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Logitech G9x

So as you can see, I purchased the CoD:MW3 branded version of the G9x because it's half the price of the standard one - wouldn't you?   Purchased for £30 from Ebuyer - can be bought cheaper in the US.   What's in the box? 1x Logitech G9x CoD:MW3 branded gaming mouse 1x Spare 'rugged' feel CoD:MW3 branded mouse cover 1x Metal Logitech weights tin, holding varying weights for the mouse. 1x Soft textile Logitech CoD:MW3 branded mousepad (no mousepad included with the standard G9x)   The



Thunderbolt Tank L7-805 (Mouse)

I bought this mouse for a total of £6.98 when my last grey mouse ball wore out and it definitely is the business.   http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ab8b5ac1d   I think that the seller has set the price to 99p and then offset it with shipping costs of £6.99 as a marketing strategy - this is because I notice he doesn't deliver to hong kong where the item is located, so I assume the reason for this is that he would not profit from it ( though it might just be how they ship it)   I haven't teste



Seagate Goflex 3TB External Hard drive

Seagate Goflex,   It does exactly what it says on the tin - a 3 tb (2.72 after formatting) usb3.0 harddrive. (and has survived a 1 metre drop by my idiot friend)   I am not sure if it supports USB 2.0, I think it does because it also requires to be plugged into a power outlet - but i'm not sure whether it's just as fast as usb 2.0 should be.   I bought the 3TB model ( STCA3000101 ) earlier in this year when I was helping my friend store some camera raws when his harddrive broke. If I put



Its Army Time.

Soooo I'll join the army on sunday . Anyway i want to explain a little bit about this path.   In israel (my lovely country) there is a mandatory Service.basicly it means that any citizen (male and\or female) will Be recruited to the army from the moment he or she becomes 18. (it's not really according to the age, but usually its after you become 18 and when you finish high school... during this 18-19 period but only after you finish high school).   the duration of the service( under normal



Mouse Pads

I'll add more reviews when I get more time, but I thought this would be a useful resource for people who are in the market for a new mouse pad. First and foremost I am a gear freak. I've gone through a lot of mice as well as mouse pads because I like to try out different surfaces and textures. This goes for mice as well. In this blog I will give a short synopsis on the previous mouse pads I've used to give you an opinion of what I thought of them as well as the positives and negatives. I'll try



Thoughts of life

Atmosphere- ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPWuBWzIrRE&feature=relmfu   First time i try this kind of thing..might be nice writting some of my thoughts.. idk. I have no idea why but while listening to this song i got really sad and just one sentence echoed in my mind: "Im the master of this fortress of solitude".   Basicly, right now im in some sort of a "white space", Already after "b.a." graduation but yet before the begining of my career. Don't get me wrong, i'm really happy with t



INTERVIEW with Krauersaut

It’s time to turn the tables!!!!! Yes….. the interviewer has become the interviewEE. He has taken time out of his busy schedule to interrogate several of us. Now it is his turn. Our very own Leader Krauersaut has graciously granted me a few minutes (actually less than a minute) to give YOU….. his loyal subjects…… a piece of him.               So are you ready for your interview?   I’m not going to do an interview. If you want one you are going to have to make it up all by yourself.



Cisco-Linksys E4200 Wireless Router Review

Cisco-Linksys E4200 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router: 114 - 179 USD (Amazon Link) 117 Euros (Media Markt Link)       ------------------------------------------------------------------   - I bought this one after the Cisco-Linksys WRT160N router broke. Specifically in mind that I wanted to be able to game and stream a movie or show at the same time. I live in the Netherlands, so I have a VPN to the USA with a Netflix account.   - So far (after a



Bose QuietComfort 15

Sound: + :The sound is simply incredible! I owned Shure SRH 750, Monster Beats Studio , Sony headsets , anything from 100$ to 400$ but was never really satisfied about the sound. This is the first headset I owned that has the perfect ballance between lows , mids and highs. With these headsets , I hear alot of things I couldn't hear with other headsets because I hear every single detail perfectly. Even with super fast bass drum fills , I still hear that little snare hit behind. I play alot of g



Logitech G13 Gamepad

Logitech G13 Gamepad Cost (USD): 80 (Amazon has them for 60-70) Cost (Euros): around 80 Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard       This is a great extension to the gaming experience. Lots of button that are close to each other and each are easily programmable. The joystick, although it looks unhandy, is actually pretty great and use full. In games like World of Warcraft, it is possible to use the joystick to move your character around. This is great during boss fights being able to move and



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