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A penny for your thoughts


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Hey guys


So I've been playing for a couple weeks now on your server and I do enjoy it if I'm not getting bored, but one thing tends to grind my gears.


It's the language rule.


Let me make my case.

I completely agree with the rule if it's racism or anything illegal, but is it that bad that someone says "shit you're f***ing good man :D"?

We are playing an M-rated game, and murdering (digital) people for fun is what we do. You see blood splatter everywhere, you can blow someone up with a rocket launcher and cutting someone's throat is common courtesy.

I reckon a big portion of the admins here are American. There's a culture difference for sure since Americans are more perceptive of cussing. For us Europeans (or let's say for me and everyone I know), cussing is just part of the online world and a strong way of expressing oneself. Kudos to those who can choose a friendlier wording, but in no way is cussing something to protect your fellow Call of Duty player from.

In case this is done to protect children from reading these words, I don't quite see the point as the internet is full of it, everywhere you look, and the game they are playing is by no means something small children who shouldn't be exposed to cussing, should be exposed to in the first place.


It's just annoying.


With a rule in place to prevent people from "bitching" (a cuss word itself, right?), this would seem enough to keep people from verbally fighting on the server. Hence the language rule is unnecessary and frankly not of this time.


Hopefully this can lead to a healthy discussion (with preferably no cussing), and perhaps to a revision of the rules. Rules can be changed, right?

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noone said you are not allowed to b***. but you are bitching, complaining and insulting on a continious basis. and thats annoying and not nice and people may loose the fun and leave.


11. Don't keep bitching on other players on continuous basis. You may be muted or kicked depending on what admin feels right.

Source: Cod4 Server Rule



We don't allow bitching on continuous basis. Few times or on occasions it's fine. If someone is bitching every 10 seconds you can always spam your bind 3-5 times "Watch your language. We don't allow bitching." If he continuous to keep on bitching you can use !warn and after 3 warns he will be auto kicked.

source: Cod4 Admin guide

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Thanks for replying madara.

I wasn't arguing the b***-rule. I was talking about the language rule.





5-10 seconds of conversations of say Hi, Hello, Bye, How are you? etc is fine. If they start talking in there language on server, my eyes starts bleeding.

If they start talking in there language for more then few sentences, tell them English only please. If some admin is helping some new player in there native language it is fine.


our nicely F|A Wiki

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The CoD rules are not clear on bitching.


I, personally, have always follow the ET ruleset when it comes to bitching.



  • Once in a while general bitching is allowed. We are easy and fun gamers. Most players go emo when they die. So a general bitching here and their is allowed.
  • Continous bitching = not allowed. Use !mute.
  • Always cry for panzer each 3 mins = Tell him to stfu panzer is part of game. If you can't take panzer don't go emo and cry.
  • Saying f***ing noobs, niggers, etc. once a map or sometimes people speak it. = Allowed.
  • Bashing on any player continuously you suck, you f***ing noob, you f***ing jew, etc. = Not allowed. !mute those players.
  • Spamming/Bitching in PM is not allowed. Someone says he is getting PM spammed tell him to get SS and post it on forums or send it by xfire.
  • Admins bad mouthing on other members/players will not be allowed. You are admin and you shouldn't do that. Be patience. If any admin is found bitching on server, he will be removed from clan at that very point. Admins bitching on servers will not be tolerated 0% tolerance.

Mute time is for 10 mins. If you think that he should be ok unmute him fast. On ETPUB you can do !mute based on time. See admin commands and usage links.


Mind you both games have different commands, but the idea is the same.


Someone's playing and says 'Aw f***'.. I let it slide. Our server itself will auto warn for swearing. However, those that go on and on, or go around the filter (phuk, phaggot, bytch etc) I'll say something to.


I guess in the end it's the admin in question's mindset and decision. Not everyone agrees with swearing, and there are some of us that just don't give a shit as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

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Cheers Sin.


I can totally relate to your opinion.

some of us that just don't give a shit as long as it doesn't get out of hand


The wordfilter itself creates confusion and drama imo. For instance you can say "****" (edit for clarity: cunt), but not "vagina". Not sure why "vagina" is even filtered, as it's a perfectly normal word. Implying "vagina" isn't appropriate on a Call of Duty server is like saying you can't talk about anything sexual. Why not? If this is done again to protect innocent children who shouldn't be playing M-rated games, I'd be horrified at the amount of porn they are one click away from.

Anyways, going off course. The wordfilter can easily be bypassed and then admins need to correct those who do so. Seems like unnecessary cause for drama. The more rules admins have to check on, the more babysitting they have to do.

And it doesn't take a lot of effort to spot when it starts getting out of hand.


Maybe the wordfilter is unnecessary?

Edited by krosan
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I personally can't stand the filter. It's frustrating for one...


Noob is a censored word. That bothers me, because noob is a gaming term and hardly offensive. I myself have been warned and kicked for using noob playfully with friends on the server, or using my bind that says 'Surprise noob-tube!' I had to go around and use no0b so it wouldn't warn. -.-


I also, at times, see some admins use the warn command on someone that swears. It's unecessary as the server automatically does it for 90% of the 'bad words'.


I'm not sure the reasoning for it, myself. Although on some of our ET servers (No quarter specifically) there is a word filter as well. Perhaps it's there to safe guard for when admins are not around?


Would love to see it gone, myself, but alas, that is a decison made by our lovely leader types. :)

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The wordfilter itself creates confusion and drama imo. For instance you can say "****" (edit for clarity: ****), but not "vagina". Not sure why "vagina" is even filtered, as it's a perfectly normal word. Implying "vagina" isn't appropriate on a Call of Duty server is like saying you can't talk about anything sexual. Why not? If this is done again to protect innocent children who shouldn't be playing M-rated games, I'd be horrified at the amount of porn they are one click away from.

Maybe the wordfilter is unnecessary?


Well '****' can be used to insult someone, but as 'vagina' isn't used for those purposes it isn't filtered.

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The part of that filter that bugs me is it doesn't warn for shit, but it does for sack. Like has been stated, a cuss word here and there is fine, but not if those are the only words in their vocabulary. The word bank for what is a curse word and what is not needs to be fixed. But it's not a huge issue. The game is meant to be fun. Someone going off with their F bombs is not fun and makes it annoying.

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Well '****' can be used to insult someone, but as 'vagina' isn't used for those purposes it isn't filtered.


Hey Guardian,


I totally agree, vagina is pretty damn harmless. Yet the point is that it actually is filtered on the cod4 servers.


Sin, I too have been kicked for using "noob" in the "noobtube" context.


While these are probably things everyone can agree on, I'd like to hear about what you guys think about the actual swearing rule. I hear some admins care more than others about using swearwords, but it's still a rule and you can still get kicked for it based on how an admin feels that day. In my opinion you've got two categories, one being simple cussing and swearing, e.g. 'f***ing campers', and two being excessive abuse and complaining (perhaps what madara means regarding some of my own trollsprees on the servers - or worse).

The second category falls completely under the no bitching-rule, which would restrict this behaviour even if no language rule would be in place. The first category however seems harmless to me and if those remarks would be "legal", it would probably be a lot less annoying for those who use these expressions from time to time to vent some of their frustration.


What could be the reason for penalising the first category? Does FA want to be a friendly environment to all newcomers? I can definitely appreciate such a notion but would 'f***ing campers' really scare away people? Would the use of cuss words really push people to exit the server? This seems very unlikely as it's people you're murdering all the time, pretty violent stuff which kind of is 1000 times worse than reading 'f***ing campers' in general chat.


Give the people some room to vent their frustration from time to time. I can't imagine this being so important that it needs to be restricted as it is now.

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i just wanna say this. Krosent your argument

In case this is done to protect children from reading these words, I don't quite see the point as the internet is full of it, everywhere you look,


Why not? If this is done again to protect innocent children who shouldn't be playing M-rated games, I'd be horrified at the amount of porn they are one click away from.


well you can find hole punch of things from internet that ain't allowed or legal and yet still you cant do those.


Language rule is good coz its not that nice to read when someone's every other word is cursing. We provide friendly server's for people where they can play together and have fun without having to read people cursing all over the place.

It's not all to preotect children its for creating friendlier atmosphere that everyone can enjoy.

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I believe it is simply to promote a friendlier environment.


Saying f******* campers sounds much more harsh than say... damn.. those campers, man. Even when directed at no one in particular, the first sounds more like a direct insult, or as if someone is looking to pick a fight.


It can potentially escalate if someone misunderstands your context, you know? I mean, one day I called madara a noob on the server (I was 100% joking) and he got a little offended. Madara and I are from completely different parts of the world, so what was harmless to me, could be much more offensive to him. If that makes sense? It's not an 'American' clan.. but an 'International' clan. So we try to respect others beliefs/idealologies (sp?) as best we can. ..bare with me. This makes sense in my twisted head.


Don't get me wrong, i too find the idea of Violence = A-OK! Swearing= bad a pretty stupid formula for today's moral standings, but what can you do? :P

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Sin, I understand what you mean. I said "die" a couple times in chat and "Joker" admin dude got offended while I obviously meant it in a funny way. He took it personally, as I wanted him as a person to die. Yet I was talking about the game character. (he could have been trolling me though, although I don't think so)

What I mean with this is that you can get offended with any sentence, containing swear words or not. I can be as frank and blunt with or without swear words.

Being offended by the swear word itself is probably more likely for Americans since they're a bit more uptight on that subject :P So in that regard I suppose the gravity of use swearwords differs from culture to culture.

If preventing people from using swearwords should create a more friendly environment, you'd probably have more success stopping new people from getting superraped by a couple few who always get accused of cheating and cause people to leave in disbelief.


I really don't believe people will play less on your server because people are swearing. On the contrary, if people don't get policed for small things like this, they'd probably feel more comfortable on the server. I know I would for one.

Edited by krosan
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I personally can't stand the filter. It's frustrating for one...


Noob is a censored word. That bothers me, because noob is a gaming term and hardly offensive. I myself have been warned and kicked for using noob playfully with friends on the server, or using my bind that says 'Surprise noob-tube!' I had to go around and use no0b so it wouldn't warn. -.-


I also, at times, see some admins use the warn command on someone that swears. It's unecessary as the server automatically does it for 90% of the 'bad words'.


I'm not sure the reasoning for it, myself. Although on some of our ET servers (No quarter specifically) there is a word filter as well. Perhaps it's there to safe guard for when admins are not around?


Would love to see it gone, myself, but alas, that is a decison made by our lovely leader types. :)


Noob along with other curse words,can be offensive/mean, it all depends on the context and way it is used. It is different in each situation, I am pretty sure that admin can figure out when it is or is not offensive.


I am also pretty sure the language rule has been discussed, actually I asked about it as well, because some people warn no matter what the situation and some people don't at all. But I was told that cursing isn't a problem unless it is used consistently, or over used, or insulting/offensive, etc.


Personally, I think its a good thing that people can't cursing/swear a lot, it gets annoying. And there is no reason for it, why stop playing and start typing curse words? How does that make the gaming experience any better? I am not saying that I don't swear/curse, but I find it easier just to say them, why stop playing to type them? It doesn't make sense to me.


I really don't believe people will play less on your server because people are swearing. On the contrary, if people don't get policed for small things like this, they'd probably feel more comfortable on the server. I know I would for one.


I disagree, I don't think allowing people to swear/curse uncontrollably will result in more players.

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