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Spawn Camping


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Is Spawn Camping not allowed now? A player in the Beginners server asked if it was okay to spawn camp the enemy spawn and about 5 or 6 players typed out Yes, it's fine. KillerGun was the only one to disagree and said that it is breaking the rules to camp others spawns. This is not in the rules when you type !rules and was never an issue when I was an admin. I was wondering if the rules have changed or if I am missing something. 


I have some screenshots of killergun saying that it is breaking the rules to spawn camp.


-- I am Axion in the shot stating there is no rule against it and then proceeding to type out !rules and checking with it not appearing there.


Input would be appreciated



Edited by NotYourEggo
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Lol I think he was messing with you man...


EDIT: Or maybe he was serious, im sure he will reply

Edited by Shinobi
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Lol I think he was messing with you man...


EDIT: Or maybe he was serious, im sure he will reply

I think he was serious at least :P Never know on the internet lol It doesnt bother me at all just wanted to get it cleared up

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Spawn killing is NOT against the rules, but people do find it annoying - I wouldn't encourage it, but I wouldn't kick someone for doing it.

Ddd killer was jokin around heh. This is when I wish emotions could pass thru text.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's never been a rule about that so I don;t think there's a problem.

......Killergun was just jokin with him, as stated in the thread above. Try not to revive a dead topic please.

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