COD4 Admin Guide

From Fearless Assassins Wiki

We don't allow these perks on few servers:

  • Marty
  • Last stand

If someone is using marty he will be auto kicked after he kills 1 player with it.

Admin duty: To keep an eye on last stand users. Make a bind and spam 3-5 times in general chat and during intermission when you see someone is using NOT ALLOWED perks. Even after saying him 3-5 times in general chat he doesn't give up Trial members can use !warn. Each !warn should have like 1 min time interval giving him chance to remove perk. On 3rd warn he will be auto kicked.


  • Once in a while general bitching is allowed. We are easy and fun gamers. Most players go emo when they die. So a general bitching here and their is allowed.
  • Continuous bitching = not allowed. Use !mute.
  • Saying f***ing noobs, niggers, etc. once a map or sometimes people speak it. = Allowed. Censor auto warns for those or most of the names so don't worry much but if someone is circumventing censor or swearing too much, !warn.
  • Bashing on any player continuously you suck, you f***ing noob, you f***ing jew, etc. = Not allowed. !mute those players.
  • Spamming/Bitching in PM is not allowed. Someone says he is getting PM spammed tell him to get SS and post it on forums or send it by xfire.
  • Admins bad mouthing on other members/players will not be allowed. You are admin and you shouldn't do that. Be patience. Admins bitching on servers will not be tolerated 0% tolerance.


  • We allow few non-English sentences on server but if someone is talking continuously more then few minutes or carrying out conversation in another language then it's not allowed. !warn the user with English only so others can understand and ask the player to use English language on server.
  • If player keeps on talking continuously after first !warn issue subsequent warns to get his attention. Each warn should be appx 30-45 secs apart.
  • If one user is helping another user in other language then it's allowed till the help is provided or needed but if admin feels it's not regarding help then admin may ask players to join teamspeak and then help the player. We have rooms in Teamspeak 3 where non English users can join and seek for help if needed.
  • Talking in non English language is allowed if players are talking about how to win the map or any game specific discussion in team chat.


We stream our servers to PBBANS so we don't tolerate cheating. If you are busted then you will remain banned.

!warn and !kick

You can always issue first !warn and second !warn should be issued after 1 min which gives sufficient time for a player to act. On 3rd !warn player will be auto kicked. !kick should be used to remove players who continuously use restricted perks or are previously warned.


We strongly encourage to use Discord while playing.

If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to suggest change in our rules use our respective game sub forums to express your idea and thoughts. We can change our rules anytime if you can convince us that your suggestion of new rule is more better than the present one.

Thank you for your time. toodles!


admintest  Displays its own Admin group
ban        ban PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS [REASON]     
cancel     Cancels an ongoing vote from
checkadmin PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS  Displays the admin group to a player
cmdlist    Displays the available commands in your admin group
exec       exec NAMEDERCONFIG    
forgive    Last Teamkill awarded (only if the option is enabled)
fun        fun [msg]     Displays a Funmessage
gravity    gravity [VALUE]       Set g_gravity to VALUE if VALUE is not set to 800 (standard)
hardcore   hardcore 1 | 0        Enables / Disables hardcore from the next map / round
help       help COMMAND NAME     Displays the syntax and help on a command
kick       kick PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS [REASON]    Removes a player
Killcam    Killcam 1 | 0         Enables / Disables Killcam from the next map / round
knockback  knockback [VALUE]     G_knockback Set Value, if VALUE is not set to 1000 (standard)
map        map MAPNAME [feces | was | dm | dom | sd | Sat]       Changes the Map and Gametype
maprotate  loads the next map from the Mapcycle
maps       Lists all installed maps on (from maps.cfg)
nextmap    Displays the next map
no         Vote for no
online     Displays in the present moment Admins
pass       Accepts a vote
pbbanguid        pbbunguid GUID [NAME] [IP] [BASIC]      Adds a ban, using it?? if the name or IP is not known
pbbanlist        pbbanlist [SEARCH]      Displays the banlist
pbclearbans      pbclearbans     Clears all bans on the banlist
pbgetss          pbgetss PID | PART_OF_NICK      Calls for a PB screenshot of a player to
pbrestart        pbrestart       Starts the new PunkBuster
pbunban          pbunban BanID   Deletes a ban from the banlist
pl               Shows all players with their PIDs
protect          protect PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS    Sets or removes the protection of an Admin
SetGroup         SetGroup GROUP PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS     Sets the admin group of a player
setnextmap       setnextmap MAPNAME [feces | was | dm | dom | sd | Sat | ctf | htf]      Sets the next map and gametype
speed            speed [VALUE]   Set VALUE to g_speed if VALUE is not set to 190 (standard)
stats            Shows your overall statistics
tempban          tempban PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS [REASON]
time             Displays the current time
tki              Displays the current Teamkill Index
uptime           Displays the uptime of the game server
vote             vote [VOTE] [ARG]       Starts a vote
warn             warn PID | TEIL_DES_NICKS BASIC         Warns a player
yes              Vote for yes