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Posted (edited)
Hi to all of you, Happy new year :) !
I do not know if anyone is aware of the mapping, but I always try, Mappeurs are rare in E.T, so I do not know where to ask for help ! ^^
I'm currently creating a map via GTKRadiant, and after 2 days of searching, I'm stuck with a script_mover
Let me explain :
I found this tutorial: https://www.surfaceg...le_mover_part2/
I followed it to the letter except that I, it is not a tank, but a police car, to facilitate my life I downloaded it on Internet, in file .max, I opened in 3DSMax, the model consists of 3 groups: the body of the car, the windows and the siren, I, at first, converted into file .ASE , except that I discovered that in .ASE file is only assigned to static objects, so impossible to use with the script_mover, so I reconverted the model, from the .max file, into .md3 file, except that it displayed without textures in GTKRadiant, to remedy this problem, I downloaded the software Misfit Model 3D and I exported it, again, in .md3 file. At this moment I am told that there are too many vertices on my model, I merge the vertices, and ... miracle, the file is exported correctly.
The file opens so in gtkradiant with its texture, I give it the value and key
classname: misc_gamemodel,
targetname: police_car_a
scriptname: police_car_a
as shown in the tutorial above
I compile my map in .bsp file, and the copy in my file /etmain / maps
But when I launch it in Enemy territory, I get this message:


models / mapobjects / etc .... has more than 1025 greens on a surface (2044)



So I exported the 3 groups (body, glass, siren) each of their sides, each is a targetname and a scriptname as in the tutorial except that when I run my map the game freeze and stops
So I changed the lines "attachtotag ... tag _...." by reversing the two entities and my map is launched but the model remains invisible ... I hear the sound of script_mover but without the model.
I also tried to put a "misc_model" instead of "misc_gamemodel" but when the map starts my model remains static and seems not to be attached to the script_mover
So concretely what I would like to do is to lower the vertices of the car (the Pro optimizer, the Optimizer and the MultiRes are not great), would there be a way to "compress" them?
And if in the process, someone would explain to me the line of the script "attachtotag police_car_a tag_police_a" What I do not understand here is what the "tag" represents
Thank you in advance ! it will save my life !!!!!
Here is my script and some pictures


wait 50
wm_axis_respawntime 8 // Axis respawn time
wm_allied_respawntime 8 // Allied respawn time
wm_set_round_timelimit 15 // Map timelimit
// Stopwatch mode defending team (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
wm_set_defending_team 0
// Winner on expiration of round timer (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
wm_setwinner 0
police_a //scriptname of script_mover
        wait 800
        followspline 0 sp_01 50000 length 32 wait //spawn the tank to here
        trigger self police_path //goto tank_path
    trigger police_path
        playsound sound/mapa/sirene_police.wav looping volume 600
        //play a tank sound
        followspline 0 sp_01 100 wait length 304
        //this says goto sp_01 at a speed of 100 and don't look at
        //the next command until after waiting 304
        followspline 0 sp_02 200 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_03 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_04 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_05 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_06 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_07 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_08 300 wait length 304
followspline 0 sp_09 300 wait length 304
followspline 0 sp_10 300 wait length 304
followspline 0 sp_11 300 wait length 304
followspline 0 sp_02 300 wait length 304
stopsound sound/mapa/sirene_police.wav
  //add more lines for how many more splines u have
  //notice that you don't include scripting for spline controls
        wait 800 
        attachtotag police_a tag_police_car_a 
  // this attache le tank_shell au scriptmover tank 



model + script_ mover




Edited by Young Fox

You are missing a target just like targetname must specify what it is doing by giving it the script name target = scriptname

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Posted (edited)


Thank you for the answer ! 

Ok but a target for the model? Be more specific please! I continued my research and after observation I noticed a file ".tag" for each model (other than my models), there is a report with the attachment? For vertices, I have to separate the object into 3, but how are they related to each other? In the script on
<attachtotag_tank tag_tank "what does tag_tank mean to you? sorry for so much precision, but the scripts are very hard to understand, I'm still a beginner :)

Edited by Young Fox

attachtotag_ is used for triggers inside scripting


not to confuse targetname as tank for model it's just a tag_ used in scripting to put models together that has more then one model with a tag_name


depending on which version of GTK Radiant 1.4 and below script movers require the xyz origin position for the script mover to work correctly or it will move only vertical or none at all or all over the map


Recommend Using 1.5 or above for origins


There's more information but it looks like splashdamage really threw this game in the trash by deleting all the old forum posts

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Posted (edited)

@Double Dragon 

Ok merci pour cette clarification, mais ensuite, admettez juste, j'ai ma voiture, ma fenêtre et ma lumière séparée,
dans le tutoriel, nous voyons:

wait 400
attachtotag tank tag_tank
// ceci attache le tank_shell au réservoir de script
attend 500
pièce jointe tank_shell tag_turret
// cela permet de réparer la tourelle à tank_shell
par exemple ici, "tag_turret" est censé représenter tank_turret, mais moi, que dois-je mettre à la place? parce que je ne sais pas quoi mettre après "tag _...."? : p désolé si je m'exprime mal, mais il faut absolument que je fonctionne comme ça, le fichier ".tag" est-il créé au moment de l'exportation?Si nous regardons les fichiers de modèle dans le fichier pak0.pk3, nous pouvons trouver ces fichiers (.tag), mais peut-être que cela n'a pas été vu avec cela? bref c'est vraiment compliqué lol!

And i use GTKRadiant 1.6.6 :)


@Lenovo  @DoubleDragon 

Oui, c'est dommage que ce site soit mort ... ainsi que Quake_world ..


Edited by Young Fox
Posted (edited)

@wead Hi old sailor! thank you for your help and yes currently your help would not be refused, I summarize: I want to insert a font in my form and move it in a script_mover, I'm the tutorial (link in the first post), except that I do not understand the last part of the script, namely: "attachtotag ... tag _..."
For the moment, my model has too many vertices, I try to compress my vertices with Noesis software
Two choices:
I can insert my model in one piece (without exceeding the 1025 greens imposed by the game)
It does not work and I will have to divide my model into three pieces
I want to note that the model is downloaded, it is separated into 3 originals (car, window, siren)

On the other hand, I noticed some ".tag" files in the folder pak0.pk3 ... does this refer to the "tag_ .." of the script?

And how used this line "attachtotag"
Thanks in advance :p!

Edited by Young Fox
Posted (edited)


I tried Noesis, and he looks (I insist on "it looks") functional, but now here I am:







        wait 50
        wm_axis_respawntime 8        // Axis respawn time
        wm_allied_respawntime 8    // Allied respawn time
        wm_set_round_timelimit 15    // Map timelimit
        // Stopwatch mode defending team (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
        wm_set_defending_team 0
        // Winner on expiration of round timer (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
        wm_setwinner 0
police_a //scriptname of script_mover
        wait 800
        followspline 0 sp_01 50000 length 32 wait //spawn the tank to here
        trigger self police_path //goto tank_path
    trigger police_path
        playsound sound/mapa/sirene_police.wav looping volume 600
        //play a tank sound
        followspline 0 sp_01 100 wait length 304
        //this says goto sp_01 at a speed of 100 and don't look at
        //the next command until after waiting 304
        followspline 0 sp_02 200 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_03 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_04 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_05 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_06 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_07 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_08 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_09 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_10 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_11 300 wait length 304
        followspline 0 sp_02 300 wait length 304
        stopsound sound/mapa/sirene_police.wav
  //add more lines for how many more splines u have
  //notice that you don't include scripting for spline controls

        wait 800 
        attachtotag police_a tag_police_car_a //   it's here that it blocks!


Edited by Young Fox

I'll have a look for you aswell when I get home :)


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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone, against all odds, someone answered me on the forum of "Splash Damage"!
to know what a "tag" is:



We will propose here a software to "compress" a model:



I'll let you know about the progressions :)


Edit : Currently I am trying to find out how to create a "tag" since 3DSMax

Edited by Young Fox

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