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What's the real difference between rate and tsp?


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If u can put out some decent fragging, i would recommend to rate on FA2, with some quick short maps, but only if u have from starters great game, such as supply and delivery have been succcesfull for me in around 98% of rating time i have done, obviously, longer the map, greater the risk u lose rating, since its harder to maintain high tempo in the killing phase.


I thought to switch to jay 2 due to the smoothness I have mentioned, but I just can't stand adre.

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Nowadays its not even challenging anymore to gain first place, since there's nearly none being decently skilled for proper challenge, 5-7 years ago, when Pro* was alive and couple of other decent clans, there was a proper challenge, when u had to beat your ass into the sky in order to gain a minimum 0.01 + on rating and u were happy with that, since TB came out, it wasn't really such a big deal into reaching rank 1, as for TSP, it's based on your skills, more kills/hs/battle sense and so on u do, the higher rating u will have, normally having a high TSP isn't even that difficult, as for the rating, that one is a bit trickier, since u have to play smart, know when to stop rating if u are not doing well from the start of the map and obviously, keep the pressure in gaining XP on constant basis, so the flow is always high. Doing that will enable u getting a nice green numbers nearly every time, considering u are playing on at least 35+ number of players, so u have enough enemies to gain constant skills.

Obviously every once in a while u will gain into that perfect map which u will think that will be a huge green, but instead u get a epic red and at cases like that u simply have to deal with it and keep it cool, even tho its kind of hard when u gain like 160-25 in 30 min and still lose rating, but hell, thats how it is, deal with it :D


If u can put out some decent fragging, i would recommend to rate on FA2, with some quick short maps, but only if u have from starters great game, such as supply and delivery have been succcesfull for me in around 98% of rating time i have done, obviously, longer the map, greater the risk u lose rating, since its harder to maintain high tempo in the killing phase.

I agree it's super easy to rate nowadays, I hit rank 2 rate/ rank 1 tsp playing sten only and not even caring about playing for rate lol. I don't think it's just because many of the old raters quit but also because rating on TB is just too easy tbh

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Kinda off topic, but I am kinda curious now:

When was the competitive scene at it's prime?


Cuz I have been this game since day one, but I never had any interest to know who was good. I just wanted to throw knives and molotov cocktails.

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Kinda off topic, but I am kinda curious now:


When was the competitive scene at it's prime?



Cuz I have been this game since day one, but I never had any interest to know who was good. I just wanted to throw knives and molotov cocktails.

2006-2008ish was the golden years for competitive tbh, but 2005-2012/2013 was active. Towards the end activity went down and once Clanbase closed competitive scene basically died as well

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I thought to switch to jay 2 due to the smoothness I have mentioned, but I just can't stand adre.

It's still better for rating, at least for me considering i do not lag as much as i do on Jay1 (wonders of ET, regardless of having top notch pc/net), even the rating is somehow easier to be gained there comparing to other servers. Well adre is adre, ppl who are weak will use it, since their aim normally is crap and have to fill it up by using adre so they can actually stand a chance in a proper 1on1 fight. I have prolly stopped using adre since around two years ago or so, when the game became completely boring if i was junking adre 24/7, even then, i was relaying mostly on adre instead of positioning and aiming, after that i just slowly stopped using it and played without and even then still reached 1st place on TB, without giving too much of effort into it.

One good thing is, u can at least practise on your aim a bit more when u have longer duels and have to aim better in order to gain those kills against adre ppl.


I agree it's super easy to rate nowadays, I hit rank 2 rate/ rank 1 tsp playing sten only and not even caring about playing for rate lol. I don't think it's just because many of the old raters quit but also because rating on TB is just too easy tbh

Yeh to gain a + rating on higher rate, 25+ is not even that hard, u can just play semi decently, completely not giving any damn about the rate and just frag and jerk around and u will mostly end up having a green number at the end of map. Consdering US ppl who play on jay1 with 50 ping and nearly no lag, its even easier for them to rate there, since settings are set up perfectly to play and gain good scores without many of players being semi decent. I do agree that a tad easier is because 90% of old raters quit and moved along with their lifes, theres barely anyone left from around 5-7 years ago when rating was probably on its prime, with all good clans being around, tho at that time for top places at SL u had to compete against med pack whores who were tossing med packs entire map just to gain that silly green, while rest of us were doing it old fashion way, by killing as many ppl as possible hah.


Kinda off topic, but I am kinda curious now:


When was the competitive scene at it's prime?



Cuz I have been this game since day one, but I never had any interest to know who was good. I just wanted to throw knives and molotov cocktails.


Depends on which mod are u talking about, jaymod or etpro?

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Any story is welcome, though we all know that the king of jaymod is MadDog.

Then i assume all is filled, since hobbit filled the etpro part out and i am honestly in too lazy mod currently to somehow edit or add something to it ha.

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Though rating now is pretty easy thing to do,you have to really want it,for me at least i often get the - rate because barely anyone is doing  objective,then i get bugged by it,and go alone for it,and die about 17 times until i get it,if i do,and on the other side when defending,everyone is going off to frag somewhere obj non-related,and then i stay and camp at the obj without shooting a bullet sometimes...If you have that kind of competitive spirit,you can't really rate much
Ok,this might be a tad of topic  :eek

Edited by Burn
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2006-2008ish was the golden years for competitive tbh, but 2005-2012/2013 was active. Towards the end activity went down and once Clanbase closed competitive scene basically died as well

I would say it lasted to 2010 or even 2011, thats where major amount of top player stopped playing actively(well, at least the second generation of top players).


Rating part would be around 2008-2010/2011 i guess.


Oh, did I get enought of rating to stop it? Yes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d26Q-XLblE

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crossfire.nu is related community and probably last for nowadays. All pro's are there but all of them seem to paly etpro mod. They (community) do everything for resurection of ET. There will be another LAN which is second in this year and it said that mAus will be attending.

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