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Favourite Quotes

Haha some of the things people say on these and other forums do crack me up. Ive never bothered saving them but now i have a blog and lots of time i should be spending working on my hand , this post i will dedicate and edit apporiaptly (at least, for the next week or so )               Haha last part was probley one of the proudest things i did , lol sorry Joe and Mraw (But you really had no chance Mraw )   At this point ive reached the alloteed number of quotes  



Hobgoblin - not as warm as a Jack but sure sounded nicer

Mmmm...Reading Baskas comment bout beer makes we want a bit of tipple. But not beer, oh no. Icky , dislike taste of beer and lager (shouldent 't i be doing something more productive than this? Oh dear ...) I do like cocktails though. Something fruity mind. Mixing absinthe and tabasco source is not good idea . So something like a woo woo? Something not particulary masculine i know, but still ... My first drink was a Jacks. No idea why - too strong for me lol. But i have enjoyed it since. Kinda



You say Pink, i say poodle , you think singer

Lol, save for the people who post their pics on the forum i have no idea what people actually look like and so i end up having to imagine what they would look like based on the name. Here then , is what i imagine a few people look like...       Daredevil (when he was Hell_Returns)   KillYouNow     Basssska (yes i know what you look like baska in person ; this was before then lol )       Mraw435       Tonka    



It may be past the witching hour but then fat children are hard to kidnap

Well despite a twitchy eye and a feeling to sleep, I have indeed just read the Donation Thread (This thread here) and mmm i do like the sound of     Particulary, Ive always liked the idea of chaning the personal rank on forums such as PB and IP. Makes you stand out no? As for the PM i always felt it was an issue in bandwidth; i know many many a forum limited to 100 pms mx and ive always felt a shame to have to delte the old threads Me? Im a classic hoarder. Cant throw anything away, but t



Zombies - If 2012 dosen't kill us gentic science may

I dunno how many people read Cracked.com certianly I only got into it after I saw an ex-mate read the 'Craptions' school. I suppose i wasen't fully intrested till i read this article (NSFW) . A recent article on '5 Popular Zombie Tactics' (Click Here) got my attention recently and got me thinking back to an old blog i had made on what to do when your town has been 'zombified' .   Chuck a rock at a zombie (never more than one) from a hiding distance – and watch its reaction. If it stumbles



From Baska1 to Baska18

Oh i know Medic is going to post all thoose vsays, but i still feel like doing it ^^ As always /vsay Baska(number) (correct as of 16/09/9)   Baska1 Ooho bich bich bich! (Abe Simpson)   Baska2 Heheheaha (And call me b***!)   Baska3 Don't fock with me fellas   Baska4 ...and ill execute every last one of you ... (Honypumpkin; Pulp Fiction)   Baska5 Its on your face im going sit!   Baska6 Me so horny! Me love you long time!   Baska7 You got me hotter...!   Baska8 No matter where you



List of NQ FA Vsays - from Vsay FA1 to FA40

Okay list of vsays for NQ. As of 15/09/09 they are correct   to work these do /vsay fa then number - e.g /vsay fa1. You can bind them like /vsay fa1 you hear me [d] ? FA1 Your going to be a dead motherf**ker   FA2 Hahah hehe haha!   FA3 What the hell is going on here ?   FA4 Nice shooting son, whats your name?   FA5 WOW Man   FA6 Give me 25   FA7 Oh im sorry did i break your concentration   FA8 Heart attack! (Wilhelm scream - didnt somone make it so medics screamed this wh



Before i grow old here lies a note on Vstr and some more

Google is a wonderful and strange intervention. From Lycoos to Yahoo to Google , somehow it came from nowhere and blitzgried Excite to bits. If you know the magic words you can easily find what you want in seconds .   One thing i have found difficult with WET is the lack of gramatical leniancy. When you bind something - usually by way of /bind [key] say [insert message] one often finds that ,like older mobile phones, the first letter is punctulised but the rest isin't. This often means that w



Hell vs SL?

Looking at my SL page (Click here) i do rember, playing on a FAG server once, someone protesting about the amount of SL raters there were. SL raters, as most are aware , are people who only really play just to increase their SL rating. One easy way to do this is thorugh the art of XP Whoring. (XP Whores - people who do nothing but stand in spawn handing out ammo/med packs to get XP. Potentially useless and genral door blockers). Now XP whoring is frowned on some servers,whether in name or in pas



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