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Game Style


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I don't know if there is already a topic on that ^^

What are your favourite classes?

What is your game style?

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Usually when I join ET I pick the least used class\or the one which is needed to improve the team a bit. So pretty much everything, but I like to sneak around as covie.

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  • Clan Friend

class: medic or engi, sometimes covert or fieldop

team: the losing one if possible

style: hunting players I want to test myself against, and / or helping my team, according to my mood

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Medic, since I end up changing teams a lot to keep things even.


Without medic available, I'll go eng, field op, or covy, depending on the map, and what's needed at the time. I rarely play soldier.

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Class: Soldier/Panzer


Style: Camping Corners and kill myself and you with the panzer.

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Fdops, eng, or rarely medic depending on which is needed. Soldier with flamethrower/smg or dual smg loadout when I want to screw around.


Style: Objective. If enemies get in my way: crush them, see them driven before me and hear the lamentations of the women.



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Usually medic, sometimes engy or fieldop..


Favorite thing is take mortar guys down, if breakthrough succeeds. And Id like to hunt annoying snipers, killing spree -, rampage etc players to take them down.

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Class: Engineer

Style: Defensive, Sneaky...


I found most thrill and excitement playing engineer, I played engineer solely for a few years, as of late depending on the server/players I will play Medic which is often since there are too many aggressive players Rambos, Panzers etc.. and a strong player is needed to keep them back for a bit, and allow other players to play a nice game.

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