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What's the real difference between rate and tsp?


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Never thought I would make a thread about this but oh well..... I know rate is pointless, but It's just a way to measure my own performance.

So yeah, I read the explanation at trackbase, but I am really curious why some players have different numbers. I don't know if I am right, but to raise rate; not only you have to kill a lot, but you have to get those kills at a consistent flow.

For example, if you play below average for the first 15 minutes on the map, but on the next 15 minutes you play good and get 100 kills, you will lose rate.
If you play average on the whole map and you get those same 100 kills, you will gain rate. Why?

It's not something that won't let me sleep, but I am curious what really makes those numbers really change.


I know there are probably tons of explanations at tb forums, but I want the friendly non elitist whiny version of it here at home.

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By my understanding rate only calculates how much xp you make in the whole map, it doesn't matter how good or bad you play in which part of the map, but how much xp you make in total. TSP formula includes hits/headshots/kills/engineer/battle sense/revives and more of those things. So the real difference is you can gain rate by just standing in the spawn sharing ammo packs, but to gain tsp you'll have to do stuff that actually requires skill (killing, hits, headshots, revives and such)

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By my understanding rate only calculates how much xp you make in the whole map, it doesn't matter how good or bad you play in which part of the map, but how much xp you make in total. TSP formula includes hits/headshots/kills/engineer/battle sense/revives and more of those things. So the real difference is you can gain rate by just standing in the spawn sharing ammo packs, but to gain tsp you'll have to do stuff that actually requires skill (killing, hits, headshots, revives and such)


Little thing to add here: the key in rate is battle sense xp :) for example a mortar with 100 kills will never have as much xp as a regular player with 100 kills. The field ops sharing ammo packs in spawn will never get high ratings.


Some pro rating tips: when you want a really high rating you dont only need a really good score yourself. You also need to look at the 'average PPM' of a map session. The best for yourself is that the average rating is very low. In this case you get more +. (thats why minas tirith map is popular amoung raters, the average is mostly low here) When the average rating is high you get - even if you have a incredible score.

The above is for TB, i remember on SL it was the other way around, which made rating much harder. Now you just need to pown noobs to get high rating. On SL you had to pown good players to get + (sorry TB Johny but thats the way it is, i speak of own experience :))

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Battle sense xp:


  •  Not actively engaged in combat. (no XP gain)
  • Inflicting damage. (2 XP every 30 seconds survived)
  • Inflicting and receiving damage. (5 XP every 30 seconds survived)
  • Killing and receiving damage. (8 XP every 30 seconds survived


So as you can see the fops who stays in spawn giving ammo will be in the first category and misses a lot of xp

The mortar is in second catergory because he doesnt receive damage

Obviously you want to be in the last category if you want to rate :)

Also camping without receiving damage wont give you much xp






Beside battle sense you want to get as much light weapons xp:


  • Light Weapons - Rewards all player classes for kills with pistols and other non class specific weapons. Players earn 3 XP per kill with a grenade, a Legshot, an Armshot or a Bodyshot and 5 XP per kill with a Headshot.

So try to kill with headshot

Tip: when you approach someone from the back or you see afk: kill with headshot this gives more xp than knive :)

Edited by Olykiller
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You'll get the most ppm (in rate) if you have a lot of Killing sprees/rampage/dominating etc. (the higher the spree the more XP you get on battle sense i guess)


And that TSP is bugged, so if you change teams during the map your K/D gets calculated wrong, i have no idea why, and so you have like 28 ppm on tsp while you're having 23 ppm on normal rate. This is also a reason why I have such a high TSP since admins have to even teams as soon as they're stacked/uneven etc..

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By my understanding rate only calculates how much xp you make in the whole map, it doesn't matter how good or bad you play in which part of the map, but how much xp you make in total. TSP formula includes hits/headshots/kills/engineer/battle sense/revives and more of those things. So the real difference is you can gain rate by just standing in the spawn sharing ammo packs, but to gain tsp you'll have to do stuff that actually requires skill (killing, hits, headshots, revives and such)


Nothing to add here. Thanks for posting! :)


Little thing to add here: the key in rate is battle sense xp  for example a mortar with 100 kills will never have as much xp as a regular player with 100 kills. The field ops sharing ammo packs in spawn will never get high ratings.


Some pro rating tips: when you want a really high rating you dont only need a really good score yourself. You also need to look at the 'average PPM' of a map session. The best for yourself is that the average rating is very low. In this case you get more +. (thats why minas tirith map is popular amoung raters, the average is mostly low here) When the average rating is high you get - even if you have a incredible score.

The above is for TB, i remember on SL it was the other way around, which made rating much harder. Now you just need to pown noobs to get high rating. On SL you had to pown good players to get + (sorry TB Johny but thats the way it is, i speak of own experience :))


I don't know really much about the SL rating system as I was a lil kid when I was hanging around @sl. I can't change any of that so the only thing we can do is arrange with it and be happy about it:D


Battle sense xp:


  •  Not actively engaged in combat. (no XP gain)
  • Inflicting damage. (2 XP every 30 seconds survived)
  • Inflicting and receiving damage. (5 XP every 30 seconds survived)
  • Killing and receiving damage. (8 XP every 30 seconds survived


So as you can see the fops who stays in spawn giving ammo will be in the first category and misses a lot of xp

The mortar is in second catergory because he doesnt receive damage

Obviously you want to be in the last category if you want to rate 

Also camping without receiving damage wont give you much xp






Beside battle sense you want to get as much light weapons xp:


  • Light Weapons - Rewards all player classes for kills with pistols and other non class specific weapons. Players earn 3 XP per kill with a grenade, a Legshot, an Armshot or a Bodyshot and 5 XP per kill with a Headshot.

So try to kill with headshot

Tip: when you approach someone from the back or you see afk: kill with headshot this gives more xp than knive 


Good one!


You'll get the most ppm (in rate) if you have a lot of Killing sprees/rampage/dominating etc. (the higher the spree the more XP you get on battle sense i guess)


And that TSP is bugged, so if you change teams during the map your K/D gets calculated wrong, i have no idea why, and so you have like 28 ppm on tsp while you're having 23 ppm on normal rate. This is also a reason why I have such a high TSP since admins have to even teams as soon as they're stacked/uneven etc..


Oh ya, I am aware if that bug. I remember there where players that would exploit it and they will get tons of points with such low score in game.


We're sorry this bug still persists now since plenty and plenty of months. We are really trying to get rid of this and I try my best to motivate Paul looking into this. Hopefully I can have a look into this, too, so I might spot the error in the code.




Something I wanna add to the your question:

When I used to rate a few years back I used to play on servers where raters usually played, so players with a high rating. Of course I had (still have) some favorite maps which I used to play serious and not for fun.

Apparently you already got a pretty high rating, so there aren't many players left who could increase the average rating, but always try to play (rate) whenever another rater is online (playing). Of course you then need to be good enough to actually kill him and be better than him but I suggest you are - at least on your favorite maps where you got some spots you usually hang around. In the end it's best to aim for less deaths (at least that's what I did and still do). Try to have a kd ratio of 3 or higher and keep the deaths under 25 for 30 minute maps. This way you should usually make a good map and be able to rate positive.

I recently faced some trolls who are actually raters and play with their rating name but as soon as they spot a better player than themselves on the server, they either disconnect or add a . (dot) to their name (or basically change it). This way the average rating will decrease by far and it will be harder for you to gain rating. So always keep an eye out on the players.


I mean in the end you gotta ask your self if you wanna take all this stress in order to see a high green number on trackbase. I did play for rating, I guess, one to one and a half years and stopped because I didn't care anymore.

It's much more fun if you play without caring for rating because you don't have to go crazy every 2nd map. :D

But as I suppose you can hold a decent rate even without caring for rating, and your question didn't show any interest in rating so yeah probably I just wrote a lot of rubbish in your eyes but anyways, maybe someone else will find it helpful :P



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Little thing to add here: the key in rate is battle sense xp :) for example a mortar with 100 kills will never have as much xp as a regular player with 100 kills. The field ops sharing ammo packs in spawn will never get high ratings.


Some pro rating tips: when you want a really high rating you dont only need a really good score yourself. You also need to look at the 'average PPM' of a map session. The best for yourself is that the average rating is very low. In this case you get more +. (thats why minas tirith map is popular amoung raters, the average is mostly low here) When the average rating is high you get - even if you have a incredible score.

The above is for TB, i remember on SL it was the other way around, which made rating much harder. Now you just need to pown noobs to get high rating. On SL you had to pown good players to get + (sorry TB Johny but thats the way it is, i speak of own experience :))

Ah that's why i only see you rating at minas tirith xD

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Silent #1 (http://et.trackbase.net/server/41658) cannot support our TSP ranking system because it requires a new ET version (server-side).

As you can see on the server page, the server version is ET 2.60b, yet we require the server to be a valid ET 3.00 TB 0.7.* server which supports our new ranking system because it sends all necessary game information to TrackBase like headshots, revives, etc which are not available with the normal scanning sytem.


So only servers with ET 3.00 will be able to let you rate some TrackBase Skill Points (e.g. http://et.trackbase.net/server/fabeginners).You can spot all servers which support TSP here: http://et.trackbase.net/serverlist, by checking if there's an orange star in front (Advanced Scanning).

ET 3.00 Servers are not supporting TSP by default. You have to request it. We, however, made it really easy to requeust TSP for a server by supplying a link for you to click and nothing more.



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Nowadays its not even challenging anymore to gain first place, since there's nearly none being decently skilled for proper challenge, 5-7 years ago, when Pro* was alive and couple of other decent clans, there was a proper challenge, when u had to beat your ass into the sky in order to gain a minimum 0.01 + on rating and u were happy with that, since TB came out, it wasn't really such a big deal into reaching rank 1, as for TSP, it's based on your skills, more kills/hs/battle sense and so on u do, the higher rating u will have, normally having a high TSP isn't even that difficult, as for the rating, that one is a bit trickier, since u have to play smart, know when to stop rating if u are not doing well from the start of the map and obviously, keep the pressure in gaining XP on constant basis, so the flow is always high. Doing that will enable u getting a nice green numbers nearly every time, considering u are playing on at least 35+ number of players, so u have enough enemies to gain constant skills.

Obviously every once in a while u will gain into that perfect map which u will think that will be a huge green, but instead u get a epic red and at cases like that u simply have to deal with it and keep it cool, even tho its kind of hard when u gain like 160-25 in 30 min and still lose rating, but hell, thats how it is, deal with it :D


If u can put out some decent fragging, i would recommend to rate on FA2, with some quick short maps, but only if u have from starters great game, such as supply and delivery have been succcesfull for me in around 98% of rating time i have done, obviously, longer the map, greater the risk u lose rating, since its harder to maintain high tempo in the killing phase.

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Nowadays its not even challenging anymore to gain first place, since there's nearly none being decently skilled for proper challenge, 5-7 years ago, when Pro* was alive and couple of other decent clans, there was a proper challenge, when u had to beat your ass into the sky in order to gain a minimum 0.01 + on rating and u were happy with that, since TB came out, it wasn't really such a big deal into reaching rank 1, as for TSP, it's based on your skills, more kills/hs/battle sense and so on u do, the higher rating u will have, normally having a high TSP isn't even that difficult, as for the rating, that one is a bit trickier, since u have to play smart, know when to stop rating if u are not doing well from the start of the map and obviously, keep the pressure in gaining XP on constant basis, so the flow is always high. Doing that will enable u getting a nice green numbers nearly every time, considering u are playing on at least 35+ number of players, so u have enough enemies to gain constant skills.

Obviously every once in a while u will gain into that perfect map which u will think that will be a huge green, but instead u get a epic red and at cases like that u simply have to deal with it and keep it cool, even tho its kind of hard when u gain like 160-25 in 30 min and still lose rating, but hell, thats how it is, deal with it :D


If u can put out some decent fragging, i would recommend to rate on FA2, with some quick short maps, but only if u have from starters great game, such as supply and delivery have been succcesfull for me in around 98% of rating time i have done, obviously, longer the map, greater the risk u lose rating, since its harder to maintain high tempo in the killing phase.


I agree rating is dead now, however that is not TB's fault but just many players quit


And yes on SL always +0.00 then you had to check the map session if you had +-0.00x :D

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 When the average rating is high you get - even if you have a incredible score.

The above is for TB, i remember on SL it was the other way around,

That is why on some sessions i get + on SL,and - on TB?

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