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ET Server Suggestion Jay 1 Bots Petition [CLOSED]

Limit Jay1 Bot Counts  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we limit the number of Jay1 bots?

  2. 2. Should we have !remove bot command?

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Posted (edited)

So, I've noticed the number of bots on Jay1 are a little extreme. I personally feel there's no need for so many especially when teams are 8v8-10v10, etc. I've done some talking with the regulars and everyone is getting quite annoyed with the bots blocking, not reviving, wasting arty, being more of a pain in the ass rather than actually being helpful. Some maps they are completely useless as the bots have no idea where to go or what they're doing. Most people leave when the bots start connecting as it is. People don't join our server to kill bots, and it is the most populated server in ET. I don't see people leaving our server due to lack of bots to kill. I took a couple ss of tonight's gameplay as examples of the nightly gameplay around Jay1. Grant you today is Saturday night, but I still feel the bots could be limited or possibly having a !command to remove the bots. I agree with having bots when server is very limited on players, but like some other mods we should have bots removed when the player count reaches a certain limit. Please cast a vote and leave any feedback here, it is greatly appreciated! 








Edited by nAbish
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Voted 'no' for both options.


For first question: bots are something that attract players, I personally love to come there and panzernoob or mortar them, just for relax and Jay1 settings are perfect for it. This is subjective tho.


For second question: we gave '!kickbots' command to admins on legacy server and as soon as we came with that idea - this idea was abadoned. People forgot to turn them on and server ended up empty, not even bots. From technical side - messing with bots in real time on jaymod is 'no no' even more. Jaymod is pretty unstable itself with commands, doesn't have even proper mute implemented originally and any interfere with bots by commands can easily bug them. Once they bugged hell returns and is mad ;). Auto removing bots could be possible with lua but jaymod doesn't support it. :)

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Completely understand.


Thoughts on at least having a smaller limit on them? 

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1 hour ago, yaku said:

Voted 'no' for both options.


For first question: bots are something that attract players, I personally love to come there and panzernoob or mortar them, just for relax and Jay1 settings are perfect for it. This is subjective tho.


For second question: we gave '!kickbots' command to admins on legacy server and as soon as we came with that idea - this idea was abadoned. People forgot to turn them on and server ended up empty, not even bots. From technical side - messing with bots in real time on jaymod is 'no no' even more. Jaymod is pretty unstable itself with commands, doesn't have even proper mute implemented originally and any interfere with bots by commands can easily bug them. Once they bugged hell returns and is mad ;). Auto removing bots could be possible with lua but jaymod doesn't support it. :)

Completely agree! 

+ not all players play well and are often killed, bots are at least some kind of outlet for them

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I will keep my vote neutral for now. But hey.. jay1 is not the only server where you can find bots lol.  My only issue with bots is they sometimes unbalance teams. They populate one team and players can't help but join team with humans.  I will post SS later to prove my point. 

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Posted (edited)

I do what I can do best, I share my opinion with a meme, also what @yakusaid.






Edited by Vice86
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Hate to burst anyone's  bubble but this topic has been brought up 100 times and it's always the same dare is very adamant about bots he will not change bot count nor remove them also no commands will be given to add/ remove  bots seem usless to most but they have proven to help populate servers  and keep player counts up we are not willing to chance loosing people by messing with the bots and trust me we have tested this theory  by removing and lowering counts and the ser er went quite dead so with that said I would not get any hopes up on changes in that area 

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  • RedBaird changed the title to Jay 1 Bots Petition [CLOSED]
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The Original Poster has asked that this topic be locked.   I left it open for view to leave the opinions in public view.  Opinions vary quite a lot on this situation.




/added [CLOSED] to title



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