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i understand that someone is becoming emotional and using a "bad word" if he died twice. it is ok for me. but what would you do if someone is swearing/bitching/cursing at you all the day? i guess will you do the same to him. this will create such a bad atmosphere on server that the fun will be gone for others.


and to be honest, i dont care if c***, the f-word or what ever is on the index and you get warned by console or not. i dont use this words on chat because it is rude and unpolite. i leave the server if i go emo.

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In general, I agree. I mean, it gets annoying especially when I get warned when I tell someone "bitching is not allowed". So it's okay for the console to say it but not players? But it is good that there is a rule in place so that they can step in if it gets out if hand. I think that we just have to accept the online admins' judgement. Usually they're pretty cool-headed. Sometimes a little more than I would like (sometimes, I keep getting insulted by some troll and it gets a little annoying). Just my two cent's worth.

Edited by Lulu
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From what I understand, the rule is mainly there to prevent spam. Someone with a bind that spams

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

"Camper noob"

Will get kicked pretty much right away. For the most part it isn't a big deal to let the occasional F-bomb slip, but we try to promote a mature atmosphere on FA servers. Anyone who has played X-Box live can attest to results of anonymity, teenagers, and the "N" word.

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For me personally I try to learn from other FA admins and put myself somewhere in the middle. What I tend to follow:


-Some swearing, far and few between, I'll let it slide.

-Excessive swearing, as in its almost all you say, typed warning, then given warnings.

-Swearing directly at another user in an attacking manner, given warnings.

-Anything very derogitory or racist, given warning and then I usually won't wait for 3 strikes, next one is a kick.


All in all, if you swear once it awhile and its not really directed towards anyone, I will let it slide. When its excessive or bad, you will get warnings and eventually kicked. Being a trial, I only have warnings with a 3 warn kick, some admins may move towards kick and tempban if they see fit.


I'm glad you brought this to the forums krosan. I respect your opinion and you are a great player from what I've seen in the few times I've played with you.

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5-10 seconds of conversations of say Hi, Hello, Bye, How are you? etc is fine. If they start talking in there language on server, my eyes starts bleeding.

If they start talking in there language for more then few sentences, tell them English only please. If some admin is helping some new player in there native language it is fine.

our nicely F|A Wiki

Anyone who can fix that, please! My eyes are bleeding :P

Sin, I too have been kicked for using "noob" in the "noobtube" context.

No idea why you should call it a noobtube anyway. When people start calling it a noobtube, I get the feeling that they are only copying others. Call it a grenade launcher, in that case the 'noobs who get the kills with it' and you want to offend have an idea of what the hell you're talking about.


People who call it a noobtube makes it harder for others. And yes, every once in a while one with a noob tube got back (after kicked) because he didn't know what a noob tube was. Call it the correct name.


Being offended by the swear word itself is probably more likely for Americans since they're a bit more uptight on that subject :P So in that regard I suppose the gravity of use swearwords differs from culture to culture.

Yes, it differs from culture to culture. We have about 50 cultures here on the servers, respect every one of them please. Including but not limited to: using useless excessive words not appreciated by many and blaming the rules on a culture.



For everyone who complains about the language filter: it's a filter, giving a warn. You can collect 5 of them without being removed from the server, not 'just 1' like martyrdom/grenade launcher. If after 5 times you still don't know how to clearify yourself without sounding an idiot, you won't be missed. And I (I guess any admin) will not give an additional !warn if you say the f-word. But if you start calling someones mother a hooker you won't be seeing the end of the game. The rules aren't that strict that you can't make a single 'mistake', but don't try to find its limitation.

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Rolf thanks for your response, even though it's basically just telling people what to do.

I won't be using the 'noobtube' word anymore, instead I'll use the word 'nuubtube', to bypass the ridiculous filter. And I really don't care some people don't understand the word, the chances of them switching weapons because of anything you say (when you don't have admin powers to boast) are slim and that's an understatement. Why use the word then, I hear you think, well because it's an outing of frustration. When the only way people kill you is with that anti-skill "gun", then I believe you're entitled to let that person know it's annoying as hell, even if they won't change their behavior anyway.


When reading through all the responses in this topic I think the general feeling is that the filter is annoying, doesn't have an up-to-date word-list that makes any sense, or is not really needed.


I propose therefore the removal of the filter on the cod4 servers, or at the very least an update of the word-list. That would be a delightful outcome.

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In general, I agree. I mean, it gets annoying especially when I get warned when I tell someone "bitching is not allowed". So it's okay for the console to say it but not players? But it is good that there is a rule in place so that they can step in if it gets out if hand. I think that we just have to accept the online admins' judgement. Usually they're pretty cool-headed. Sometimes a little more than I would like (sometimes, I keep getting insulted by some troll and it gets a little annoying). Just my two cent's worth.


you can always call in another admin (co-leader/leader) through xfire, if u think the current admin online is not handling it correctly.


Rolf thanks for your response, even though it's basically just telling people what to do.

I won't be using the 'noobtube' word anymore, instead I'll use the word 'nuubtube', to bypass the ridiculous filter. And I really don't care some people don't understand the word, the chances of them switching weapons because of anything you say (when you don't have admin powers to boast) are slim and that's an understatement. Why use the word then, I hear you think, well because it's an outing of frustration. When the only way people kill you is with that anti-skill "gun", then I believe you're entitled to let that person know it's annoying as hell, even if they won't change their behavior anyway.


When reading through all the responses in this topic I think the general feeling is that the filter is annoying, doesn't have an up-to-date word-list that makes any sense, or is not really needed.


I propose therefore the removal of the filter on the cod4 servers, or at the very least an update of the word-list. That would be a delightful outcome.


bypassing the filter isn't allowed either. Isn't that what admin are for on the server, enforcing the rules? If you want to curse then come on TS3, there is no word filter on there or you can go on another server that allows all cursing. I think there are bigger things that we need to worry about at the moment when it comes to our cod4 servers (ex. cheaters) instead of worrying about the swear/cursing filter. How is typing a word in chat an öuting of furstration"? Just a lame/immature excuse to want to curse and call people names when things aren't going your way.


Anti-skill gun, sure but we're talking about the F|A BEGINNERS server aren't we? I mean, we have servers where Grenade Launchers aren't allowed, so play on those? Also, I don't like grenade launchers either, but it is allowed so either get used to it or go to a different server.


but those are just my two cents, take it or leave it.

Edited by ajnl
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we have had many servers for many years now and with this rule in place we we still have full servers so we are doing something right .

allowing people to get out of control leads people to leave, not the rule of no bitching /language .and we do have younger players that come on our servers violent game or not we as a clan dont need to fill there heads with cussing and swearing.

we provide a cheat free and fun environment for all and the rule is in place for a reason.

the odd cuss every now and then fine but continuous is a problem

and are we relay picking on people that use panzers too.... its part of the game so there is no point complain bout it

and no need too call them noobs or noobtube its childish imo .

ever think its a younger person or a person new too the game they tend to grab the biggest gun or whatever dosent make them a nub noob or anything else. as annoying as it can be we need to just deal with it its not going away

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Rolf thanks for your response, even though it's basically just telling people what to do.

No, it's telling you why we have it. Because you don't seem to understand.

I won't be using the 'noobtube' word anymore, instead I'll use the word 'nuubtube', to bypass the ridiculous filter.

Yes, start bypassing the filter/rules. I'd love that.


I've kicked for less.

And I really don't care some people don't understand the word, the chances of them switching weapons because of anything you say (when you don't have admin powers to boast) are slim and that's an understatement.

Perhaps you should explain it differently. Before my 1337 admin powers I was able to achieve such things. Not easily, not always, but by calling it a noobtube I haven't achieved anything.


But ofcourse, that might be my awesomeness.

Why use the word then, I hear you think, well because it's an outing of frustration.

Kicking people is also a way to out frustation. No reason.


When the only way people kill you is with that anti-skill "gun", then I believe you're entitled to let that person know it's annoying as hell, even if they won't change their behavior anyway.

There are many reasons to explain you disagree with their behaviour. If its allowed on the server, then its allowed on the server. If it is not allowed on the server, then you tell them its against the rules.


And "believing you're entitled", how about no, sufficient exceptions available if you think about it. Yes you may say that you dislike their weapon, but don't call them noobs for it.


When reading through all the responses in this topic I think the general feeling is that the filter is annoying, doesn't have an up-to-date word-list that makes any sense, or is not really needed.

Let me emphrase this very clear in a way you should be able to understand. The language filter *IS* necessary. Because otherwise you get morons who think that a normal behaviour is not necessary. The language filter *IS* *NOT* annoying if you behave. And third, yes, some words might be added to the word-list, and some are in there for a reason I won't fully understand either. But that is a different topic than you currently stated.


And I don't get the same general feeling as you.

I propose therefore the removal of the filter on the cod4 servers, or at the very least an update of the word-list. That would be a delightful outcome.

I call no. For reasons above.

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Wowow I must have hit a nerve.


Let me reply to D..X first.

a younger person or a person new too the game they tend to grab the biggest gun or whatever dosent make them a nub noob or anything else. as annoying as it can be we need to just deal with it its not going away

While I do agree we need to respect new players, taking the biggest gun to get cheap kills is kind of being a noob, right? Not that it matters that much though, it's irrelevant to this discussion. But you also see how it's so annoying, so why can't it go away? Why can't a rule be changed for instance by removing the tubes? I know it's a completely different subject, but when rolf's dictating replies are the norm then I fear for the worse if anyone would like any rule to be changed.


On to rolf's very friendly ego-manifestation.

First off, "just telling people what to do - No, it's telling you why we have it. Because you don't seem to understand."

Some extracts of your previous comment:

Call it a grenade launcher [...] Call it the correct name [...] respect every one of them [...] don't try to find its limitation
I understand that you're telling people what to do, this discussion is meant to see different sides of the subject, not just your opinion, thanks for that.


"Yes, start bypassing the filter/rules. I'd love that. I've kicked for less." Very alpha comment there sir. You must feel good with all those powers to be able to throw around threats like that. Mind you some of your fellow admins do exactly this and disagree with the filtering of certain words such as noob. You'd have noticed that if you'd have read the actual topic.


"And third, yes, some words might be added to the word-list, and some are in there for a reason I won't fully understand either. But that is a different topic than you currently stated." You might realize this topic is exactly about that, if you'd actually pay attention to what the discussion is about and less about your own opinion.


What an ego.

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Why can't a rule be changed for instance by removing the tubes? I know it's a completely different subject

you noticed, you are going off topic. i will quote myself for your GL (greande launcher) suggestion

i dont see any valid reason why GL should be removed from cod4 #3 (beginners). we have cod4 #1 (1.6 abnerdog) and cod4 #2 (killbox) and some more where GL is not allowed. with different kind of settings (allowed perks) we can attrac a lot of people for different servers and different settings.


some people will always complain. GL allowed or not. the can leave the server if they dont like these perks.


"Yes, start bypassing the filter/rules. I'd love that. I've kicked for less." Very alpha comment there sir. You must feel good with all those powers to be able to throw around threats like that. Mind you some of your fellow admins do exactly this and disagree with the filtering of certain words such as noob. You'd have noticed that if you'd have read the actual topic.


dont become unpolite. just check our rules again. !warn or !kick is a decission of the admin. and this has nothing to do with "You must feel good with all those powers..."

Don't keep bitching on other players on continous basis. You may be muted or kicked depending on what admin feels right.

source: Cod4 Server Rule

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you dont get it

if your gonna bypass anything on our servers weather it be filters mutes kicks or what not your gonna be dealt with period .

as for rolf comments i agree with him we do kick for less..and its no ego trip its how we run things and have a suspenseful clan and community .

and you contradict yourself by saying you agree to respect new players but in the same sentence you say its still noobish to use big guns too get kills .and why should we remove panzers to please you ...

and by going off on an admin and telling he has a big ego is probably not the best bet for ya neither

well im all out of pennies im done with this topic...

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Ye I agree with you madara, some people really enjoy the nuubtube, others less. There's no reason those nuubtubers shouldn't be heard. After all, it's "beginners" server, right? I was pointing out though that we should be able to discuss these things without someone bossing around telling what people must do and thus disrespecting other people's opinions.


Sorry if I might appear a tad impolite there madara, didn't mean to.


D..X, it happens a lot by admins also. E.g:

I personally can't stand the filter. It's frustrating for one...

Noob is a censored word. That bothers me' date=' because noob is a gaming term and hardly offensive. I myself have been warned and kicked for using noob playfully with friends on the server, or using my bind that says 'Surprise noob-tube!' I had to go around and use no0b so it wouldn't warn. -.-[/quote'] This is food for thought, no? Don't make this me against admins, this discussion is wider than that.

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You're telling rolf to read the messages, though you seem to have ignored mine. Hence I will say this again, even though it has nothing to do with the language filter, you seem to have a big problem with it:


Grenade launchers are allowed, therefore get used to it or play on one of our servers or some1 else's server who do not allow grenade launchers. For example our Killhouse server doesn't allow it.



Wowow I must have hit a nerve.


Yeah, but that is because you are starting to seem a bit rude. Especially with your "i'll just bypass your filter" stuff.

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