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  1. Shitaly italy
  2. Also not popular maps we do not play are: berserk, haemer and karsiah @daredevil certain popular maps like adler and supply should be in rotation again after 5/6 maps are played again. Yesterday for example after grush was over, dubrovnik was selected and server was almost full 10vs10 and and when dubrovnik was selected there were more specs then players playing it.
  3. Could we chang time for map cycles? Right now it shows map to vote after 8/9 maps were played.
  4. Get rid of big ass maps with 20+ min game time like library , italy and rtcw depot. When those maps accidentally comes on people tend to leave server or vote for next map.
  5. Yeh i woke up because bed was shaking lol. Nothing serious here but in Croatia lot's of damage.
  6. Makes me spam spam spam lol
  7. I am also interested and would love to play some sniper maps. Maybe for starter we can add one or two maps on hardcore?
  8. I have win10. How to do that?
  9. Same problem here i can only play on hardcore server other then that i cannot. I tryed to run as administrator but didn't work and i have pak0/1/2
  10. #bringing back old topic. Season 10 on now and dakota boys with even better tv show. Anyone else watching it?
  11. Since we got purefrag map we were talking on server about bringing one cool 10/15 min sniper map also. #muchfun
  12. I am from around that time. Switched from fag nq server to fa jay mode and then finally to hc server once it was on and im on and off since then.
  13. I forgot i have 2 mail accounts here. This is my original account or is it lamb one, i dnno. Anyways hello again
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