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Destined to be trial for ever?

Earlier, as I was scouring the forums, an intresting question was posed by one of the new trials who asked about the 3 person referral rule. For those who don't know, it's a rule that requires a trial member to refer at least 3 members (who then become trial members themeseves) before they can become a full member. Don't think of it as a set rule tohugh but think of it as the main way. Its possible to surpass this just by being a really good member, helpful and all that. In many ways it's easy to think of this a earning a qualification, with the alternative working hard and making your way up to the top that way instead of getting a degree.


Regardless, this got me thinking, why do some trials move faster than others? At last count , there are over 120 trialsfrom all the games. A quick look suggests 5% have not visited the forum for some time and so are unlikely to progress in the near future, a further 10-15% have been trial for some time and are very much activite members of the community, and the rest are new; whether they will make it I do not wish to speculate.


And so I've been turning this thought over and over, and alas, at 2 in the morning I come to a rather pragmatic (and perhaps contrevesal) conclusion in that pehaps some people are perhaps simply destined to be trial for ever, least till they change. I do not write this as a hard and fast rule, and nor I am sugesting it applies to anyone in particular. What I am making instead is some broad, general, statements based on my views which I concedde may not be perfect, and at no point am I suggesting this be taken seriously.


What I propose then is there are 4 'types' of trials, Type A, Type B, Type Cand Type D


Type A and B may be seen as the bad and the ugly


Type A


Now type A is the bad type, the type that wants to 'clean up' the server so to speak. Now it's good to help the server, but less so when you take the law into your own hands. And so these people play on the servers, and get sick of the trouble makers. They join with good intentions, but when they get the 'power' they realise what they can do and start abusing their power. They realise they are in a postion of power, and kinda forget their places and so are quite ready to dish out punishment snd get into fights with other admins when disciplined , in a sort of 'why shoulden't I ?' sttitude. These sort of people get demoted or kicked out usally


Type B


Type B is ugly; they aren't bad but expect a bit more than they should. They play the server , enjoy it , stay there and become a regular, and don't cause hassle. After a while, it sorta clicks how long they been playimg , and start thinking to themselves they could make it into the clan, and so apply but without the intention really to do much but earn the badge, a 'badge-hunter' so to speak. And so they apply, check into the forums now and then to see how they're doing, maybe have a poke around the forums for a bit, but not do much preffering to just play the game. Then they get into trial, and pretty much go 'K thx bye' . They get the trial status, and sorta learn they can patrol the servers a bit, so mute annoying people, kick mortar humpers but don't really have the intention of doing much else . Later on it sorta clicks how long they been a trial and so they start wondering why they aren't full member yet without really understanding why. And so they start asking, but when told what they have to do they kinda resent the extra effort and so just stay wher they are, or try but give up if they feel there's no quick reward soon


Now Type C and D are the 'good' type, and could be seen to be the flip side of A and B.


Type C


Type C is intresting, in that they help the clan, and yet it's more for their own means than anything else. So they join the clan , not for the badge but rather because they have friends in the clan and wish to be in the smae 'club' so to speak. So they see Player X is in the clan, and aspire to be at the same level, to make themselve equal almost. So they apply, get trial. Thats part one done. Now they want to be full member, so they start looking for ways to help, and they help but once they've helped enough their level of effort starts to go down once they reach the same effort, or are comfortable with the level they are (for example if their friend is a co-leader or higher, and they feel its too much of an effort to get that far). And so these people are helpful , and do contribute to the clan, but it's more their own lesuirly pace than anything


Type D


Type D is the best, insofar that they become great people without even realising it. You ever notice that if you really enjoy something you will put effort and time into it without even notcing your doing so? That's what these people are like. They join the clan not for the badge, but because they honestly want to help and coulden't really care bout the badge, and rather see it as a means to an end. They help on the server in ways they can without a need for a badge, such as anwsering queries like 'How do I change my name?' and get satisifaction from helping people (the neeed for praise is not really needed). These people then are either recommended or join because they think they can help further, and like Type B potter around the forums, but unlike Type B , poke where they think they can help like the 'Hekp' or 'Suggestion' section. They get accepted, and continue working, but they operate at a point where they dont notice they are working great. So these people don't even think about the 3 person referral rule , they just refer people naturally. They patrol the servers and don't think bout the reward, they just like helping out, and it's a pleasent suprise when they get promoted, but it's not going to change them. I don't suggest people work towards a reward, because I 've yet to meet a co-leader or leader who is co-leader or leader just because they want to be one. The leaders here didnt go asking 'oh make me leader' , they were made leaders without them really thinking bout it



As I suggested this is just an opion of mine. And whilst they reflect my opions, in no way do they reflect that of the clan's. Everyone has a different reason for joining, and whatever it is, so long as it's not malovelent, it should not stop you joing :)


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As I suggested this is just an opion of mine. And whilst they reflect my opions, in no way do they reflect that of the clan's. Everyone has a different reason for joining, and whatever it is, so long as it's not malovelent, it should not stop you joing :)


I did it for the free buritos ^_-


There should also be a Type E: Emo type =P. They start off as great individuals but overtime they become very unstable and dramatic such that they make a downward spiral into their own demise (best cure for this is to tell them to go outside and take a walk lol). They get cranky and sometimes start fights with other people over little reasons


Type F: They start of as great people but as they obtain more power, they slowly become corrupt and discontent with the server.... Oh wait that is Type A

Maximo Decimo


Nice Blog and describe many situations that actually are our trials (and members too). Type E FTW :lol


@Onion: you forgot to put the kind of players that once you kill them they tranform into a HULK and start throwing curse and shit to everyone. Actually this situation happend very often with our regulars but not with the trials. And once they got trial status they calm down.



nice Blog indeed<br>

  • Administrators


Well said :) I thought Onion was going to play Mr Invisible role :P


I might post a blog for follow up :) It's been a while.



As I suggested this is just an opion of mine. And whilst they reflect my opions, in no way do they reflect that of the clan's. Everyone has a different reason for joining, and whatever it is, so long as it's not malovelent, it should not stop you joing :)
I did it for the free buritos ^_-There should also be a Type E: Emo type =P. They start off as great individuals but overtime they become very unstable and dramatic such that they make a downward spiral into their own demise (best cure for this is to tell them to go outside and take a walk lol). They get cranky and sometimes start fights with other people over little reasonsType F: They start of as great people but as they obtain more power, they slowly become corrupt and discontent with the server.... Oh wait that is Type A



Actually there is an infinite amount of types. You can also add a type G, which is a mix of B and C. Or a type H, which is dynamic and switches b/t all the types depending on their mood :-P


Awesome blog, I think it represents the majority of ppl here and in other clans. I completely forgot about the 3-person rule :P



Pretty interesting. I liked reading this :)



great blog! I fall into xyz category. I didn't have any friends in F|A when I first joined. I don't care about admin level. I love being able to talk to my friends in F|A. I help out as needed, and mentor new trials. My rl time vs vl time is topsy turvy. I work too much. So the time I do have, after kids go to bed, generally are reading forums, logging onto hardcore for some playtime and adminning when needed.



I just saw the title trial forever and the first name that came to me was Husa!



Cheers for the support guys :)



Good to see some more long posts by F257!

  • Administrators


As I suggested this is just an opion of mine. And whilst they reflect my opions, in no way do they reflect that of the clan's. Everyone has a different reason for joining, and whatever it is, so long as it's not malovelent, it should not stop you joing :)
I did it for the free buritos ^_-There should also be a Type E: Emo type =P. They start off as great individuals but overtime they become very unstable and dramatic such that they make a downward spiral into their own demise (best cure for this is to tell them to go outside and take a walk lol). They get cranky and sometimes start fights with other people over little reasonsType F: They start of as great people but as they obtain more power, they slowly become corrupt and discontent with the server.... Oh wait that is Type A



Type G: Gaytard type. They start as good person but over time they become jealous freak over admin levels and then start being cry baby. They start thinking they are best in the world and world revolves around them. The day, they will understand world doesn't revolve around them, they feel sad and then they start spamming status messages to get more attention.


Then they pro claim they are proud to be an idiot but eventually world is just laughing on there idiotic nature. After that they pro claim they don't care about what people are saying...



Great word, i liked reading this. :)



Great thinking and writing it down clearly :D


Enjoyed it very much!

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