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Fearless Assasin Member Runs AFK Bot in DOI Servers (for clout???)

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Today I decided to play Day of Infamy after a long hiatus - long enough that my esteemed FA membership (started back in 2017-18) was deactivated (understandably). However when I joined an FA lobby today, I noticed there was an AFK player in every single match, which sat still the entire game, never moving to capture an objective or regroup, even if he was the last team member alive. After this AFK player cost us more than a few games, I voted to kick them (as I remember, this was the standard protocol for AFK players) I was met with an immediate - and I mean IMMEDIATE - denial. almost as if the votekick hadn't been submitted in the first place. I then learned through IG text chat that an FA member ("=FA= lou silver") claimed responsibility for this bot, and said it was just there to fill a slot on the match.


#1) this is just not true, as this bot was active for my entire nightly playthrough, which consisted of several hours and widely varied number of players.

#2) in most other multiplayer games, this might be fine, but - as most of us may know - Day of Infamy does not work like most other multiplayer FPSs -- I had to sit and wait for this AFK bot to be killed by enemy bots before I and several other players could continue with the game.


After confronting "=FA= lou silver" about this behavior, and how it was unexpected from a member of the Fearless Assassins, they simply ignored or brushed off my question.


I have been seriously considering rejoining the Fearless Assassins recently, since I had a number of good friends back before/during the pandemic; but if this is what is considered acceptable behavior from your staff and other guild members, I'm afraid I just can't accept that. I joined this guild way back when because I wanted to play games with people who were, first and foremost, interested in teamwork, cooperation, and collaborative fun,


If Fearless Assassins doesn't care about that anymore, then fine. I'll leave quietly after this post. It's sad to see a community that once cared about having fun with one another reduced to a shadow of its former self. Good luck, Assassins.


Former Fearless Assassin,

Diabolical Seal

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@RedAngel  or @Vice86 can you look into this please i have no clue what's going on here.


Edited by D..X
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sounds like a mix of admin complaint and server complaint. 

@Lou Silver

any statement?


if I had admin rights there,

I personally would try to kick the said player, for beeing afk, but if it's an admin doing that, then this should be investigated.


iirc there is a !calladmin command on the server which you can use.

I think @Xiahou Dun and @Razielstill have admin rights there.

(but propably the game not installed)


@RedAngel and @Carbonautics are pretty much MIA lately, and so is the people from back then.


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I should have admin rights on our DoI server and I could have the game installed and check it out if needed. Say the word, and I'll have a look around if needed. @Vice86 @D..X

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56 minutes ago, Xiahou Dun said:

I should have admin rights on our DoI server and I could have the game installed and check it out if needed. Say the word, and I'll have a look around if needed. @Vice86 @D..X

please @Xiahou Dun if you dont mind it would be greatly appreciated and ty

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   It's my other account and computer I mostly use when no one's on the server so I can spawn in without ending the match , yes when we're doing certain entrenchment maps with a less than experienced team I'll camp him there to assist in regrouping. I did announce it in chat also.


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5 hours ago, Lou Silver said:

   It's my other account and computer I mostly use when no one's on the server so I can spawn in without ending the match , yes when we're doing certain entrenchment maps with a less than experienced team I'll camp him there to assist in regrouping. I did announce it in chat also.


So listen, I totally understand padding the initial player count on a lobby to attract more players to the server. The game isn't super popular, and especially difficult to find decent matches as a rando. These servers are really fun and super accessible to new players, which is why I always enjoyed playing on these servers. The FA servers were always patient and understanding, and always made a point to appreciate the other players, even and especially if they didn't """carry much weight"""


So obviously, DoI is designed around the mindset of teamwork and cooperation. I've played sessions where all the players run off to do their own thing a la CoD, and those are usually the matches that fail quickly. Meanwhile, the games I've played with people who work together in the face of frankly impossoble odds are often the most rewarding.


I frankly never really got upset about losing in DoI because that's part of the game. "Aw we tried and failed, let's do better next time." It's vastly different from other mainline FPSs, insofar as nearly every death and every loss tries to teach you to get better at the game. Other than AI sniping me with an ithica behind a wall where they couldn't possibly have seen me, most of your deaths are your fault, and getting better at the game means learning from your mistakes.


All this is to say that having an AFK character in a server solely to stand still until a regroup (and possibly long after) sort of...cheapens? the experience?


Do I like to win? Yeah, obviously. Everyone does. I enjoy when my fellow players and I win a game together, because we did it TOGETHER. imo, if the only reason our team wins is because someone has another instance of the game running with a (mostly) AFK "player," then it's just boring.


Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and/or maybe I'm too much of a purist. I just know that some of my favorite moments in this game weren't always victories. And likewise, some of my favorite victories were won after several failures. Imo, the fun of this game isn't in the winning, but I'm the playing.

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5 hours ago, Lou Silver said:

   It's my other account and computer I mostly use when no one's on the server so I can spawn in without ending the match , yes when we're doing certain entrenchment maps with a less than experienced team I'll camp him there to assist in regrouping. I did announce it in chat also.


Also also, just want to mention that this other account was being used when the server was almost full, and on maps and games that weren't Entrenchment. As I said before, I played for several hours on this server, and this alternate account was in every game I played, and behaved the same way 😕

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12 hours ago, Lou Silver said:

   It's my other account and computer I mostly use when no one's on the server so I can spawn in without ending the match , yes when we're doing certain entrenchment maps with a less than experienced team I'll camp him there to assist in regrouping. I did announce it in chat also.


ok im gonna solve this right now @Lou Silver i understand why you are doing what your doing and its a good idea but does not work in this game 

so with that said you will have to remove that other account you can't just have a character sitting there all the time and with things of that nature you need to make a post and run it by us first not just do things that messes with the game and peoples fun i am not giving shit to anyone just telling you how it needs to go so asap please remove the character you have sitting in game and please let me know here once that's done thank you .


@Xiahou Dun once he replies that he has removed his bot or whatever we will call it can you please log on and make sure everything is correct and let us know here if you dont mind and ty in advance hopefully this solves the issue.





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Its not all the time and is very useful to keeping the game fun for players and keeping players on the server when needed.


Perhaps I could announce and ask everyone in game if we need some "help" and if everyone is cool with it we do it


I would like to note the server is modded (not purist) and people typically leave the server if we keep losing and wasting 40ish minutes


Not to sound like a jerk but in 6 years no one has ever complained until now.




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Well it's never been a problem till now  but now it becomes an a issue that needs to be solved for the moment please don't use the other acount I want to wait till @Vice86 reply back and see what he thinks  befor we say it's fine or not

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I mean, i get lou´s initial thought, but the downside is just what happened in aboves explanation.

i myself wouldn´t like to play like that with someone just blocking the regroup point with an idle client.

that´s exploiting the system if you ask me.

for getting the server started, sure why not, but blocking the filled server with an afk client on the regroup point.

i dont think that´s how the game is meant to be played.

we don´t have a "rule" about this yet, but i am sure we won´t need one in the future.

just don´t do this anymore @Lou Silver


usually rules like that go by like,

  1. Team Play is required. Don't be useless when your team is losing or not able to advance in the map.

this a quote from ET Rule#23, but i find it fits in here.

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  • Administrators
2 hours ago, Vice86 said:

for getting the server started, sure why not, but blocking the filled server with an afk client on the regroup point.



So can we say, he is allowed to do initially when their are less players and once, we have enough, he can remove the idle client? 


I am not aware of game mechanics but less then 4 players allowed and more then 4, he needs to drop the idle client? This way, it's win win for all? OR It's not possible? Thanks

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not blocking anything just ensuring we win

and keep the server going.

I'll leave it at that


I move em to spectator at 6 players and exit at 11 out of 12 slots

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3 hours ago, Lou Silver said:

not blocking anything just ensuring we win

and keep the server going.

I'll leave it at that


I move em to spectator at 6 players and exit at 11 out of 12 slots

sounds like a good plan 👍

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