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Hello, i just want to know why is teh grenade launcher banned on some server and not on others? I can understand how its ``Phun to doo`` playing with grenade launcher but for people whos trying to have a good time, it isnt. Would like to proposed grenade launcher to be banned at least on Hardcore server beginners, theres alot of people going around with Overkills and 2 assault rifle with grenade launchers on both.


P.S. : Last stand is the most overpowered perks in the game, you probably dont know why let me explain to you. When you get shot and go into last stand, you got 1 second just before going into last stand where you are litteraly invincible, you cant nade the guy, cant shoot the guy, cant airstrike and so on... and of course the famous moment when your lying on the floor shooting anywhere.

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Ban snipers on HC and I might support this, or remove the ability to choose a team.. otherwise, no thank you. >_>


I enjoy a good noobtubing when I keep getting sniped in the face by good quickscopers, or one team is heavily stacked.


Not only that, but everyone pretty much goes down fairly quickly. I'm tired of restrictions in games. Why can't we just play games the way developers made them, instead of restricting things because others don't like it? I hate sniper rifles, but I'm not going to call for a ban on them.

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/moved to CoD4 Suggestions.


Also, I agree on this notion tbh.. Nade launchers are just too dominating on CoD...


Last Stand, Martyr, and Grenade Launchers should be banned full stop lol.

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I'm not upset by the gl's. I think more people play because its allowed. However I would love to see last stand go away.

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Personally thing the servers are fine as is. We need some place for noob tube although I don't use it. Last stand would be nice to be gone, but I don't mind it either since it doesn't kill me much.

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I have no issues with any perks as many are avoidable. I hardly ever die to last stand, because as soon as I drop a person, I duck out of the way/strafe around them until I KNOW they are dead, or until I can pop around to finish them off.


Same with Martyrdom, it's rare I die to this on other servers. I drop someone, I stay away from their corpse until I know it's safe.


I also hardly find GL's to be dominating. 9/10 times when I jump into a server, it's usually me and maybe 1-2 other people using them. The only maps where these things can dominate is killhouse.. and even then, that map sucks ass. it's pray and spray half the time. Otherwise, you can largely avoid them, or survive the area of effect. Half the time when you come face to face with a GL user, if they don't hit you dead on, you're going to win.


I don't mean to seem like a b***, but removing perks because you hate it, is a crappy way to go. As I said in my first post- limitations just ruin the game. What's the point of unlocking perks when people are just going to whine about them? Do you honestly think in a real war, the enemy is going to go 'Oh, these are off limits. We'll have to follow the rules!" In war, games or not, you use what's at your disposal.


THere are many things I hate in game, and although I may complain from time to time, I don't want these things taken away from those that like them.


Just my opinion ^_^


Edit.. That sounded really bitchy... and it was not the way it sounded in my head. >.< I was cheerful when i wrote that, promise! Damn inflection in writing <_<

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm happy with how things are. Yes it's annoying when some GL reliant noob blasts you. You have to remember though that people who rely on the GL never practice shooting skills. They get 1 or two kills if they're really lucky per life. Often time zero since they'll tube at inappropriate times and just wildly miss. It's also my opinion that last stand is among the weakest perks in the game. LS has an inverse relationship with skill in my opinion. The more you die, the more you get to use it. However, it you're really good at getting kills with LS you probably don't die much, and if you die a lot, you probably aren't very good with LS. You're far better served with a perk that aids you in every fight. The only thing that really irritates me about it is I'll kill someone but lose the point to a team mate. Hate that >.<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the thing though. When I was learning how to play cod4 and sucked, I used last stand and martydom as well. Once I started getting better, I stopped using them. I believe it is the same for most people, the people who use those perks are probably not very good.


So yes I can get annoying, but I think that LS and Grenade launchers should be allowed.


Its the same with camping, thats allowed as well, even though it can get very annoying when you can't kill a camper.

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Seeing as how I've practically levelled myself up on the FA Beginner server, I've had my share of deaths due to gl's and some perks like last stand. restricting GL's, could also be seen as the same as restricting frags, as both can be just as destructive/deadly. Sure, I don't like it when I get killed 5 seconds after I spawn due to a well placed nade, but hell -- this is a game. If you can't shake it off while you're in game, take a break, get smoke, a drink, hug a cat, or something else that will calm the nerves and come back in a few min.


If i had my way, I'd love to see a server where it's all about the skill someone has with limited weapons/ammo with no perks (other than perk 1), but that's just me.

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If i had my way, I'd love to see a server where it's all about the skill someone has with limited weapons/ammo with no perks (other than perk 1), but that's just me.


Thats promod right there, you should try it sometimes :P

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last stand... bah... no worries... I am the sniper SIN hates... I will be soooo far away (hiding) that the LS'er will bleed to death

I know where you hide.

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