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F|A Beginers Jay3 Atmosphere changing


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If u was like that in server and express urselef with a civil way like this instead of being a pain in the ass everyday i m sure no one will threat u no one will be offensive with u. Its like a cup when its full

I m not saying u are a bad person but u arrived to that point when no one can be patient or tolerant ...

And suddenly u get that feeling of jay3 until today whene u didnt accept to be limited , oh noo we are talking about having fun but hey sir u dont play alone at this server u could ruin the fun of others without even being aware thats why we are there .

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Sasirou, I understand letting frustration out but I was somehow surprised seeing your reply (after seeing others their responses) - your reply screams hostility and I think it's detrimental to a positive outcome of this discussion - a positive outcome is exactly why we're discussing this in a civilized manner, so please - try to let go of your frustration or at the very least don't let it cloud your responses/thoughts because it will do more damage to you than others.


The question shouldn't be here "who's (wrong|right|to blame)?" but "How can we resolve this matter peacefully where most if not everyone's happy?" and to find common ground (and I think that common ground is that everyone enjoys a nice atmosphere on Jay3 - and from what I'm gathering from your response is that the atmosphere is somewhat toxic at times).




Sorry for the tone, but wow! Such a topic reversing the roles and coming from you to top it all.



No need to apologize for the tone at all - your reply was cut-through and provided useful context for everyone involved.

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I appreciate you all having a look and sharing your thoughts. I didn t expect to change any rules or point out flaws. I just wanted you guys to be aware of this feeling and changing dynamic in game. I have noticed the server numbers dropping but that maybe (hopefully) just the holiday season. TBH I am amazed I still play with any real people on a game as old as this. So I repeat myself in saying I really appreciate your time and money to provide us these servers. I was not trying to offend just understand why. I will try and help educate those that are muted, because they should grow up and avoid this reaction in future.

Edited by Barn!e
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I was not trying to offend just understand why. I will try and help educate those that are muted, because they should grow up and avoid this reaction in future.


So in the end - there's good to come out of this discussion; and hopefully it will be enough to bring the atmosphere back to what it was for you and others who agreed with you, or perhaps even better.


I call that a win, for everyone.

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Yes Woot. I have tried to reason with some of them in the past and they are un reachable and will probably always be trolling and can only expect to be muted.


Sasi are you aiming that pain everyday comment at me? I dont understand that at all. I even teams often, I stop rushing by stopping bots taking obj etc..Confused you feel that way mate. I thought you and I got along fine. I do the best I can with no admin at all. I have been lv0 since my last trial.

Edited by Barn!e
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The question shouldn't be here "who's (wrong|right|to blame)?" but "How can we resolve this matter peacefully where most if not everyone's happy?" and to find common ground (and I think that common ground is that everyone enjoys a nice atmosphere on Jay3 - and from what I'm gathering from your response is that the atmosphere is somewhat toxic at times).

None of the Jay3 admins say he is to blame or anything else similar.. They're only explaining than all the area of solutions you suggest to find was explored way before reaching the point of no return with some. And on Jaymod, trouble makers are simply not used at these new features like extended mutes for example. It's hard to accept for them, this is also a feeling of unease (and not of frustrations) for admins when they have to use such commands (I notice it everyday) and this indeed doesn't help for the best atmosphere possible on the server. Lets be clear, if you have to use any command it means you had no choice and this is anyaway a fail. But, this is the only way working until now. Still, they keep doing their troubles with new ways (like using their names) and so maintain an atmosphere worse than it could be.



@Barnie: good luck with educating the muted ones Barn. I have spent and wasted in discussions reaching sometimes 1 hour everyday during at least 2 or 3 years with them this way. Result?!? Nothing changed and still the same probs\behaviours. I spent\talked a lot of times with you too Barnie, and at the end the only solution resulting from all this was to not give you a single lvl to avoid any abuse. Some learn\change, some don't..


This is not a server issue but an issue with education and probably a social one too (word mentioned by yourself in your 5th post).

Edited by Ann!b@l
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I was the one who muted anarchy.


It is 3d mute, nothing more - "!tmute anarchy 3d inuslting in non-english + speaking non-english on main."


If it lenght more then 3 days, I will unmute him, today is the third day, so I will probebly unmute him whenever I see him.



About r0k, I'm to sad with his mute same as you (also with Too_Sexy to be honest), but ann!b@l is right with thier mutes.. so not many can be done unless they will open account and start act is mature guys I'm afraid.




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I do the best I can with no admin at all. I have been lv0 since my last trial.

Your fault Barnie. Sometimes I'm tempted to give you back and again some lvls to help on server and so to give an umpteenth chance. But, each time I see you send\spam\harass players even not lagging through pms to set some net settings at those you find confortable for you, you recall me why I should not. No thanks, no more kick in fireteam chat for such lame reasons!

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None of the Jay3 admins say he is to blame or anything else similar.. They're only explaining than all the area of solutions you suggest to find was explored way before reaching the point of no return with some. And on Jaymod, trouble makers are simply not used at these new features like extended mutes for example. It's hard to accept for them, this is also a feeling of unease (and not of frustrations) for admins when they have to use such commands (I notice it everyday) and this indeed doesn't help for the best atmosphere possible on the server. Lets be clear, if you have to use any command it means you had no choice and this is anyaway a fail. But, this is the only way working until now. Still, they keep doing their troubles with new ways (like using their names) and so maintain an atmosphere worse than it could be.


This is not a server issue but an issue with education and probably a social one too (word mentioned by yourself in your 1st post).


("word mentioned by yourself in your 1st post" - are you referring to Barnie's first post here?)


Thank you Annibal, Sasirou's response seemed to indicate differently hence my response - it seemed like a personal attack out of frustration which I thought would only serve to escalate the matter further. In the end (or at least in my experience) frustration brings out the worst in people and it almost always serves to escalate conflicts, though - I might have misread/misinterpreted his message.


I've found your responses interesting; they've provided more context and information - I understand you don't feel Barnie deserves an admin level and I would most certainly agree at this time, I do hope that if Barnie adjusts his behavior for the good - and tries to improve the situation he might find himself granted more trust over time (assuming he can make good on that trust) but admin levels aren't that relevant to this conversation/discussion at all.


What's more important here now is that Barnie actually brought this up to the forum; he's written that he's willing to improve the situation in general and hopefully he'll also improve the image you have of him.


Barnie, writing to you specifically, it is in fact in your and "those others" their best interest to follow the rules and be respectable - because if you or others don't at some point there is an end to the line - and that end is where the banhammer lies in wait. So please - behave yourself in accordance with F|A's rules and make a good example - because by setting a good example, you're providing social control and if you'll discourage "trouble makers" from making "troubles" you'll be providing more of that - and you might feel that the atmosphere is improving - and that, all of you (you, your buddies) and the F|A admins are actually all the same "playing for the love of the game" :)


So make good on your word Barnie - because the only way a positive and good atmosphere can be maintained in-game is by every player (whether it's admins or not) maintaining it.





Yes Woot. I have tried to reason with some of them in the past and they are un reachable and will probably always be trolling and can only expect to be muted.


Reasoning only goes so far - setting the proper example will mean way more when discouraging bad behavior; it's called informal social control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informal_social_control - it's a bit different on ET of course, but the general idea is the same - discouraging bad behavior.

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Sasirou, I understand letting frustration out but I was somehow surprised seeing your reply (after seeing others their responses) - your reply screams hostility and I think it's detrimental to a positive outcome of this discussion - a positive outcome is exactly why we're discussing this in a civilized manner, so please - try to let go of your frustration or at the very least don't let it cloud your responses/thoughts because it will do more damage to you than others.


You dont play in Jay3 and i dont know why you take part of this topic, we all can read we not need anyone to translate our feelings lol :P So pls if you dont have anything to add in this matter dont try translate our feelings or distort players/members messages here. You are good guy and i asked you to join us once, just dont try to take part in every conversation if its not consern you or you dont have anything to add in situation.



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Ann! I asked that we didnt discuss old and in my mind over, past events. but..


I kicked 3 or 4 guys for ping spiking, and guess what only recently I saw another admin do the same (when I asked wtf, he said well he was ping spiking and lagging the server). If you want to make this about me then ok. 30 days of game play in trial (thats 30 x 24 hours) and still not clan, guys just waiting for me to do one thing and then explode and end my trial. Personality clash I assume, but I am not some kind of abuser. Isnt it funny how we rarely get any rate 5k and packets 15 players these days...There was as I said at the time something odd about it. (planned lagging or whatever) I tried PMíng them to fix it and so on as per decent patient admin and in a few languages.


Its feels like thats stuck and you cant move past it, so am I wasting my time even trying to have a conversation? My first trial I said in chat that F|A dont change maps enough and should let me help. That was enough to terminate that trial which again was over 3-4 months in tags with no problems. I am clearly not destined to be F|A as others can trial for 2 weeks and their in while guys like me get left waiting for 1 little thing to over react about. I have heard of the many page post in the admin only section about me that most clan mates just said yawn and WTF. Remember F|A Danny he used to join the server play for 2 minutes and then start PMíng me saying Barn!e you dont even teams youre admin you should set example. Play a few more minutes then leave. Where were my regular mates then backing me up. I always and I mean always even teams more so than even admins. Its things like that I let slide and dont comment or complain about.


Let me put this into context. I am 46, I work for a multi billion dollar business and am responsible for national secuirty projects across EMEA. I run a team of 8 guys each earning way over $250k a year. You think they give that kind of responsibility to a muppet? Everytime you travel you are touched by my work and product solutions. Yet I am totally mis understood on a game..ohh the irony. Yes I made the odd little mistake, more often than not out of frustration.


I wanted to draft some opinions about the feel of the place these days, to try and help you guys see both sides. I wasnt expecting again to be flamed about the past and quoted then rubbished. My fault your fault whatever I dont care. The reasons you mute people isnt the question or the problem as I said when I started this topic. I wanted to discuss whether the length of the mutes etc, was really fair on the players. Maybe I am completely out of touch with young kids who just expect to get away with whatever. I am glad we had this discussion because it confirms you dont like using tmute and that is a good thing. You have confirmed you think long and hard first and thats also good. 


As the only outcome is you are right and I am wrong just lock the topic and forget it.

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Since this is leading into nowhere with pointless arguments, its waste of time to discuss this future more, since the main questions were explained in a nice mannered way and the rest can be figured out by server rules, as it has been mentioned multiple times here, if u can't follow the rules, prepare for consiquences, simple as that, every player that is serving a mute or a ban deserved it for their own reasons, so noone is being an angel here in this case.


If u have any future complains towards admins that u feel are doing unfair admin duties, please subit a topic in appropriate area and if found guilty, those admins will be dealt with, otherwise follow the rules and u should have no problems playing the game.

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I wanted to discuss whether the length of the mutes etc, was really fair on the players. Maybe I am completely out of touch with young kids who just expect to get away with whatever. I am glad we had this discussion because it confirms you dont like using tmute and that is a good thing. You have confirmed you think long and hard first and thats also good. 

Yes once again you can be reassured, there's nothing new, the length of the mutes were more than fair, justified and never done with pleasure.



now, as per your request.. \Locked.

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