to either buy new fancy gear, or dye it ! A screen shot to get an idea of what I'm speaking of : On the left, the combos and the various attacks that compose them. On the center below, the guard position, On the right, the extra attacks to switch position. Now the most important part : the Player versus Player one ! The Open PvP can be brutal : you meet a player, and more exactly his feet in your face after an acrobatic leap. What do you understand ? If you thought he wanted to mate. You lost. BUT you'll be able to meet other players to go against one of the boss, or other players. Being more of the family of : Loyal, Good, and the last of the family : DUMB... I never tried any of those. Arena PvP on it side, is divided in 1V1 with a duel, and 3V3 with a point capture mode. Positive Side : -Various Deck, you can make YOUR style easily. -Customization of stats and gear possible. -Pretty (in my opinion at least...) -Interesting PvP in arena, and probably more interesting in group. Negative Side : -The acquisition of attacks wich can be long, and painfull to feel pass. -The solo, too short and too simplist. -The map, in both meaning, the one to locate ourselves, wich does not, and the world wich is small. Conclusion : I ain't no PvP player for start, but this game makes me like it. Because, you make YOUR character with patience, and you'll learn to enjoy getting yourself kicked, and kicking people in return. I'll say it again, if you intend to play this game for its SOLO part, and only for that, forget about it. The map too small, and if you're not a PvP enjoyer, you'll finish it in 4 hours top (I finished the main story in 6 because I kept getting lost). If you're curious, and that PvP might interest you...wait for a promotion because there's a chance that like me, you'll enjoy it. And if you like versus fighters, that Absolver caught your eye, and that you have patience (that's an important part believe me), take your time to seek other opinion, and once weighted the pros and cons, I for one, recommend it heavily. You'll probably enjoy it and that's the essential. You can find it here on steam for 30€ or in promotion on keys website. https://store.steampowered.com/app/473690/?snr=1_5_9__205 8 out of 10 in my book. For those who knows, it's a game made by the same studio that made SIFU : Sloclap.
  8. Zanda

    Diablo 4

    Not sure yet I'll be here Friday ! I need to check Thursday to see if I can upgrade or not to Deluxe version But if I can, count on me !!
  9. The chat commands, to make you talk in the correct area => ( ) and <> are unnecessary, just to give a clear hint /say (message): makes you talk in proximity chat. /region (message): makes you talk in your region. /world (message): you guessed it, makes you talk to the whole world. /group (message): duh...do I need to explain again ? To switch to another one, just type the desired chat. /tell <player> (message) : to whisper to a person even far away, only the two of you will see this. /battlemode : tells you wich battlemode you're currently on. /battlemode pvp : switch you to PvP mode. /battlemode pve : switch you to PvE mode. Trading tip : To get paid in a trade, search for coins into the merchant inventory, and CTRL+Click to get the right amount of money against the item YOU sell. The other way around is also true, select YOUR coins to pay him the correct price ! You can also trade items versus items, and the same trick goes for the right amount of one or multiple items to go to the right value !
  10. 20$ I wish I could have done this earlier, but here you go guys. Better late than never ! Transaction ID: 5SA74713LG6367939
  11. It is, go check here the step to connect if you have trouble ! 😄 And if you still need help, I'll be available tomorrow, bed time for me here
  12. Me currently working on the issue with the server while you guys figure this out...
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