/i/ternet is full of /r/tards
As I grew up, I was part of an activities group (something like boy scouts)..
It was all serious young people, and we were lucky to have adults that taught us about responsibility and obligations..
This meant that, even we were young.. (and behaved like teenagers) he knew out to behave, be mature, think for our selfs , respect others to be respected..
Now.. ether this is because of the way I was raised or I am getting old.. but this internet thing
seems to be full of retarded people..
from meaningless sentences or pictures, so called memes.. to leet a pseudo language that makes no sense.. and everything in the middle..
I know that every human likes to feel they belong, and they are part of something..
and when integration fails.. we just make a group of our own.. the "outcasts"..
but sometimes it seems that the internet is just that.. a collection of outcast groups and subcultures.
Is that what people really want? is that the only thing they can do..
Do they really want to be known as "the guys that didn't know how to wr1t3 3ngl1sh but make great Rick Astley videos"
Human kind came so far.. from the Greek philosophers to Shakespear.. only to arrive to a place where you could have the all world in the tip of you fingers..
and instead of taking this chance to merge cultures, acquire knowledge, explore ideas we use technology to share lolcats..
Makes me sad that, even this is just the beginning of technology we are already making history..and things like 4chan, facebook and twitter is what we will leave as legacy..
and if we dig roman artifacts and think "boy, these guys were real smart, accounting for the technology they had"..
in a few thousand year someone will dig into the archives of the internet and think "boy, accounting for the technology they had, these guys were real retards"
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